Loving Madeline

Chapter 32 - Hunter’s Jealousy

Chapter 32 - Hunter’s Jealousy

Madeline's POV

The way Hunter kissed me was telling me he misses me so much, and I can't stop myself from feeling so excited and happy that he came for me. I can still feel my limbs are trembling after I sat down on the dining chair. He excused himself and talked with Lydia, and I can't stop myself from touching my lips because I can still feel his lingering kiss. It feels so lovely, and I felt so embarrassed that I kissed him in front of my fellow employees without care.

I don't know what they're talking about, but I have a hunch that they are talking about me because Lydia steals glances at me from time to time, and I got so conscious. When I turned my head to my right, I saw Lianne smiling broadly at me, and I can tell she is happy for me now, and I am so glad that she brought me to the parlor yesterday. I thought it was Cal who will pick me up, and I didn't expect Hunter will come all the way here to Magnolia Village to fetch me. I waved back to my friend, and she went back to the kitchen.

I can't stop my heart from thumping so hard, and I want to control my nervousness, and I can feel butterflies on my stomach as I saw Hunter getting closer to me. He looked at me without blinking his eyes, and I like how he looked wearing casual clothes. I know Hunter seems hot every time he is wearing his business suit. Still, I like it more if my future husband is wearing this type of clothing because it made me think we look good together, and my stupid heart is telling me I am fit to be his wife.

"Are you hungry, Maddie?" He asked in a calm tone.

"No, I am not starving, Hunter." I replied.

"Wow! I miss your voice calling my name, and I forgot how it made me feel so hot every time you mention my name." He replied, and I blushed.

"Madeline, why you felt embarrassed in front of me? You are going to be my wife soon, and I want you to feel comfortable with me." He said, and I swallowed my saliva because I felt like I would melt any time soon because of his intense stare. Why does he look so hot?

"Maybe because we don't spend more time together." I replied timidly.

"Don't worry because I will try my best to spend more time with you." He declared, and I am shocked by his answer.

"I know you are so busy with your work, and you don't need to do that." I said.

"We are getting married soon, and it is my duty as your husband to fulfill some of your needs, Madeline." He said in a husky voice, and I can feel goosebumps all over my body because my fiance is looking at me like he wants to devour my lips once again, and I hate myself for thinking what other things can Hunter do to me. I never experience being with a man before, and if ever I become his wife, he will become my first of everything, and I am so excited to give him my whole self, including my virginity.

I can feel my entire face blushed, and I wonder why I am thinking about things like that. Why I suddenly feel so hot inside my body, and there is a new sensation that I feel creeping my entire torso, and I felt so ashamed that I realized I wanted Hunter Divenson to touch my whole frame. And we are staring into each other's eyes until our food came, and I felt my body turned cold when I saw Jack is the one serving our food.

"Hello, Mr.Divenson, welcome to our diner." He greeted him, and I don't want to look at Jack's face because I can see the sadness on his face.

"Hello, Chef. Thank you for always serving my meal every time I came here, and I hope to come here very often." Hunter smiled at Jack broadly.

"Of course, Mr. Divenson, it is our pleasure to have you here." Jack replied with a smile on his face, and then he turned his attention to me.

"Enjoy your food, Madeline, and I hope you will visit some other time." Jack said, and I can tell he is staring at me more than necessary that I heard Hunter cleared his throat.

"Don't worry, Chef, for I will bring her again here soon after our wedding day." Hunter declared, and I can tell it makes Jack stiffened, but he could hide his disappointment quickly, and he looked at Hunter again.

"That would be lovely, Mr. Divenson, and please enjoy your meal." He said and turned his heels away from us.

"Is Lydia's son hitting on you, Madeline?" Hunter said, and I can hear the coldness on his voice, and I can see his face darkened. I want to laugh because I couldn't believe he became jealous of Jack, but I tried to hide my amusement because I don't want him to know I find it so funny.

"What you mean?" I asked, and I pretended to act innocent and unaware of Jack's stares.

"It is obvious Madeline, the Chef likes you, by the way, he looked at you with tenderness on his face. I can tell he has feelings for you." He declared.

"So, what?" I asked, and I couldn't believe I said those two words.

"For heaven's sake, Maddie, you are getting married to me, and you were flirting with Lydia's son?" He asked in a stern voice, and I can see the anger on his face, and I suddenly became conscious if someone might hear him, and I felt so relieved that no one is around, and I guess they give us some privacy to talk.

"Why do you sound so angry? Are you jealous, Hunter?" I asked, and I don't know where I got the courage to talk to him like this, and I realized maybe it was when he hurt my feelings when he flirted with Kaye. My question took him off guard, and his face softened. josei

"No, I am not jealous, but I am angry because you are my fiancee." He said, and I know he was trying to hide his genuine emotions.

"You don't have any right to feel jealous in the first place because I never flirted with Jack. We are just friends, and I will be honest with you, he confessed his feelings for me, but I turn him down because you are the only person who occupies my heart and mind. It was you who flirted Kaye, and I hope this time you will realize how it feels." I growled.

"Madeline, please eat your meal now." He said, and I lose my appetite to eat because I remember the time he completely ignored me. After all, he was flirting with Kaye, and knowing they were just friends made me so jealous that I ran away from their mansion. I don't want to eat, but the aroma of the food in front of me is so tempting, and I know Jack's food is excellent. As I take my first bite of the menu, Jack served us I can't contain myself from closing my eyes as I taste its savory flavor. I forgot that I am upset with Hunter, I devour my food without watching his face, and by the time I raised my head, I found him looking at me with fascination in his eyes.

"What?" I asked him, and he smiled while he shook his head.

"You are different, Maddie. You fascinate me beyond what I can imagine." He said, and his statement made me curious.

"Why?" I asked again.

"I know I made you upset, and you were angry with me, but you still have the appetite to eat, and for that, you make me so happy." Hunter declared, and then he looked at my face sincerely.

"Look, Madeline, I am sorry if I got angry about Jack. I don't know what you call it, but I don't want any man to go near you and look at you like you belong to them because you are mine." He said, and I almost choke the food that I eat, and I don't know if I feel happy or scared about Hunter's declaration, but the way he looked at me now tells me he wants me. I couldn't believe he will apologize, and it was enough for me to smile at him, and he took my hands over the table, and he squeezed them, and as I can feel the warmth of his palms, I can't stop myself from feeling so thrilled, and I can't stop feeling hot all over my body.

"Damn, you don't realize how I ache for you, Madeline." He said in more than a whisper, and I can tell my entire face blushed.

"I think we should get out from her now and take you somewhere where I can kiss every part of you." He said, and I can feel goosebumps all over my entire frame, and I am a liar if I will say his words do not arouse me. I felt shy because I never experience this kind of feeling before, but right now, as I looked at Hunter, how I wished, I am alone with him. Gina told me making love is something special, and it is hard to express in words.. For the first time, I want to know how it feels to lose my virginity to the man I love, Hunter Divenson, my future husband, and I can't stop myself from feeling excited as he looked at me with lust and passion.

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