Loving Madeline

Chapter 40 - Whatever It Takes

Chapter 40 - Whatever It Takes

Madeline's POV

"Hunter! Maddie! I was waiting for you." Lily said after we met her at the bottom of the stairs.

"Thank you for waiting for us, Lily!" Hunter answered with a wide grin on his face while I smiled at her; and she holds my left hand, and we walk like one family. We are almost in the dining hall when Hunter's phone rings. We all stopped from walking, and he released my hand as he fished out his phone from his pocket.

"Madeline, please go ahead with Lily since I need to take this important call." He said, and he answered his phone as he walked back to the living room. Lily pulled me going to the dining room, and as we near the banquet hall, I can't stop myself from feeling so nervous. It had been a while that I haven't met the rest of his family. The moment we arrived, they all raised their heads and looked at us. I said my greetings, but as usual, they still treat me the same. They ignored me. As I sat down, his mother looked at me in the face and raised her eyebrow.

"Why did you come back, Madeline? I don't like you to become Hunter's wife since you have nothing to offer my son. You will only ruin his reputation." Hunter's mother said.

"Yeah! Don't you realize you are not welcome here?" Charlotte said before I can even answer Leticia, and I tried to keep the smile on my face, and I composed myself before I answer them.

"Mrs. Divenson, your son, picked me up and begged me to come back here, and I think if you have a problem with my presence here, then I think you should ask your son regarding that matter," I said. I try my best to act normal because deep inside, I felt like running away again. I almost forgot they are this kind of people since how many days I was with the kind-hearted family I have ever meet, and I suddenly meet the Morigans.

"Charlotte, I know you don't like me being here because you want your friend, Kaye, to become Hunter's wife, but I regret to tell you that your brother is still marrying me," I said, and I heard Parker chuckles.

"Wow! She became feisty!" Parker exclaimed.

"Enough, Maddie, where are your manners? Don't talk to my wife and my daughter that way ever again." Clark Divenson shouted at me, and I can feel my face turned so red. How can he defend his wife and daughter when they were the ones who insulted me first. So, instead of answering him, I lower my head on the table. I tried to keep strong, but Hunter's family is too much. But I will never cry in front of them.

"I am sorry, I am late. I answered some important calls." I hear Hunter's voice as he gets inside the dining hall, and suddenly the facial expressions of his entire family except Lily change like they were so happy to see me. I couldn't believe them, especially his mother.

"Son, can you tell me the details of your wedding?" His mother asked him sweetly in the middle of our dinner.

"Thank you for asking, mom, but I've got everything covered. Your gown will arrive within this week, and please, if there is some problem, you call Cal immediately so he can contact the couturier." Hunter said to them, and her mother looked at me with a beautiful smile on her face.

"How about you, Madeline? Is your bridal gown ready?" Mrs. Divenson asked me, and I know she was faking a smile, and I smiled back at her, and the truth is I don't have an answer for her question because on the day the couturier was scheduled to get my measurements was the day I left the Divenson mansion. josei

"Madeline's gown is also ready, mom, so you don't need to be stressed about anything." Hunter answered for me, and I felt his hand squeezed me tight under the table, and I suddenly feel the thrill of his touch. And I am so glad he answer her mother for me. We continue to eat in silence while Charlotte gives me hard stares every time she can get, especially if Hunter is not looking at her.

After dinner, we go to the family room to drink tea, and Hunter was talking with his father about mining and gold deposits. Charlotte was so busy scanning on her phone, and I am just glad Lily never left my side, and she was holding my hand the entire time. Hunter asked me to go ahead with Lily since he has something important to discuss with his dad.

"I am so happy that you are now back, Madeline, and I am sorry that I prayed and wish to meet you again, and look at you, you are back in our mansion." The little girl said as we climbed the stairs going to our rooms., but I want to take her to her room first, and said good night to her. I want to spend more time with Lily, but because of my swimming escapade at Magnolia Village, I can still feel the pains in my arms and leg muscles.

