Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235

Vicky remained silent, not because she doubted herself but because Tyler had schemed against her so ruthlessly that he traumatized her. If he regained his memory one day and discovered she had deceived him, her very life would be hanging by a thread!

Aurora spoke boldly, “After you finish eating, I’ll accompany you to see Tyler. I want to see if he genuinely lost his memories or if he’s just acting!”

After finishing their meal, Aurora temporarily settled the black cat in the lounge and went with Vicky to visit Tyler.

In the hospital room, Harry held a file in his hand and reported Tyler’s past to him slowly.

Despite his amnesia, Tyler’s desire to control every aspect of his life remained deeply ingrained. Thus, he directly had Harry bring his files and read them aloud to him.

In the middle of the reading, someone lightly knocked on their door. Shortly after, Vicky and Aurora walked in.

Harry quickly greeted them. “Missus Hart, Miss Starling.”

Aurora nodded and turned her gaze toward the man lying on the hospital bed.

The man’s complexion was pale, but his eyes were strikingly clear and cold.

As Tyler turned to meet her eyes, a chill washed over her.

Even Aurora, who had been so confident, started to cower.’ He’s injured and has lost his memory, so why is his presence still so commanding? It’s no wonder Vicky is hesitant about retaliating. I’m already

regretting what I said!’ she thought.

Tyler observed her with a cold, unfamiliar gaze. ‘Who are you?”

Aurora moved slightly to stand behind Vicky and said, “Who I am doesn’t matter. What’s important is… do you know who she is?”

She gently nudged Vicky forward, and Tyler’s gaze shifted, landing on Vicky once again. “I know.”

Harry had told him earlier that Vicky was his wife.

Aurora gulped nervously. “Since you know you’re married to Vicky, do you remember…what your marriage was like?”


Harry had briefly explained Tyler’s social relationships, but as an outsider, Harry could not judge if Tyler was close to a particular person, so he could only describe all the past events in detail for Tyler to be the judge of it.

Aurora’s eyes lit up, and she cleared her throat. “Tyler, you’ve always been insanely in love with Vicky and did anything in your power to obtain her. Also…you can’t even survive without Vicky. Do you know how you got into a car accident? Vicky wanted to divorce you and you couldn’t accept it, so you threatened to take your life…”

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