Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 72 - I Hate You So Much !

Chapter 72 - I Hate You So Much !

The night was dark and silent. Except the sound of light raindrops coming down from the sky, there wasn't anymore noises heard in the empty path. The haze of circle surrounded Aaron completely isolated his existence from the whole world around.

The balls of black shadows were dancing inside the circle letting out whispering soundtracks and an aura of danger constantly. Aaron's gaze started getting heavy as he called out again like a drunken person,

" Mom.. Come.. Come to me.. Don't leave me again.."

Instead he heard a whispering sound in his ears as one of the black shadow passed through his left shoulder swiftly, 

" Give me your blood, son. I can be alive again. Give me your blood.." 

Aaron nodded his head like a puppet following the order of his owner and spoke struggling with his heavy eyelids, 

" Take it mom.. Take it.. As long as.. you come back.." 

As soon as his words left his tongue, the balls started moving and stopped swinging in the air. The opposite side of the haze quickly made an entrance and Aaron suddenly spotted a woman standing far away from her. 

She had worn a black leather long coat along with a hoodie that completely hid her face behind it. Even her hands were hidden inside the pockets but her dark silhouette was constantly emitting a dangerous aura in the air.

Under the covering of the hoodie, the woman woman spoke loudly in a calm and dangerous tone, 

" Its been a long time since we last met. You have finally caught in my trap."

Aaron couldn't understand any of her words as he kept staring at the figure ahead blankly. 

On the flip side, more than fifteen minutes had passed but Esme didn't hear any response from Aaron since he left the carriage. Unknowingly, a fear had started arousing through her mind as she continued peeping outside. 

Soon after, she lost her patience and intended to get down but the driver warned hearing the door lock cracking, 

" My Lady, don't go down. Lord had forbade you to follow him." 

Esme frowned and responded stubbornly, 

" You stay here. I'm feeling uneasy. I want to take a look." 

The driver was defeated by her determination thus he could only see her climbing down quickly. After reaching downstairs, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the magical barrier around the carriage. 

He made sure her safety but where is he? 

Esme stepped ahead wandering around anxiously but she saw no sign of Aaron.Her worries increased more when she spotted the haze far away from their carriage. 

Without having caring for her safety anymore, she rushed towards the haze crossing out the safety barrier and constantly called out his name, 

" Aaron.. Aaron.. where.. where did you go?"

Her pace paused in front of the foggy area as she furrowed her eyebrows in suspension. 

This.. this kind of spell could only be created by any hybrid creature.. 

Even though her powers were sealed but she still remembered her lessons vividly. Her heart trembled at the thought of Aaron and she entered into the haze without thinking twice. 

Instantly she spotted Aaron sitting on the ground but there was another lady kneeling in front of him holding his right hand. 

Even in the darkness, the silver dagger was glittering like a piece of jade which snatched her attention instantly. 

Esme shouted madly before rushing towards them, 

" Hey, what are you doing to him?" 

She charged forward and pushed away the lady from Aaron quickly. After getting pushed by her, the woman in hoodie was off-guard and staggered backward abruptly. josei

Esme quickly hold his body and saw something wrong with his expression. She tried to talk patting his cheeks, 

" Aaron.. Aaron.. talk to me.. what are you doing here? Who is she? 

What did she do to you?" 

Aaron didn't answer anything and only kept staring at her face blankly as if he couldn't sense anything around him. Esme didn't want to spend anymore time inside this circle and pulled up his body quickly. 

But the woman opposite of them didn't stop. Her anger erupted because of this sudden interference caused by Esme. She let out a loud groan like a beasty animal more like a werewolf and gazed at them viciously through her hoodie. 

Esme diverted her attention on the woman in front of them curiously. Before she could understand anything, the woman casted a dark magic specifically towards Aaron. 

Esme cried out and without thinking twice, she shielded Aaron quickly. The spell dived into her stomach but unexpectedly she felt no pain except a weird sensation. 

Esme glanced back at her tummy blankly where the magical boom entered and found nothing unusual. She looked up to see the woman who quickly stepped backwards as if she had seen anything terrific.

Esme asked out curiously still blocking Aaron's figure, 

" Who are you? Why are you trying to hurt my husband? What did he do wrong to you?" 

