Loving Madeline

Chapter 44 - Hoping For The Best

Chapter 44 - Hoping For The Best


Madeline's POV

"Maddie, why didn't you tell me the Divension mansion is so big and beautiful? You are living like a Princess. Even your room is spacious, I couldn't believe I am finally here with you, and I felt so happy that I could finally sleep in a mansion too. You are so lucky, Madeline." Gina declared, and she sat beside me on the couch inside my room. She is wearing her favorite jumper with a white blouse. And I can't stop myself from smiling at what she had said. But my facial expression suddenly changes when I realized Hunter's family, especially Charlotte and Parker.

"Gina, you are right, this house is so big, but I would rather live in a small house and spend my days with poor but humane people compared to living in such a big house, but my companions are not compassionate. You should know I am not lucky, and if I am going to think about it, I realized it was as if destiny had deprived me of having a good life." I replied.

"Hey, don't say that Madeline, I know your life has been challenging, but you are still fortunate that you were able to meet someone like Hunter Divenson." She responded.

"I don't know, Gina, but I can't tell you yet if my life with Hunter after I married him would be better. I am so happy that I experienced my first love with him, but I know I am going to face another battle after we get married." I declared, and she stared at me for a long time before she finally speaks.

"How can you say that? Do I need to know about something?" Gina asked, and I can tell she looked so curious.

"I think Hunter can't love me in return, and I guess what we have is one-sided love, I know I should never fall for him because he only wants to marry me so he can have a child, and if not because of my father's dying wish I wouldn't be here right now." I said, and I can't stop myself from feeling so hurt."I don't think so, Madeline. Hunter likes you." She replied.

"Because he wants something from me, Gina, you have to understand I am his best choice because I am poor, an orphan, and most of all I need money to help my aunt, besides I know now if he marries someone from the Elite family, it will only complicate Hunter's life. I am the most eligible candidate, Gina, because he can discard me quickly." I replied.

"Maddie, I think you are only overthinking; if you only knew how much he begged me to come here and accompany you, you will realize how much he cares for you, and I think he is falling in love with you," Gina said, and I can't stop myself from laughing.

"And why are you laughing, Maddie? Are you okay?" She asked, and I know she looks so confused why I am laughing too much even though my heart is aching and how I wish what Gina said was true.

"Gina, don't be fooled by Hunter's sweet gesture because I know the reason why he can't love me because he has someone from his past that he can never get over with, and her name is Rebecca," I said, and her eyes widened.

"And how did you know about this Rebecca girl?" She asked.

"Hunter's sister, Charlotte, warned me that his brother only loves one woman in his entire life while his brother, Parker, told me the same thing, and the worst part I heard Hunter called her name in his sleep, and he was crying begging her not to leave him," I said, and I saw that Gina could not believe what she heard. She was stunned and unable to speak.

"So, you understand now what I mean, Gina?" I asked, and she shook her head."No, I still believe he is beginning to fall for you, Madeline, and let us assume he loved someone before, but right now that you are here in this mansion, I am sure he will turn his affection towards you." Gina declared.

"I know sometimes you are hardheaded," I said."Yeah, and I also know almost all the time you won't listen to me; believe me, Maddie, Hunter, will fall for you." She responded.

"I don't want to listen to your reasoning, Gina, because I don't rely on impossible things." I countered.

"But to tell you honestly, I hope what you said will happen in reality, but I don't want to hope, Gina, and get hurt in the end, but this time I realize I need to believe in miracle because I love Hunter, and I want him to realize that I also deserve to be loved, and I wish that the time will come when he will be able to love me too." I declared, and I can see her face lights up.

"That's the spirit, Madeline. At least Hunter Divenson changes some of your outlooks in life. I felt glad that you learn now how to hope and wish. Don't worry, Maddie, everything will be alright." She responded and takes my hand and squeezed them.

"Well, let us see what would be your reaction after you meet the rest of the members of his family," I said, and she raised her eyebrow.

"Well, I am here to protect you from them, Maddie." She said seriously, and I shook my head and smiled widely at her."I don't need protection, Gina, because I can take care of myself; my only problem right now is how to protect you from them." I said, and I let out a heavy sigh.

"Lily is likable and Hunter, and if you are not only my best friend, I won't believe you that the rest of his family is making you miserable." She said, and I nodded.

"Well, tell me what would be your opinion of them later during dinner. By the way, why are you here, Gina? How about your work?" I asked as I realized her new job at Lydia's restaurant.

