Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 206 - The Plan Part 2

Chapter 206 - The Plan Part 2


"Are you finding the clue?" Ni Qing is coming to his study and sit down into his laps. Jin Yu is moving his office in the study room within the area of Ni Qing palace.

"You can read my mind. You are the only one who can read me through," Jin Yu is hugging his wife.

"I will help you to tackle the whole situation. This is having the problem with your grand uncle and the royal Jurgen uncle. We are in this together," Ni Qing is resting inside her husband sturdy chest before she feels uncomfortable with her stomach.

"Wang, call Mo Feng to check the empress!" Jin Yu is asking his loyal assistant regarding his wife health condition.

"It's fine. It just that the baby starts to practice some martial art inside my stomach. I just feel uncomfortable with their kicking in my stomach," Ni Qing is rubbing her obvious stomach.

Jin Yu did not feel happy with the baby who start to hurt his wife. He is fine with their existence, and he will make the baby as his legitimate crown prince.

But he is really angry if his wife gets hurt even from their own baby. Their kid has to show filial duty and it is not fine to hurt their mother.

Mo Feng is rushing to the study and check the condition of Ni Qing after Jin Yu put her into the nearby sofa.

He is checking her pulse and stomach when he can get a satisfying result from her pulse. Mo Feng is smiling after touching her stomach.

Jin Yu is drowning into his jealousy to see Mo Feng's hand on his wife body. Mo Feng seems enjoy all of the whole situation.

"Is everything fine? I feel like a troop of soldier inside of my stomach" Ni Qing is telling Mo Feng about the unpleasant situation earlier.

"If they are not moving or you can't feel them than it is more dangerous for you. You are having two babies inside your stomach, so we have to be extra careful with your condition," Mo Feng is concluding his checking up. he can feel three pulses on her body.

"What did you say?" Ni Qing still did not believe her master word.

"I feel strongly three healthy pulses in your body. It means that you have two babies inside your stomach. Congratulation and be careful," Mo feng is flicking his finger to her forehead. Ni Qing did not care about the flicking, and she is caressing her stomach.

"I am going rather than to see some love PDA," Mo feng is packing up his medical instrument and walks outside the study.

"Master thank you. Have you done your part?" Ni Qing is asking him on the way out.

"Sometimes, I really think in my previous life that I owe you my life as you are tormenting me on this life. Everything already settled and I will invest my money into your bank as soon as you open the business," Mo Feng is telling her about his side of deal.

"Thank you, master," Ni Qing is grinning and smiling to the back of his master.

"How can you have so many admirers?" Jin Yu is asking from his wife regarding all the men surrounding her.

"I am cute and nice. No wonder everyone like me," Ni Qing is answering with full confident for his question.

"How dare them to coveting my wife in front of my nose? did Lin Yue never feel angry to see you with a lot of admirers?" Jin Yu is trying to reason with her. He did not like to share his woman or belonging with anyone.

"Lin Yue never get angry with me or showing his obvious jealousy like you. He always believes and support all my decision. He never gets jealous well he did, but he only asks for explanation," Ni Qing is explaining to Jin Yu regarding their past.

"He is such an idiot. No wonder he can lose you. I will not let anyone to put eye to my woman ever or I will gouge them out," Jin Yu is enveloping him with the warmest of his body.

"two of you are different person with different personality. He is more subtle and not as quick witted as you," Ni Qing is going closer to her husband and hugged him so tightly.

Ni Qing is realising one of the spies tries to peek from the front door for the emperor job inside her court.

In the evening, they are inviting the entertainer to arrange by Mr Zhou while they are discussing their plan over dinner.

The loud music makes their conversation gets covered. Ni Qing and Jin Yu are asking the report from Mr Zhou and everyone.

Jin Yu is finding out a lot of different number on the financial report submit to him. He got two different number and report on his table.

The real report in the bureau of finance makes different number with the report submit to him. He is really mad with the bravely of the finance minister.

Eunuch Wang and Zhang are getting three wooden chest of gold ingot from the secret safe of the emperor. this is the fund safe from generation if the country goes to surplus in the monetary term.

The Dayu Kingdom is rich country with many resources and unlimited gold. Jin Yu is keeping it a secret from anyone when he starts to work as emperor.

This vault only available to the emperor and he has the burden to add more gold into the vault to help the people when they are in time of trouble.

They are making it as the emperor clothes and necessity from the yellow palace to the empress residence.

They are opening it in front of everyone. Three big wooden chest of gold ingots in front of everyone in the empress residence.

"You need the gold right? I give you three boxes to use," Jin Yu is telling his wife regarding the whole money.

"Where did you get this?" Ni Qing is getting scared of her husband ability to produce of vinegar. In her mind, Jin Yu does everything in his ability to block his wife to access the fund from Lin Yue.

"This is my problem, and it is not your problem. This for you to start the plan," Jin Yu is informing his wife for all this money. He can't tell her about the source of this money or he will betray the vow made between the emperor and his successor.

"DO you have a secret vault to store more gold than we know? Thank you for your generosity but I still need to get more money from the Lin family vault to make sure our plan run smoothly," Ni Qing is explaining and tell her husband the real reason for her plan.

"Proceed as you wish. If you need more money then I will give you more," Jin Yu is getting a bowl of soup and put it in front of his wife.

Ni Qing is smiling because with this money, she can build the free food kitchen for the people and adding more capital to the bank and shop.

Everyone is laughing to see the interaction of the emperor and empress of their country. They are so cute and showering everyone with envy of their love.

Zhao Yu find the shop and start to fill up the shop with all the necessity of the stuff bought by Ni Sheng wife from the small merchant.

At the same time, Jin Yu is giving out his management for the bank business. They are deciding the bank will be run by Lin Yue. He is getting retire from the war and making business in the capital.

Zhang is managing Lin Yue troop with Wang Bo who is going back and forth between barrack and the capital.

The first step on her pastry shop seems successful enough to slowly make the people to use their money to buy.

Ni Qing, Wang Bo, Xi Kai, Lin Yue and Ni Sheng are working tirelessly in the kitchen to create the pastry to be sell in the capital. Their pastry shop become number one in alliance with their tea house.

No One can compete with the genius mind behind the tea house and the pastry shop. The new tea house by dong Fan starts declining because of their tea quality and their end product are not up to the standard.

Their cake is not taste as good as Ni Qing pastry. They are opening the pastry shop and following the strategy of Ni Qing when they did not make any single sales of the first day.. Meanwhile, Ni Qing shop is getting busier with the line.

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