Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227

Aurora smiled confidently. “I’m not joking.”

“And what’s your method?” blurted Vicky.

Aurora batted her eyelids at her. “You’ll see soon enough.”

Harry threw her a warning look. “Miss Starling, as you can see, Mister Hart’s condition is touch-and-go at the moment, so you better not try any funny business.”

“Alright, you can just forget it if you’re going to take that attitude with me. I wouldn’t even have suggested it if it weren’t for Vicky’s sake.”

Vicky looked down to collect her thoughts before saying, “Maybe we should let her have a try?”

“But…” Harry still did not trust Aurora.

“You can go in with us if you don’t trust me. That way, you can stop me as soon as you see me doing some ‘funny business’.

“Besides, Tyler and I used to be partners in crime, so why would I want to hurt him? That won’t do me any good now, would it? I mean, I still need his help to get me the lead role in this movie I’ve been eyeing.”

As Tyler’s assistant, Harry did help Aurora with getting roles in the past. Thus, he grudgingly allowed her to go with Vicky, and they changed into sterile clothing before walking into the ICU.

Of course, Harry did not allow Aurora to get too close to Tyler, and he made sure to keep an eye on her at all times.

Aurora did not mind at all. She just stood at a safe distance away from Tyler.

“Ahem! I’ll begin now,” she said.

Vicky looked at her in confusion while Harry looked at her like she was crazy.

“Hey, Tyler! How are you doing?”

Harry and Vicky were stunned by Aurora’s behavior.

Aurora looked at Vicky and put her finger to her lips. “Shh.”

Vicky still did not understand what she was doing, but she kept her mouth shut.

“You know, Tyler, ever since you were hospitalized, Vicky had gone on to live a colorful life. Yesterday, she met up with her ex-boyfriend, and she’s gonna have lunch with her ex-fiance today. I also heard she’s going out on a date with her crush tomorrow,’ extolled Aurora.

She looked at Tyler with a gleeful grin on her face.

“Sigh! I pity you; you can do nothing but lie on your hospital bed. Who knows? Vicky’s kid might be able to play catch by the time you wake up.”

Vicky and Harry looked at Aurora, their mouths gaping in shock. ‘Is this woman crazy?’

Vicky did not think it was a good idea to provoke Tyler like this. She had no idea why he shielded her against the impact at the last minute, but she was sure he would try to kill her again if he knew she went out on a date with another man.

Harry was about to stop Aurora when the heart monitor Tyler was hooked up to start beeping frantically.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The three of them jumped up in surprise.

A chill went up Aurora’s spine when she saw how high Tyler’s heart rate had become.

“Oh my God. He can hear us!” she muttered to herself. ‘Sh*t, I’m in deep trouble.’

She just wanted to test whether Tyler could hear them. Hence, the reason why she came up with all those outrageous lies. After all, they all knew how possessive Tyler was toward Vicky. H*ll, they were even sure Tyler would climb out from his grave if he heard Vicky was getting married to another man and having his kid! His possessiveness of Vicky was so obvious that Aurora did not need to spend much time with him for her to know.

The doctors immediately came running into the room when they heard the machine beeping.

“A patient in the ICU room has crashed. Take him to the surgery room right now!” “Quick, get everything ready!”

Very soon, Tyler was once again wheeled into the surgery room.

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