"Aren't you happy that I am here? I told you already, your fiance asked me to be here with you, and please don't get angry, he asked me to work for him, and my only job is to accompany you so that you won't get bored here." Gina responded, and I felt so touched by Hunter's way of showing me his concern. I know he was terrified of his brother's evil plan, and I can't tell Gina about it because I don't want her to get angry with Parker.

"Of course, I am so happy, Gina, but I don't want to drag you into this mess." I said."Don't worry, Maddie, I am not afraid to face Hunter's family." She said and gave me a reassuring smile. By the time Lily gets back to my room, she brings some board games, and we spend the rest of the afternoon playing games and talking, and I couldn't be happier. I wish to get Lily to go to the Magnolia Village and have some fun with the Morigan family.

"Gina, please choose some dress from my closet." I said to my best friend, and she raised her eyebrow."We should wear formal clothing every time we join them in the dining hall or the family room, so you better move now before Cerila will come and get us."Why do I need to wear a dress?" She asked, and like me, she is not fond of wearing dresses because she also prefers jeans and shirts.

"I am sorry, Gina, but as per my mom, the female should wear appropriate clothes, so, you don't have a choice but wear a dress if you want to have dinner with us, but if you want, I can ask a maid to send food in your room," Lily said to Gina, and her eyes get so big.

"Wow, this feels like we are living in a palace, no wonder Hunter told me that I should wear the clothes I will find in my cabinet inside my room, and I think I should head back and change into a dress." She said, and I am no longer shock that Hunter bought dresses for Gina; maybe he already planned on asking Gina to come here and be with me, and he was only waiting for a perfect opportunity, and what happened this morning triggered his interest in asking my best friend to come here and live in the Divenson mansion for the meantime that our wedding is still past approaching.

It is time for dinner, and I am so excited to meet Hunter. And when Cerila fetched us into my room, I can't stop myself from feeling anxious because I don't know how I will face Parker after what he had done to me, and I am also thinking about Gina's presence in the mansion. I know Gina is fearless, but the rudeness of Hunter's siblings can lower her self-esteem.

We get out of my room and proceed to the dining hall. I can tell Lily likes Gina, too, and she looked so happy while she was holding my hand as we walk. And I can't stop the rapid beating of my heart as we get inside the dining room, and I can see Hunter's parents sitting on their usual spot and Charlotte, and I felt so relieved that I haven't seen Parker. I greeted them good evening and introduced Gina, but they didn't bother to say hi to my friend. But instead, Hunter's mother looked at me with too much hatred in her eyes.

"If you plan to flirt with my two sons, you must play it perfectly. How could you accuse Parker? You already fooled my eldest child, and now you include my second son. What kind of woman are you, Madeline Brownwood?" Leticia Divenson said, glaring at me, and her words made my mouth hangs open. How could she accuse me of something like that?

"I don't understand what you mean, Mrs. Divenson. I only love Hunter, and what happened this morning was Parker's fault, and I couldn't believe until now that he almost harm me. I didn't accuse him, and Hunter caught your son pointing a knife on my side." I replied, and her face darkened, and I can feel my entire body is trembling as I remember how her son almost takes advantage of me.

"You planned everything, Maddie." She snarled.

"Yeah, and we know you are lying, Madeline," Charlotte added."That is enough, mom, and Charlotte! I know what Parker did this morning since I have seen it with my two eyes, and stop treating Maddie that way, she is innocent, and you should be the one who should ask an apology on behalf of your son's malicious act." Hunter said, and I can feel his anger in his voice, and her mother's face softened, and Charlotte glared at me.

"And you should be thankful that Madeline didn't file a case against Parker because I am willing to support her, and she was thinking about you, mom. She doesn't want you to hate her even more, even though Madeline has done nothing to you. I never thought you are hurting Madeline every time I am not around. I can't believe you will do this to me, mom. I am so disappointed with you." Hunter added, and I felt shocked when he takes my hand.

"Come on, Maddie, let us have some dinner somewhere else, Gina, please come with us. You can also come with us, Lily, if you want." He declared while his mom stands up abruptly, and I can see Lily smiled while she stands up from her chair.

"Son, please don't do this." His mother said, and Hunter stopped on his tracts and looked at his mom."Mom, I only asked all of you as my family to accept Madeline as my future wife, and I hope your treatment towards her will change," Hunter said, and he turned away and dragged me with him in going out from the dining hall. I don't know what will happen now that he knows only Lily treated me warmly.. I like how he defended me to his family, and I am hoping for the best outcome of tonight's incident, and I wish they will finally accept me as Hunter's wife to be.

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