The woman didn't answer any of her questions. She only scanned Esme from head to toe several times before started stepping backwards fearfully. 

Esme still asked anxiously seeing her running away, 

" Give me the answer. Why were you hurting him? I know you are a hybrid. Don't go before giving me any answer." 

The woman didn't stop at all and ignored her questions. Slowly she vanished into the dense of the forest. Esme blankly saw the haze of circle vanishing too along with her departure as if she never appeared here. 

She averted his attention to Aaron who only coughed twice till now leaning against her body. 

Esme tried to speak to him rubbing his palm gently, 

" Aaron.. are.. are you alright?" 

Aaron looked up regaining his usual composure and nodded his head before asking back, 

" I warned you not to follow me. Why did you come down?" 

Esme sighed helplessly before touching his forehead gently, 

" Shut up. First tell me, are you alright? Who was that woman? What was she doing to you?" 

Aaron saw her worried written face amusingly as if being attacked all of sudden was worth it. He replied with a chuckle, 

" Not my previous lover for sure." 

Esme gave him a death glare as he shut up his filthy mouth fast. Then he responded truthfully, 

" I really have no idea that who was she. I didn't see her face nor did recognise her voice. As soon as I crossed the haze area, I started acting like a puppet. I could see everything but my brain wasn't working on my command." 

Aaron gazed into the forest gazing deeply, 

" She seemed to demand my blood."

Esme was a little taken back and asked again, 

" What? Is your blood precious? "

Aaron shifted his eyes on her and replied with deeper meaning, 

" No. Poisonous. "

Esme gasped loudly, 

" What!!!!!" 

Aaron laughed and dragged her towards their carriage, 

" Kidding! Let's go. We should get out of here."



Athena made Siemus from stepping ahead. She hesitated for a moment before glancing at Ethan pitifully. On the flip side, Ethan was lying down in her arms as his long legs were hanging down from the back of Siemus's birdie figure. Lucky he hid back his wings inside his backbone subconsciously that made her to carry out his weight easily. 

Siemus turned her eagle eyes on Athena who seemed afraid to take Ethan in her castle. But right now, they could only treat his wounds well in the castle. Moreover if the maids somehow found her departure, they would definitely inform queen mother which would make the situation worst. 

Siemus only transformed half of her figure into a human form and spoke to Athena, 

" My Lady, I'm the barrier of Prince Ethan. So you won't be punished at all. We will send him back soon as soon as he regain his consciousness. As a raibon vampire, I have the power of carrying anyone inside our world."

Athena nodded blankly before glancing at Ethan one more time and ordered Siemue to go ahead then. Shortly after, the giant Eagle reached at the area of old castle and casted the blind spell over the guards and maids living in the castle. 

With the help of Siemus, Athena quickly dragged Ethan inside her living room and closed the door from inside gently. 

Both of them helped Ethan to lie down on the bed and Athena asked Siemus worriedly, 

" I can use my healing power on him. Will it work completely?" 

Siemus shook her head denying and explained the critical issues, 

" He was hurt in his wings, lady. He could only be healed half by your healing powers. But for recovering completely, he needs another herb to recover fast. "

Athena already guessed it after scanning his severe injuries. Thus she commanded Siemus urgently, 

" Then you go and find those herbs for him. Meanwhile I will use my healing powers on him. "

Siemus accepted her order and flew away through the window after changing her form into a little birdie. Athena sat down on the edge of the bed and gently placed her palm on his chest. 

Her eyes flashed with pain and hurt for him as she started ravishing her powers into his numb figure. Very soon, she noticed a positive change in his body and started decreasing her powers. 

But the next moment, something unusual happened that she never expected! 

Ethan opened his eyes with a flash and saw Athena's puzzled state. His eyes fired up in rage and the following moment, he got up from the bed with the least energy that was left inside his body. 

He grabbed her tongue fiercely before dragging her harshly towards the wall and pressed her back against the hardness of it. 

Athena choked on his strength but still kept staring at him with a flash of guilt across her eyes. 

Ethan's ferocious gaze fell on her face as he spitted out angrily, 

" You.. you traitor.. why did you save me? 


He leaned in close to her face and continued letting out some low groans, 

" You know, I hate you so much Athena. I hate you.. I regret to know you." 

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