Loving Madeline

Chapter 310 Beyond Redemption

Chapter 310 Beyond Redemption

Jack's POV

"I don't think your sister will allow me to get inside your house, Hunter; she knew I am your wife's friend," I said during our last conversation.

"I don't think she will do that, Jack. I love my sister, and I don't want her to continue living her life filled with anger and hatred, but she needs to learn it the hard way; I froze all her cards." He replied, and I was surprised.

"No way," I mumbled.

"Yes, I did, after what happened to my wife, I was so angry with my sister that time, Jack, but in the end, I realized she is still my sister; she is still part of our family. I love my mother, and I knew she was waiting for my sister to come home one day." He responded.

"I don't want her to suffer, but I have to do this to make her a better person; I wished to understand Charlotte and be closer to her, but she didn't give me a chance since she was always jealous of me, for being the eldest child, and my position in the company made her loathe me more," Hunter added.

"I am sure by this time, my sister had run out of money. According to my source, no one left in our manor except Charlotte; all the household staff was gone since she couldn't pay them anymore." He continued.

"Do you know what is funny? She pawned her jewelry pieces only to buy what she wanted, like dress, shoes, and bags, without realizing she was running out of food supply." Hunter stated, and I could see the frustration on his face.

"So, I don't think Charlotte will drive you away, Jack. You will be her knight in shining armor, but I hope you will teach her how to do the household chores to make her realize it wasn't easy to live in poverty." Mr. Divenson said.

"My sister used to look down on our maids and household staff, she treated them like they were filthy and they don't deserve some respect." He continued.

I wanted to tell Hunter that his sister was hopeless, but I didn't want to add to his burden; I could tell how much he tried to save Charlotte, and it made me realize Madeline is so lucky to have him as her husband; he even cared about his wicked sister even if she was beyond redemption.

"I wanted Charlotte to come to her senses that she should treat everyone equally, whether that person came from the wealthy family or the lower class in our society," Hunter added. I realized what he wanted me to do was impossible.

"Okay, I will do what I can, Mr. Divenson, but you should not forget Charlotte is very difficult to handle, and I don't think I can tame her, Hunter," I responded.

"Of course, Jack, but I trust you, and I know you can help my sister." He said with a smile, and I could tell Hunter was hopeful that his sister would change.

"Is it true, son?" My mom asked, and I snapped back to the present.

I slowly nodded my head. She had just arrived from Magnolia Village, and I couldn't believe my sister would tell her I was leaving. I warned Lianne not to inform our mom since I knew she would make a big deal out of it. I planned to call her when I arrived in Barcelonia.

"Yes, mom, but you don't need to worry. One year is only a short time; I will be back here before you know it," I responded with a wide grin, but I knew my mom was not happy about my decision since she was glaring at me.

"I heard about your breakup with Gina, and I didn't expect you would do something like this; I didn't even know you were that in love with her." She responded as she sat at the edge of my bed. I was in the middle of packing my things when she came.

Even if Hunter told me he prepared my wardrobe, I still chose to bring my own clothes that I am comfortable with, and I didn't know what kind of clothing he prepared for me; I better make sure I have something to wear when I reach Barcelonia.

"Mom, I am not doing this for anyone. I wanted to expand my business," I responded.

"Jack, you don't need to do that, you have opened a few branches here in Archois and the neighboring towns, and you have proven yourself. Son, whatever you do, you can never compete with Hunter Divenson." My mom declared, and my face fell.

"Madeline is now happy with her husband and newfound family, and I guess you have to be happy for her. You must stop your craziness, Jack; you will only end up single and miserable." My mom added, and I sighed.

"Yeah, that is what I am doing, mom; you don't realize how much I wanted to forget about her. I am trying my best; I took this job to forget Madeline." I answered honestly, and I felt a little guilty that I couldn't tell her I would be working for my rival, Hunter.

I don't want to deal with Charlotte. I wished to leave Archois to get over my first love and forget everything about her, but I am only fooling myself since I am doing all this for Madeline.

"Besides, this kind of opportunity knocks only once in a lifetime," I added, and my mom smiled.

"I am sorry, son if I sounded rude; I just want you to be happy, Jack; you deserve it," my mother responded.

"There is nothing to apologize for, mom; I know you are only concerned about me but don't worry, I am still young; a time will come that I will introduce my future fiancee to you," I said, and my mom came closer to me and cupped my face.

"I know, sweetheart, you are not only young but handsome," she said, and I laughed and shook my head.

"Come on, mom cut the handsome part," I responded.

"Take care, son," she said with gentleness.

"I will, mom," I replied.

"Hello, Jack," Calixto was the one who met me at the lobby of the Divenson building.

"Hi, Cal, good morning!" he responded.

"Please, follow me," he said and motioned me to follow him, and I walked behind him towards the elevator dragging my suitcase.

"I couldn't believe you would agree with Mr. Divenson's terms, Jack." Calixto declared as we got inside the elevator and pressed the button on the last floor since we would be going to the rooftop of the Divenson building.

"It was an offer I couldn't refuse; besides, I wished to protect Madeline," I responded, and then he smiled at me.

"Thank you for doing this, son; you know I always wanted to do the same, Maddie is like a daughter to me, and I always wanted her to be safe. Frank was my friend, and when I learned about her daughter and what she had been through, I wished to help Madeline in any way I could." Cal replied.

"I don't know if this plan would work, but I was hoping for the best." He added.

"Me too, Cal; I need to do this for Maddie and myself as well," I responded.

"Good luck, Jack," Calixto said, and the roaring sound of the blade made us shout so we could understand each other.

"Thank you, Calixto; see you when I get back; I will cook you a nice meal," I replied.

"I am looking forward to that, Jack," he responded as he smiled at me.josei

"Me too," I stated and extended my hand for him, and he gripped my palm tightly, and I said my farewell to him, turned around, and walked towards the chopper.

I was gripping my seat as the helicopter took off, and I closed my eyes as I thought of meeting Charlotte. I don't know if I would last one day being with her, and just thinking of being alone with her for the whole duration of one year made me want to ask the pilot to turn around and go back to the Divenson building.

But Maddie's safety would depend on me. I didn't want anything to happen to her, and I wanted to help Hunter. I don't know, it felt like I was challenged after I realized what a good brother he is, and he trusted me so much that I didn't want to fail him.

I got off the helicopter and realized a driver was waiting for me. I wasn't informed I would stay in an expensive hotel for the night.

"I thought I would directly go to the Divenson manor?" I asked the driver.

"No, Jack, Charlotte would be doubtful if she will

learn you came with a chopper. Mr. Divenson arranged a ride for you tomorrow to take you to their manor, and you should bring this paper with you." He said as he handed me a newspaper.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Just turned to the advertising pages. I highlighted the part you will show Ms. Divenson." He answered, and I could tell he was one of the men of Hunter who worked for him here in Barcelonia.

"You can't just show up and tell Charlotte you wanted to stay in that house," The driver added, and I leaned on my seat as I started scanning the pages, and I quickly found the highlighted part; it was an ad with a caption room for rent with the address of the manor.

"You know what to do, and I don't need to brief you on how to convince Hunter's sister; I guess by your looks, you don't need to talk a lot." He said, and I wanted to tell him he was wrong. I don't know how to convince Charlotte, but I am now in Barcelonia. I have to do it whether I like it or not.

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