Loving Madeline

Chapter 76 - The Painful Truth

Chapter 76 - The Painful Truth

Madeline's POV

As expected, Hunter became busy the entire week after our honeymoon, and we hardly have time for each other because he always came home late, and I miss my husband, but I understand his nature of work. After we eat dinner with his family, he will proceed to his study, and I will serve him coffee, and I will fall asleep waiting for him. When I wake up, my husband is no longer there, and I can feel that something has changed. He became the old Hunter that I know, and he barely texts or calls me during the day, and I am just glad Lily makes me occupied during the day.

Ronan got my sports car from the Villa, and my husband told me I can now use it if I want to go to the city. And I felt so glad when the start of classes came, and it was when I became busy.

Then, one night he came home late, and I can smell the alcohol on his mouth the moment he started kissing me, and we had wild sex that night. I can't deny I love it, but I couldn't help myself but cry when he told the things that I have been dreading to hear since we got married, the reason why he married me, and I know I have to accept the painful truth.

"We are only married on paper since I don't have time for love, business success is the only thing that makes me happy, and I can't love someone like you, Madeline. Don't expect if something happens to us in bed, and I will love you. I only need an heir of my empire." Hunter said, and my entire body shook. I never expected he will tell me all about it now; I thought we were okay.

"One more thing, I don't want you to demand my time because you married me even you already know I am always busy, and this coming weekend we will move out from this house." He added, and my mouth remained close as I wiped my tears away, and he walked out to the door.

I became more lonely when we moved out from the Divenson mansion, and I am just glad Leticia and Lily visit me during weekends. Sometimes Gina will sleepover, especially if Hunter has a business trip abroad together with Calixto. There are a lot of times I wonder what went wrong, but I realized from the moment I arrived at the Divenson estate, I know what my life would be like, and I hate that I was hoping he would love me back, and worst I became more in love with Hunter every single day.

I studied Bachelor of Science in Business Administration since Hunter asked me to study business to help him. It made me wonder every night before I go to sleep if I want to work with him, now that our relationship is as cold as ice, and after I graduate, if possible, I want to open my own business and stay away from him as possible.

I have nothing to do since it was the weekend and Hunter was out of town. We have maids in the house because even if he treats me so cold, he specifically told the maids I am not allowed to do the household chores, but for me, I'd rather do all the tasks at home being a housewife than live like a princess and treated by my husband as a stranger. It was tough on my part to live like this, and I could say I now have enough money in my savings account, enough to support me even if I am jobless for how many years. I never experience this kind of life, to have sufficient money that I don't even know what to buy anymore since he provides me with everything I need except his love.

The maids are on their quarter at the back of the house because Hunter wants us to have privacy, maybe because he doesn't want the maids to know his treatment towards me. Every morning we dine together, but I mostly eat alone during lunch and dinner. We are civil to each other, but he never kissed me as he used to. He usually kissed me on my head now. He said we would make love again until I am ready to conceive his child. I want to tell him I am ready, but I understand he wants me to finish my education first. I am in my room reading my book while the Television was on. I don't watch, and I want to open it to make some noise because I can't take the loneliness I felt because of the deafening silence of the entire house. And I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket. I smiled when I saw Gina's name on the screen.

"Hello! Madeline, please open your main door." She said, and I can't stop myself from smiling.

"Are you here?" I asked.

"Of course, I would not ask you to open your main door if I wasn't standing in front of your mansion, and if you were only living in a small house, I guess you can hear my car." She said, and I can feel the irritation in her voice.

"I am sorry, I was watching the news on TV, just wait for a while, Madam Gina," I said and ended the call. I got out of my room running to the grand staircase, and went through the exquisite living room before reaching the massive wooden door.

"Gina!" I exclaimed when I saw my best friend with grocery bags in her hands, and I wonder what she had bought in the grocery store. I helped her carry the bags, and we proceed to the kitchen, and I realized she bought fruits, drinks, and junk foods.

