Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1183

Chapter 1183

Chapter 1183

Chapter 1183

“Are you okay, ma’am?” “Ouch, it hurts…” The old lady groaned while holding onto Vicky’s hand. “Young girl, I think you broke my bones.”

Vicky was taken aback. “Ma’am, it wasn’t me who bumped into you…”

As soon as the old lady heard that, her expression changed, and she instantly raised her voice. “Help! Someone, come quickly! This girl knocked me down and refuses to admit it!”

As the crowd gathered, they started discussing the situation.

“The younger generation these days is becoming more unruly!”

“Look at how badly she injured the old lady’s knees…”

“You can’t get away with this, young lady. If you knock an old person down, you have to take responsibility.”

Vicky, who grew up in a wealthy family and later studied abroad, had never encountered such a situation before. At that time, she did not even know this was a whole scam.

She hurriedly explained, “I didn’t bump into her. She fell on her own, and I just went to help her…”

The old lady confidently interrupted her, “If you didn’t knock me down, why did you come forward to assist me?”

“I was just-“

“You’re trying to deny it after hitting me?” The old lady suddenly sat on the ground and wailed, “Why, oh why, are young people so indifferent these days? After knocking someone down, they still shirk

responsibility! I’m already old, yet I have to suffer such cruelty! I’d rather die… Let me die…”

Vicky looked at the old lady sitting on the ground, feeling somewhat at a loss. When she was in Molivia, she also helped elderly people who accidentally fell, and they usually expressed gratitude. Hence, she never encountered a situation where her kindness in helping someone would be used against her.

Onlookers chimed in.

“Young lady, it’s not the time to argue about who’s right or wrong. The old lady is injured now, so you should quickly take her to the hospital for an examination.”

“Yes, that’s right. If the treatment is delayed due to your dispute, you’ll bear an even greater responsibility.”

“You should take the old lady to the hospital now. We’ll report it to the police, and they can review the surveillance footage later to reveal the truth.”

The old lady did indeed sustain some injuries, so Vicky had no choice but to take her to the hospital. After arriving, the old lady complained of pain all over her body, leading to a comprehensive examination.

Vicky had less than two thousand dollars left and spent it all on the medical fee.

In the end, the doctor diagnosed a sprained foot, which was hardly severe, but it would take three months for her to walk again considering the old lady’s age.

At that moment, the old lady’s family arrived. After hearing about the old lady’s situation, they approached Vicky and said, “Give us fifteen thousand dollars, or we’ll pursue this matter further!”

Vicky did not expect the old lady’s family to be so unreasonable and was instantly enraged. “I didn’t bump into her. I simply helped her out of goodwill. Furthermore, I even paid for her medical expenses…” novelbin

The old lady was unreasonable, and her family was even more so.

One of the family members interrupted Vicky. “Fifteen thousand dollars-not a penny less-or we’ll follow you forever!” Not bothered by all the eyes on them, the person continued to yell, “Look at this! This woman bumped into my old lady and won’t take responsibility for it! How cruel!”

The crowd gathered once again and started pointing blame at Vicky.

“She has such a pretty face yet has a merciless heart. What a waste.”

“Just look at how she’s dressed. I’m pretty sure she has the money… Why would she refuse to pay?”

“Don’t you know? Rich people tend to be selfish.”

“Let’s take videos of her and upload them onto the internet to show others what rich people are like!”

Everyone started grabbing their phones and filming Vicky.

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