Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 105 - The Vows - Part 2

Chapter 105 - The Vows - Part 2


His heart thundered in his ears, so strong that it pulsed in his skin. He could barely hear himself think. But when Ayleth turned her eyes back to his and he realized this was the moment, he pushed away the fear, swallowing hard.

Her chest rose and fell too quickly—which made him feel better, because his breath was shallow and quick too.josei

Help me, Father, he prayed silently. Give me the right words to touch her heart. And help me honor her in this. Keep us safe. Help me keep her safe. 

He cleared his throat, dropped his chin for a single breath, then looked back up to lock eyes with her and tell her everything that was in his heart.

"When I travelled to Zenithra for the festival," he began, his voice quiet and husky, "I aimed to find a wife. I prayed for a woman who would be strong, who would have a good heart, and who would help me bring the Continent to peace. I thought little of her personality or interests, and mainly of her role. That she would have the strength of character to stand in the face of enemies, and the grace to show compassion to those who did not have strength of their own.

"The first moment I saw you, Ayleth, I knew you were she. It was… impossible. But in seeing you, the fullness of my dream was realized. I did… I did not know to ask for your fighting spirit, for your humor, or your sense of adventure. I did not know to seek your innocence, or your willingness to speak what is true whether or not it is… easy. I wish I had thought to ask for your magnificence. I did not. But the Father knew that you were what I needed. 

His voice broke and he cleared his throat. Ayleth's eyes had filled with tears and he wished to wipe them away for her, but they had not fallen. "He made you for me, Ayleth, I am certain of it. He carefully crafted you to compliment me. He made you strong where I am weak, made you sure where I doubt, made you love with abandon when I had come to believe true love could only grow with the years. He made you… curious and capable and beautiful."

Behind her, Falek shifted on his feet. Etan almost laughed out loud at the way the man rolled his head as if he tried to escape something uncomfortable. But he kept his eyes on his stunning wife, and didn't let go of her. 

"Finding you not only fills my heart as a man, it completes me as a ruler. I am… utterly humbled by who you are, Ayleth, and the way you would choose to love me. That you share my dreams for our people, for this world, seems impossible to me. And yet… here we are. 

"If this is my last day on this earth, I do not regret a moment spent with you," he breathed, and Ayleth's tears tumbled down her cheeks. "I regret only that there were not more of them. And so, today I wish to tell you what I see in you, before these witnesses, so that if we are ever parted the world might know the truth of what is in my heart, and what I know of you."

He swallowed hard and she squeezed his hands, licking her lower lip. She didn't intend to be suggestive, but his cursed body tightened at the sight, and he was forced to take a breath to focus. 

"I admire you, Ayleth. As a woman, as a ruler, and as a human being. You face the world with hope and optimism, yet you do not shy away from the ugliness, or difficulties presented to you. You are brave… so brave. So willing to be tested—it is a part of you that I hope… I hope to learn. How to have the humility to allow yourself to be taught. To allow your weaknesses to be honed to strengths.

"You are compassionate and you do not use your power to manipulate others to your will, but instead see it as a mantle to carry for the protection of those who are weaker. 

  "And quite apart from everything else, you make me smile, my dear, Precious One."

She bit her lip and he cheered inside that he had remembered how she'd liked that when he used it before. 

"You are precious to me, Ayleth. Never doubt it. No matter what may come, no matter what enemy we may face, no matter what distance part us: Never let yourself question that I love you, that you are in my thoughts, or that my heart wishes you to be close. Never. 

"I vow to you," his voice took on the passion and heat that churned in his chest. He wanted to press these words into her skin, brand them on her so she'd never forget them, never doubt them. "I vow to you that I will never touch another woman, never look upon another with lust in my eyes. I will always seek your smile first, before others. I will always choose you first, in any moment. I will, for the rest of my days, give myself to you, and ask only for you in return. 

"I vow to you, Ayleth, that my heart is tattooed with your name, and my soul entwines only with yours. And for the rest of my days, as a man, as a Prince, as a King, it will only be your hand that I grasp, and unity with your heart that I seek. 

"Take me, Ayleth. Take my hands to hold you. Take my legs to carry you. Take my heart to comfort you. Never believe yourself alone in this world again. Because no matter where you are, no matter what has occurred, my heart will always seek yours, and only yours, for as long as I live."

Ayleth sobbed, but she was smiling. She leaned in and he almost let go of her hands to take her face and kiss her, but Jareth tsked, grinning. "We aren't at that part yet," the man said, nodding towards Ayleth. "Princess… it's your turn."

Ayleth, her eyes shining both with tears, and with love, took a deep breath, her pale throat bobbing as she opened her mouth to tell him about her love.

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