Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 61 - A Friend In Need

Chapter 61 - A Friend In Need


It was like finding a mirage in the desert. Though, a mirage surrounded by poison trees and rotting carcasses. The soldiers kept a circle, guarding her, and approached as soon as he drew close, ready to turn him back by force if necessary—they'd had that edge in their gazes. But as soon as Trystan called to him, they'd backed off. They wouldn't abuse him in front of anyone that could get them into trouble.

When Trystan beckoned him, he'd glared at the two guards. They'd parted reluctantly, one of them muttering, "Bastard prick," as he passed. He clenched his teeth, but ignored it, riding the three horse lengths to where Ayleth and Tristan had stopped.

Ayleth's eyes were wide, but her face expressionless. Trystan was smiling. Etan greeted him first, then met Ayleth's eyes and nodded. "Highness," he said, working so hard to keep emotion from his voice he ended up sounding angry.

Ayleth nodded back. "Lord Summit."

Trystan looked back and forth between them once, then rolled his eyes. "You two have had no occasion to be so cold. We are at the Festival of Peace! If there were any time for you to cross enemy lines, is this not it?" he said brightly.

Etan gaped at the man. What was he doing? But Ayleth just kept her chin high and ignored him—which was needed, and the right thing to do. But, Lord, he ached to feel her touch, to hear her say his name…

"Are you only just leaving for your ride, Etan?" Trystan asked politely. "We are returning if you have need to go back, you could ride with us?"josei

"Thank you, but my beast needs the exercise. I will see you both at tonight's dinner, I'm sure."

Ayleth nodded again, but didn't meet his eyes. Trystan nudged his horse aside to let Etan pass between them, then waved when Etan was beyond them. "See you tonight."

Etan raised a hand, but didn't look back. The soldiers behind Ayleth were eyeing him warily and he didn't trust them not to take advantage if got distracted. But he was seething.

He should be there with her.

He should be riding out with her.

He should be watching over her when others approached.

He should be returning her home safely.

As soon as he was far enough down the path to be certain they couldn't see or hear him, he kicked his stallion into a canter and let the sound of pounding hooves and the horse's breath soothe his anger.

Eleven days. That was all. Eleven more days. Then God help any man that stood between them.



She and Trystan rode most of the rest of the way to the stable in silence, but as they reached the Hostler and dismounted, and the soldiers remained outside the yard, guarding it from the entry of any other, Trystan drew Ayleth across the yard towards the shade of a tree.

When they reached it, alone for the first time—or as close to alone as Ayleth had ever been with an eligible man in broad daylight—Trystan dropped his chin and held her eyes.

"We don't have much time, so let me speak my piece," he said with a quick look over her shoulder. "I would… help you. I can be your friend and Etan's. I can even pass messages if it's ever needed. But mostly, I think what you need is a…a distraction. Someone to make the nobles think that your eyes are focused elsewhere. Someone to create gossip—someone to stir up politics. If you would have me for that, I will do it."

"I would be forever burdened to you, Trystan, but… why? Why would you willingly put yourself in the middle of this?"

Trystan opened his mouth, then closed it again. When he spoke, it was as if the words were torn from him. "I have a high regard for Etan. He is a man of fine character and strength, and I wish to see him reach his dreams. The Kingdom he describes… I would one day like to be in such a place as that. Where people are… allowed to be what they are, regardless of their birth." He swallowed, then looked at Ayleth. "And you are a good heart. So rare these days in a ruler. You, too, should have a chance to reach for your dreams. Though, I'll admit, I probably take even more joy from knowing that I assist you in undermining all these pricks who are currently in power."

Ayleth choked and Trystan colored. "I apologize. That was poorly done in polite company."

"Not at all! That's a new one, what does it mean?" she leaned in with a twinkling smile, "I collect swears. I hear them so rarely, but I enjoy them greatly. My favorite is wanker, have you heard that one?"

Trystan's lips twitched. "Yes, I think I'm familiar with the term."

Ayleth nodded. "What does prick mean?"

He ran a hand through his hair and looked over her shoulder, obviously trying to figure out how to say what needed to be said without offending her. "It is difficult, Ayleth. A man's… er…"

"Oh! His appendage! The thing that males mate with?"

It was Trystan's turn to choke, but he swallowed back his surprise and nodded quickly. "Yes, yes, that's the one."

"Oh, very good. There does seem to be an awful lot of swears that center on people's bodies or the act of mating. It's difficult to understand why we didn't just make one and stick with it?"

"I'm afraid I wouldn't know, Ayleth," Trystan said, his chest shaking.

"I'm sounding foolish again, aren't I?" she said in frustration.

"No, no, please, don't stop. It's so refreshing to speak to someone who says what they mean and means what they say… please don't ever stop. Just, bear with me. I need to adjust from my more cynical roots."

She gave him a look. "I know that I am ignorant of many things, but how is one supposed to stop being ignorant unless one asks?"

"That is an excellent point, Highness," Trystan said, his eyes cutting behind her again. "But we are about to be joined by your Knight Defender, so perhaps we could change the subject before he draws a sword on me?"

"Oh, don't worry about Falek," Ayleth whispered. "I learned most of my swears from him—Good day, Falek!"

"Good day, Highness, did you enjoy your ride?" Falek said quietly, his eyes fixed on Trystan.

"Yes, a great deal. Trystan and I will ride together again soon, won't we sir?"

"Yes, indeed," Trystan said with a sly smile. He took her hand and leaned over it, shooting her a heated gaze that, had Ayleth not known what he was trying do, she would have found entirely believable.

He was very good.

Her cheeks flushed, Ayleth left him and walked across the yard with Falek at her heels. But as she left the yard and started up the path to the castle, she couldn't resist a look back towards the forest, just in case a lord with black hair and green eyes happened to have changed his mind and returned.

Just in case she could caress him with her eyes one more time.

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