Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 52 - The Courting

Chapter 52 - The Courting


Eventually the music began, and all the young Lords and Ladies began to shift towards the center of the hall, while the Rulers and older generations, spread out on benches or at their tables, chatting and watching the younger ones circle each other.

Etan stood to the side of the dancefloor, his arms folded, Borsche a few feet behind him.

He watched carefully, from the corner of his eye, as Ayleth was led from her table to the dancefloor by her cousin Dugg.

He was walking straight now, at least, Etan thought with a wicked grin.

"Oh, you look like trouble, and that's exactly what I'm in the mood for," a pleasant voice said to his other side.

Surprised, Etan turned to find a lovely brunette, her hair curled around her shoulders, in a very low-cut ballgown so pink it was almost, scandalously, red.

She caught his surprised gaze and waited until he remembered his manners and bowed, taking her hand and introducing himself.

"I know who you are," she said with a smile. "My father appreciated your work in the ring the other day. Though none of us was comfortable with the… antics of your opponents." She cut a sharp glare in the direction of Ayleth and Dugg, and Etan prayed the look was for Ayleth's cousin.

"My apologies, my lady, I don't think we have been introduced?"

She gave him a look. "I don't stand on ceremony, Etan. My name is Sarya, and you likely know it. We haven't spoken, but I believe we are of similar minds. My parents are the King and Queen of Playn. What do you say we run rings around these uptight snobs, then take the horses for a ride?"

Etan's smile grew. "That sounds… perfect, actually," he said carefully. "Though I'll be unable to make good on the offer tonight, perhaps another time?"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't play games, Etan. If you don't want to, you can simply tell me—"

"No, I mean it," he said giving her a significant look. "It is an idea I would like to take you up on another time. Unfortunately, tonight I have promised my mother both that I will stay for the end of the festivities—since I haven't made it to the end of a single evening event yet—and that I will refrain from disappearing into the stables at night. She claims I bring the stench of horses back with me."

Sarcasm smiled. "Mine says the same thing."

Etan nods. "Then we have something in common. I can make good on one part of your idea, however—would you like to dance?"

"Certainly, sir," she said, offering her hand again. As he swept her onto the dancefloor, Etan used the opportunity to scan for Ayleth.

Ah, she was at the northern end of the floor in the arms of Lord Trystan, who must have rushed forward from his position on the western side of the hall to have been the one to take her from Dugg. Etan swallowed. Trystan looked at her with true affection. She was dwarfed in his arms—is that what she looked like in his?

He blinked then, realizing that Lady Playn stood before him where he'd positioned her, waiting for him to pull her into the dance. "Apologies," he said, "I haven't had a lot of sleep."

"No need to apologize. She's quite fascinating," Sarya said with a glance at Ayleth. "Though I suspect whoever wins her in the end will have quite a lot on their hands."

"Have you had a chance to speak with her Highness, then?" Etan tried to ask the question casually, but her eyes followed his face carefully.

"Only a handful of times—our nations are not allied, you understand?"

Etan snorted. "Yes, I do."

"Well, then, you know the circles around her are pretty careful to keep her out of the hands of… unsavory nations."

"I had heard," he said dryly, and Saroyan gave a low chuckle.josei

"Yes, of course. Though at least you crossed paths in the arena!"

"Not by choice, I assure you."

Her laugh was pleasant, she seemed intelligent, and she didn't want to talk about dresses, or court gossip. Etan was relieved, and when the dance eventually closed, he assured her he would look for her again that evening.

"See that you do," she said with a quiet smile. "And don't forget that horse ride."

He returned her to her side of the dancefloor and her Court, then took himself back to Borsche the long way, watching as Ayleth was immediately snapped out of the arms of Trystan, and into the grip of another man. Not nearly as tall, but squat and broad who looked at her like she was a piece of prime steak.

She smiled back prettily, but he could see the tension in her shoulders.

Etan's hands clasped to fists at his side and he clenched his teeth.

This was going to be a long night.

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