Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 167 - Ni Qing Plans

Chapter 167 - Ni Qing Plans

" Where were you?" Jin yu is asking about her whereabouts.

" I was in the tea house to find out some information for you.... Are you jealous?" Ni Qing is asking toward her husband about his feeling.

" Do you know that I really worry about your safety? My mind is travelling to the worst place in the world for your safety." Jin Yu is asking her wife with a cold tone.

"I just want to help you... why you never trust me??" Ni Qing Is weeping to her husband. It is a trick for her husband to stop getting angry.

Jin Yu is realising his wrong move and taking her into his embrace while burying his face into the valley of her neck.

"I miss you and I am tired… can I just hug you like this? Do not move…" Jin Yu is holding her into his arm and resting his arm on her waist. Ni Qing also miss her husband and let him to rest up in the bliss of time.

Apparently, as he is in deep guilt toward his wife due to infidelity accusation, he was not sleep for the whole night. He is falling to a deep slumber on his wife shoulder.

Ni Qing can't hold any longer and he tries to help him into the bed. She is attentively taking off his head crown and his shoes before tucking him under the blanket. She is blowing the light inside the room before leaving him to sleep and rest into the side room.


Brother Seh is sending someone to go and get Yin Fang. She is already change into coquettish lady who is enjoying her time with different type of man. She was taking the hit really hard when she is feeling on the bottom of the place.

She tries to escape one night when the people of Brother Ah Tio dragged her back to the brothel and put her into the hole without any food and water. She is tasting the feel goes to afterlife while lock into the hole. It was so hot during the day from the sun and getting really cold during the night without any food and water.

She surrenders herself into the life and accepting her new identity as prostitute. She is smiling to welcome every guest come to brother Tio brothel.

The person sends to pick up Yin Fang to serves someone important. She is getting the preparation to get clean and wear some elegant clothes as a lady from higher society. It has been long time for her not to use such an expensive material.

They bring her to the hotel for all government guest and guest of the emperor. Yin Fang knows about the importance of this business for her boss, so she is going to do her best.

Brother Seh manages to put aphrodisiac that do not trace into the silver needle into his dinner meal. They are resting for the night before they enter the palace in the morning.

The Crown prince of Liang, Liang Li Xuan is feeling hot and uncomforting felling on his body. Yin Fan is coming inside the room. She is taking her outer robe and revealing her body under the revealing silk under clothes.

Li Xuan can not hold his manly urges and jump into Yin Fang straight away until in the morning. Yin Fang is using all her skill to serve the crown prince on bed. Apparently, they are forgotten to use the lamb skin as precautions. Li Xuan is using her body until in the morning.

Brother Seh is sending some breakfast with some other aphrodisiac and make him unable to get out from the room until the third day. Yin Fang is really exhausted with all their sexual activities, but it makes Li Xuan grow fond into her.

He is remembered about the main reason to come to this country. However, he does not want her to leave his room. He gets used to her scent and body which make him to own her.

"Get her some new clothes and maid. She is not permitted to leave my room…" Li Xuan is telling his eunuch. Meanwhile, he caresses her hair on his bed before left the room to the palace.


In the court room, Jin Yu is already summoning Consort Liang to come and meet him. He gets the news regarding the crown prince will enter the palace today. Jin Yu is not in his best mood today after yesterday morning, he finds himself to sleep alone in his wife bed chamber.

He was walking outside to find her to sleep in the side room alone. He is entering her room to see her sleeping with a gloomy face. she is still angry with Jin Yu for the sudden pregnancy of one of the concubines when he already solemnly promises to be loyal to her.

After that, Ni Qing seems to avoid the emperor and not leaving her palace. Jin Yu is asking someone to guard the outside side from her palace to find no one left or enter from the entrance.

However, there is a convoy of her friend come and go from her palace and Xiao Nie gets dispatched everywhere for all her needs. She is cooking from inside her palace and not let the main kitchen to supply any food for her. she is sending some food for the emperor despite her cold shoulder treatment.

Jin Yu is racking his brain to find his wife favorited thing to forgive him. however, he needs to welcome the crown prince with his convoy and present to the Dayu Kingdom.

He is asking Consort Liang to accompany him to welcome her royal brother and make her to stay with him. Jin Yu is getting used to be with this consort of him through few social occasions as Ni Qing refused to be with him. He feels bad as he can see her complexion looks so weak.

"Are you okay, consort Liang?" Jin Yu is asking him with his cold voice.

"I am fine, your highness… it is a normal pregnancy symptom…" Consort Liang answer softly toward the emperor.

"You tell me if you are not feeling good and I can send you back…" Jin Yu is politely reminding her about her condition. She is nodding to the emperor for his attention.


In Ni Qing Palace, Ni Sheng, Lin Yue and Mo Feng are eating lunch together. Mo Feng is cooking a simple food before brainstorming with them regarding the chaos in the border because of the cunning crown price convoy.

General Wu and brother Seh already take charge to contain the situation. The bandit under brother Seh power is not daring to move further. Meanwhile, General Wu already takes charge for the safety of the border wall.

Brother Seh manages to take care all the stolen rice and send it back to the capital. The bandit really did not realise nor aware about their big boss interfere to the job. They are more scared to brother Seh rather than some other country crown prince.

"You are really cunning, Qing…." Lin Yue is hearing the report from his fellow general about brother Seh reputation to recover their rice and manage the bandit who got hire by the crown princes. He is also punishing them with a severe punishment cold blooded. He did it because his lover asks some help from him. He is taking the work seriously as Long Man never rely on him. this time, he needs to show his work.josei

"I do not get it…" Ni Qing is sitting leisurely to talk and enjoy her time.

"Your brother Seh is making all the underlying involve with the crown prince to run around the hot temperature in border without any shoes and clothes or he will kill them with his hand…" Lin Yue is explaining her the whole story.

"Is it true that you are pregnant, sis," Ni Sheng is asking her in open after hearing the news from Mo Feng. Apparently, this trio cannot be trusted to keep a secret among them.

"How about you tell the whole country about my pregnancy, Mo Feng? The royal father of this little bean still does not have the idea about the baby presence in my stomach…." Ni Qing tries to give out some sarcasm toward his words.

"I am the father and I know about the little bean presence in this world," Lin Yue is telling them and smiling toward Ni Qing.

"I am also the father as I nurture the babies…" Mo Feng is refuting his word and walking to the dining table and putting the dishes. His cooking is on par with Ni Qing as he teaches her the cooking skill while she is on the herb valley.

  "Both of you is not the father… I am not sleeping with both of you to conceive this little bean… Master Mo, it seems Consort Liang is having difficult morning sickness lately while I lives in my luxury time with all the privilege on my pregnancy," Ni Qing is telling him while she is scooping some of the fish on the plate into her bowl of rice.

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