"And why are you asking, sorry? You have done nothing wrong, Lily. Besides, I want to be here with you and to be with Hunter." I replied honestly.

"You just returned and looked at what my mom and sister did to you." She declared.

"Don't worry, Lily, I can handle their insults, and besides, your mother has a point, there is nothing I can offer to your brother, Lily; it is the truth." I replied as I let out a sigh.

"You are wrong, Maddie; you have so much to offer for my brother." She said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Your love and your loyalty for him. That is what my brother needs. You don't need to be wealthy and successful, Madeline, because my brother is rich; he has everything if you will ask material things, and the only thing lacking is love." She said, and my mouth suddenly felt dry.

"I don't understand about it, but I heard it from my nanny, Cerila's mother, she was talking with someone from the kitchen staff. I was worried about it when I learned my brother lost his ability to love." She declared, and I wish to ask Lily about Rebecca, but I realized that I don't want to learn the truth because I am scared of what I will find out about her.

"And when I first saw you, I felt so happy that my brother finally found love; Hunter likes you, Madeline. I can feel it." She said, and I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"You always fascinates me, Lily." I said, and she opened her bedroom door.

"Do you want to come in, Maddie?" She asked.

"I'd love to, Lily, but I am having muscle pains because I enjoyed myself swimming with your big brother." I said, and she smiled widely at me.

"Really? Wow, maybe next time, I will ask Hunter to go swimming just the three of us." She said, and I beamed at her

"I love that, Lily. That would be fun." I said.

"I am excited, Maddie, but we will do it one at a time; because this weekend we will have fishing, and I can't wait for you to get married because once you will become my sister-in-law, we have so many things to do together, and I am sure Hunter can't say no to us." She said, and I can see the excitement on her face.

"Wow! I am excited about it, Lily." I replied.

"Good night, Maddie." She said and hugged my waist.

"Good night, Lily, " I replied, and I kissed her head, and I turn my head with a broad smile on my face; Hunter's sister always makes me feel better.

I wonder why my bedroom door is ajar, and I can't stop myself from thinking maybe Hunter is already inside my room, so I get inside immediately. My excitement is gone when I found Charlotte standing at the center of my room, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Madeline, I am asking you to leave Hunter, and I will find you a place where you can hide, and my brother will never find you." She said, and I raised my eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked, looking at her beautiful face.

"Because Kaye is better than you, besides they had history, I am warning you, Madeline, if you will not leave, I will make sure your wedding will not push through; I will do everything to ruin your relationship with Hunter." She growled.

"Why are you doing this, Charlotte? Why can't you just let your brother be happy." I said.

"Do you think you can make my brother happy?" She asked and laughed, and her reactions make me so confused.

"I am sorry, Maddie, but you are living in illusion; no one can make my brother happy except my friend, Hunter was hurt because Kaye left, and he is doing all this to get back at Kaye; besides, he only loves one woman in his entire life, and it will never happen to you. My brother will always be in love with Rebecca." She said.

"You will never understand him, and only Kaye can tame Hunter, so you better leave, Maddie. Kaye will marry Hunter for business purposes and pleasure only. But you, my dear, are looking for love. That is why I am helping you, Madeline. You still have enough time to think, but if I were you, you better follow my advice." She added, and I became so speechless.

"If you love my brother, and if you want to help him, you better leave without a trace, Madeline; besides, I will make it sure you will never become a Divenson." She said, and turned her heels away from me and get out of my door. Charlotte has been long gone, but I remain standing on my bedroom floor, and I became more curious about Rebecca, and Charlotte was right; Hunter is so in love with her that is why he had been calling her even on his dreams.. I don't know what Charlotte's hidden agenda is, but I will never leave her brother again; I love Hunter, and if his heart only belongs to Rebecca, and he is living from his past, I will do all I can to make him love me whatever it takes.

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