"Why did you bother to buy?" I asked her, and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Old habits are hard to die." She replied, and I understand what she means because she always does this. Ever since I can remember, every time she visits me in my aunt's house, she will bring something for me, and Gina knew I love fruits. 

"Thank you for coming, Gina," I said as I washed the fruits on the kitchen sink, and I sliced the papaya, then I cut the watermelon into half, and I also slice half of it and covered the other half with cling wrap, and I put it on the chiller. I bring the plate of fruits to the dining table, and I pulled out the heavy wooden dining chair and sat comfortably, and I started eating the fruits while Gina looked at me with concern.

"Why are you looking at me that way, Gina?" I asked, and she sat across from me.

"Are you okay, Madeline?" She asked softly, and I put my fork down and looked at my best friend.

"I don't want to lie to you, Gina, but what can I do? When my husband paid my aunt's debts, I know I will have a different life from anyone who got married because it is unusual that someone will marry as debt repayment. In my case, that was what happened, and I hate myself for loving him more every day, even if he treated me coldly. But don't worry, I will get used to it, and all I need is time to adjust." I said as I let out a heavy sigh.

"Madeline, I think you can still get out from this mess and live your life away from Hunter." She replied as she picks up some papaya from the plate, and she slowly put it in her mouth.

"I have done something like that before, but it didn't work out; I don't have the freedom to walk away from his life, Gina, because I still need to fulfill my duty first; I need to give him a child," I responded.

"And after that, he will discard you? And do you think you can leave your baby?" Gina asked.

"I don't know, Gina, for now, I want to focus on my studies, and I am trying to get myself busy because I want to forget even for a while that I have a husband who doesn't love me," I replied.

"I know, I just wondered how it all happened, and it transpired so fast, and I couldn't believe he will treat you this way, during your honeymoon, I can tell Hunter was happy, and I am sure he wasn't faking that time because I can see it the way he looked at you," Gina responded.

"Maybe Hunter tried his best to forget Rebecca, but he couldn't do it, and he was afraid I couldn't accept him once he will tell me that his memories and trauma about Rebecca were imprisoning him." I declared.

"I don't think so, Maddie. I believe there is something more profound, maybe his father has something to do about all of this, and the reason I came here is that I want to help you solve this mystery." She said, and I can see the eagerness on her face.

"And how are you going to help me?" I asked.josei

"Well, you mentioned, there is a particular room in this house that he told you not to open, and even the maids are not allowed to open it, and I think we should start by opening that room." She said, and my eyes got so big.

"Gina, I don't think we can do that. Hunter will get angry with me." I responded, but my curiosity is driving me crazy.

"Ha! Don't make me laugh, Madeline, for goodness sake, how can you think how he will feel when he didn't even bother to consider your feelings after your honeymoon? He became cold without reason, and he is hurting you every day by treating you like a stranger, and you have all the right to open all the rooms in this house because you are his wife." Gina snarled, and I realized she has a point, and I got up from the chair.

"You were right, Gina; I think it is about time to see what he was hiding in that room," I said, and she smiled broadly at me.

"That is my girl, and it is time for you to have some backbone, Maddie. We can do this together." She declared.

"Thanks, Gina. I know I could never do this without you." I replied.

"But we need to look for the key of the secret room first, and where do you think it could be?" I asked her.

"Leave it to me. Just bring me to Hunter's room." She said, and my face fell, and her face softened.

"Hey, I am your best friend, Maddie, don't get embarrassed about it. I know he was not sleeping beside you. Just bring me to his room." She demanded, and I nodded as I led the way in going to one of the guest's rooms where Hunter is staying every time he came home. He didn't stay in the master's bedroom with me, and I know it hurts like hell, but I endured all the pain because I love him.. I can't stop myself from feeling so nervous as we walk going to his room, and I know I have to be strong whatever we find out in that secret room.

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