Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

Tyler was the first to break the silence. “Does it hurt?”

Vicky kept her head bowed wordlessly.

“What exactly happened?” he asked.

She remained quiet, and tension rose in the air.

He pursed his lips at her reluctance to speak or look at him.” Vicky, how am I supposed to handle this if you don’t tell me anything?”

Her lashes fluttered at his words, and she finally looked up at him. “Handle this? Isn’t your way of handling it having me apologize?”

His dark and intense eyes stared at her unwaveringly. “It’s a fact that you pushed her into the lake, isn’t it?” he asked.

In fact, he had arrived in time and witnessed the scene.

Vicky admitted, “Yes. So what?”

“Her health is fragile, and she has had heart problems for a while. By pushing her, you could’ve caused unforeseen consequences-“

Tyler’s words were abruptly cut off by Vicky’s cold interruption. “Are you accusing me of trying to kill your mother?”

“I’m merely stating an objective fact.”

“Is that why you’re not interested in knowing the reasons and asked me to apologize to her?” Vicky sneered. “Back when Missus Hart locked me in the basement, your effort in looking for me and how you made your parents apologize for it had all been an act, right?”

Vicky did not fully believe what Lincoln had told her, but seeing Tyler react to the situation, she was finally convinced.

Tyler’s expression hardened. “An act?”

“Stop pretending, Tyler. I know everything,” said Vicky with a slight laugh. “It was all your doing, right? Your purpose was to use me and sever ties with your parents. It wasn’t your parents who captured me; it was you. Am I wrong?”

There was a flicker of astonishment in Tyler’s eyes, followed by a trace of anger. “Who told you all this?”

“Do I need someone to tell me?” Vicky chuckled. “All your previous tenderness and caring efforts had all been carried out to seek revenge. You orchestrated this whole play, not only to free yourself from your parents’ control but also to make me fall for you completely. Killing two birds with one stone, huh?”

Tyler gripped her shoulder, his eyes pitch black and icy as they locked with hers. “Vicky, is that what you think of me?”

“What I think of you depends on what you’ve done to me.” Vicky coldly brushed off his hand; even the slightest touch from him filled her with disgust.

All of Tyler’s previous actions to stand up for her in front of his parents were all calculated, until this moment when siding with her no longer held any benefit for him.

Hence, it did not matter if she endured a little mistreatment.

Vicky’s attitude easily ignited his anger. “Did Lincoln tell you all this?” he asked.

Vicky laughed. “You’ve always blamed everything on others.”

“Vicky, I’m asking you to apologize, not because I think you did something wrong, but because it’s a fact that you

pushed her into the water, and there must be consequences.

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