Love Unbreakable

Chapter 848

Chapter 848

Chapter 848

Despite the tinted car windows, one could still see a shadow through the glass.

Being pressed against the car window by Mitchel, Raegan couldn't help feeling ashamed and angry at the same time. She tried to kick Mitchel away, but he held her tightly and pressed her under him.

As Raegan struggled and Mitchel held her in check, the car shook violently.

Mitchel’s eyes narrowed. He said in a low voice, “If you keep struggling like this, the car will shake more violently, attracting more attention from those people outside the car.”

Atrace of panic surged in Raegan when she heard this. She finally stopped struggling. She instinctively wanted to look outside to check if there were any passers-by in the parking lot, but Mitchel grabbed her waist abruptly.

She struggled so hard just now that her blouse was inadvertently lifted, revealing a small part of her slender waist. So when Mitchel grabbed her, his cold fingers touched her soft skin.

Instantly, he seemed immersed in a hot spring. The warmth of her skin excited his every nerve.

He leaned closer to her ear and whispered in a deep and sexy voice, “What will other people think when they see the car wobbling like this?”

Raegan’s face instantly flushed. It was only now that she realized what she did.

Indeed, the car shook violently just now in the parking lot, and other people must have noticed it, probably assuming they were making out in the car.

Raegan was so angry that she trembled all over. “You... Are you out of your mind?” Mitchel must be grateful that she was not good at cursing people.

She could only stare at him furiously with her watery eyes. Her rosy lips slightly parted. Because of the intense atmosphere just now, she couldn't help gasping softly.

Little did she know that her angry face looked so tempting in Mitchel’s eyes.

Mitchel’s eyes darkened. He reached out and slowly kneaded her full lips. Then, he said in a cold voice full of warning, “Be good. Break up with Henley immediately. Otherwise, | will do something in front of him next time.”

He was serious. Every time he thought about Henley’s being Raegan’s boyfriend, he could not restrain the anger in his heart.

Even he didn’t know what he would do if he saw Raegan with Henley again.

At this moment, Mitchel was

unusually patient. Fe wyiseeedi ear won't Silo you to be with

other men.” The content is on

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Mitchell’s hands felt gritty due to regular workouts. When he prsssed his fing s.gnRaeyan ips, Raegan cbuldn't help trembling as if she was electrocuted. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Raegan’s face instantly flushed. Her toes couldn’t help curling up.

She felt so embarrassed that she lowered her gaze, pis tenaeét his e $ She said, {yarms are sore. Pléase let go of me first.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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