Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

128 Trapped again

Christian private home. Interlaken. 14.00 PM

Christian who has not touched his food chooses to be the audience where the main star is definitely Elena, Elena who is enjoying her lunch and breakfast who is too late chooses to continue eating by not wanting to look at Christian who is smiling at her. Actually Elena and Christian were up at nine in the morning. But Christian, still not satisfied with what they’ve done since last night, forces Elena to stay in bed until it’s time for their lunch.

“Eat mine too, babe,” Christian says softly, thrusting his plate of food at Elena.

“No, thanks,” said Elena curtly.

Christian smiles a little. “Still mad at me?”

Elena, who was trying her best not to get angry, suddenly turned to Christian. “Of course I’m mad, you’re annoying, selfish and...”

“And I love you so much, Elena.”

“You suck!” Elena, who was waiting for an apology from Christian, ran out of patience, her eyes filled with tears.

Christian flinched when he saw Elena almost crying, Christian quickly got up from his seat and immediately knelt in front of Elena.


“ can’t cry, honey. I can’t see you crying,” Christian pleads. “If I’m wrong I apologize. If my apology isn’t enough, you can hit or slap me. You can do anything to me, as long as you’re satisfied and don’t cry, I’m willing.”

“You liar, I’m mad at you!”


Elena nodded. “Yes, last night you said you were going home today. But until now we are still in this house, I don’t want to make my parents wait too long.”

“You don’t have to worry about your parents’ problems, I’ve asked my men to come and let them know that we are going home a little later than our original schedule,” Christian said softly. “And after eating you can activate your cell phone again, if you want you can call your mom and dad too.”

“Can I activate my cell phone?” Elena repeats what Christian said in disbelief, when they got home last night, Christian immediately asked for her cellphone and immediately turned it off, just like he did on his own cell phone. Christian who really wants to enjoy time with Elena, doesn’t want to be disturbed by anyone.

“Yeah, but you have to finish your food first. After that, we shower and activate the cellphone together, how about that? Do you want it?”

“You want to but you can’t do that again,” Elena replies softly with flushed cheeks, her groin still aching after Christian’s asking again and again since last night. Her whole body now felt crushed like boneless.

Christian bursts out laughing, it’s really too much to deal with Elena right now. Being close to Elena like this alone has made his passion rise, the pheromones released by Elena’s body are like magic spells that instantly wake Christian up. And what Christian is experiencing right now is the first, with his ex-girlfriend Christian never wanting to make love more than once every time they date. Even in one period Christian was in a relationship with his ex-lover, their lovemaking could be counted on the fingers. But with Elena not, Christian feels his energy never runs out. Maybe it’s because Elena is the only girl he’s had such a hard time getting before, so when he does get one, Christian is like an ass. He wanted to take all the time that Elena had wasted all this time.


Christian nods. “Yes honey I promise, I also don’t want to make people suspicious of you if you have trouble walking later.”


Christian laughs loudly again, talking to Elena and teasing her like this really makes Christian feel all his burdens go away. With a smile still on his lips, Christian slowly gets up from the floor and leads Elena into the bathroom.

“You don’t want to eat first?” Elena asked, confused.

Christian smiles. “I’m not hungry yet, after all since morning I’ve eaten you many times. So it shouldn’t be a problem if I delay eating a little longer.”

“Are you sure your stomach is okay?”

Instead of answering Elena’s question, Christian unexpectedly lowered his body and grabbed Elena in his arms.


“I haven’t eaten in three days, so it’s nothing, honey,” Christian whispers. “You don’t have to worry, your future husband is a mighty man.”

Elena keeps her head away from Christian’s chest. “No food for three days, why?”

“Because of Luis’s death,” Christian answers honestly.

Elena immediately covered her lips, hearing Christian mention Luis’ name made her immediately think of the only tombstone at the Clarke family cemetery that didn’t use Clarke’s last name.

“His sudden death made me so angry at everything, at God, at the doctor and at fate. That I decided to lock myself in mourning for almost a week,” added Christian again.


Christian shakes his head. “You don’t need to apologize, it’s all over. Now I’ve risen and have you, so I don’t feel lonely anymore. Promise you never run away from me, Elena. Because believe me, I will continue to chase you wherever you run and once I get you again I will immediately tie you in the room. I will make you never be able to leave the room again forever.”

“That’s terrible,” Elena said hoarsely,

“That’s why don’t try to leave me.” historical

Elena nodded slowly.

“We take a shower, after that we will talk about our future plans. There are so many beautiful things I want to do with you, Elena.” Christian spoke again as he started to walk towards the bathroom which had been a silent witness for several times how hot Christian and Elena’s romance was in it.


Christian kept his promise, after taking a shower the two of them did nothing but lie down reading messages on each other’s cell phones. As Christian said earlier, Elena felt calm when she read the message her mother sent her this morning.

“Thank you,” said Elena quietly breaking the silence in the room, since activating his cell phone ten minutes ago Christian has been silent, his focus is completely on the white cell phone in his hand.


Elena turns her face towards Christian. “Thank you for making my parents calm,” said Elena again while showing the message her mother sent to Christian.

A smile immediately spreads across Christian’s face. “Oh about that, it’s no big deal, Elena. You don’t need to thank me, after all it’s my duty to make sure my father and mother-in-law are calm.”

Elena’s cheeks immediately turn red, hearing Christian refer to her parents as in-laws makes Elena’s heart beat so fast. Elena seemed to want to be in bed with Christian longer now. There is no more fear and worry that wakes him now. Christian has kept his promise to take care of his parents’ feelings.

“We’ll be back in Geneva in an hour,” Christian says quietly.

The beautiful gleam in Elena’s eyes instantly vanished. “Back to Geneva?”

Christian nods slowly. “Yeah, my sister is sulking at the moment.”


“Yeah, she was mad when she found out we were gone,” Christian replies apologetically. “The child is still immature apparently, her spoiled nature is still so hard to lose.”

Instead of being angry, Elena smiled. “That’s a sign you should come home more often to visit your sister, Christ.”


“Eh?” Elena tilted her head in disbelief.

“From now on call me ‘Honey’, we will get married soon, Elena. So get used to calling me by that nickname.” Christian explained the meaning of the previous words.

Elena looked down. “I’m ashamed, I can’t possibly...”

“My parents agreed to my plan to marry you, so who should you be ashamed of? You’re Clarke’s future mistress, Elena. You have to get used to it.” Christian cuts Elena off seriously. “I really can’t wait to go home and discuss our wedding plans with your mom and dad.”

Elena, who was using Christian’s thighs as a pillow slowly got up, after that she fell into Christian’s arms. This is the first time Elena has taken the initiative by hugging Christian. “Thank you, thank you for making me so happy, Christ.”

The smell of the perfume that Elena was using immediately entered Christian’s nose, instantly the passion that Christian had been trying to suppress since earlier flared up again and in the end all the plans that Christian made to return to Geneva failed because Christian again busied himself with Elena who had surrendered to him.

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