Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1200

Chapter 1200

Chapter 1200

Chapter 1200

“How are you feeling?” Tyler asked.

Sheila smiled. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. I just need to be careful when I use my hand.”

He stared at her bandaged wrist. “I’ve contacted a medical team, and I’ll send you overseas to get treated in a few days.



Tyler nodded. “After the treatment, I’ll arrange a few jobs for you to continue your career overseas.”

“Tyler, are you…sending me away?” The smile on Sheila’s face froze. “But you and Ms. Shaw-“

“Vicky and I got married.”

Sheila froze and was unable to comprehend what she just heard. “You…got married?”

“I will remember the help you offered. I’m sorry about your hand and that you can no longer play the piano because of that, but Vicky never meant to push you down the stairs…” Tyler paused before he added, “If you want anything in return, let me know, and I’ll do my best to fulfill your wish.”

Sheila remained quiet for a long while before smiling bitterly.

“Since you two are married, then I…should make my

you know later if there’s a need?”

Tyler nodded gently. “Sure, consider it a favor owed to you.”

As she held the script in her hand, Sheila’s smile remained graceful. “Tyler, I should let you get back to work. If I need anything, I’ll inform your assistant, Harry.”

Tyler was pleased with Sheila’s understanding attitude

Just as he was about to leave the room, Sheila’s voice suddenly rang from behind. Tyler.”

Tyler stopped and turned to look at Sheila. “Is there something else you need to say?”

Sheila smiled faintly at him. “Congratulations on your marriage.”

Tyler smiled. “Thank you.”

The door to the hospital room slowly closed, blocking Sheila’s gaze.

Her smile finally vanished.

The play had come to an end, and as an actress, she no longer had any value to continue existing in Tyler’s life; it was time for her exit.

Yet, despite knowing it had all been nothing but an

Tyler’s assistant, Harry, was highly efficient.

Shortly after Vicky arrived home, Harry had someone help her move her belongings.

Vicky only packed a few of her usual clothes and did not take much with her as she felt like her marriage to Tyler would not last. After all, a marriage built on lies would ultimately be nothing but lies.

After moving into the new house, Harry maintained a respectful attitude. “Ms. Shaw, if you need anything, feel free to let me know. You can arrange the decoration of your and Mister Hart’s marital

home as you please.”

Vicky nodded. “Thank you for your assistance.”

That evening, Tyler returned home.

Vicky was reading a book when she heard the sound of the door opening, and she looked up at the entrance.

Upon entering the room, Tyler glanced at her, then averted his gaze emotionlessly before heading toward the bathroom.

About 20 minutes later, Tyler emerged from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water trailed down his hair, falling on his graceful well-built body.

Just then, Tyler stepped forward and slowly approached her.

Startled, Vicky instinctively moved back. “Tyler Hart, what… What are you doing?”

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