Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

The party was about to start, and Old Mister Hart finally walked in. He smiled warmly when he spotted Vicky and Tyler.

He waved to them and said, “Vicky, Tyler, you’re here!’

Vicky and Tyler slowly walked up to him arm-in-arm.

“Hello, Grandpa,” Vicky greeted him politely.

Old Mister Hart smiled in response before turning his attention to Tyler. “How’s work? Have you been busy?”


“Just know that work is never-ending, so you need to take some rest too.”

Old Mister Hart and Tyler continued their small talk.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family who wanted to find out about Tyler’s memory loss were disappointed.

Vicky took this chance to look around. Alas, there was still no sight of Lincoln.

“Where’s Lincoln?” she asked lightly.

Tyler immediately looked at her. He looked very displeased with his lips pursed. It was obvious he was not happy.

Old Mister Hart took it all in. He picked up the glass from the table and smiled lightly. “Something suddenly came up in Molivia for him, so he’ll have to stay there for a while.”

Everyone knew that was just a cover story. After all, Lincoln was the one who held Vicky hostage and nearly shot Tyler to death. Plus, Zendonia was Tyler’s turf, so there was a high possibility Lincoln would not ever come back anymore.

After exchanging a few more words, the party officially began. Orion went up to the stage to thank everyone for coming before telling them all to treat the place as their home.

10 minutes later, Orion and Valencia walked toward Tyler and Vicky again.

Valencia glanced at Vicky before smiling and saying, “Tyler, we’d like to have a word with you in private.”

“Whatever you want to say to me, you can say it in front of Vicky. She’s family, after all,” said Tyler indifferently.

Orion sighed. “Tyler, I understand your sentiment, but it’s still not appropriate for us to talk about family matters in front of Vicky. We won’t stop you from telling her everything after we’ve finished talking, but your mother and I preferred if we could talk to you alone.”

Vicky decided to excuse herself since they made themselves clear. “If that’s the case, I’ll leave you three to it.” She then turned to Tyler. ‘Til stay here with Grandpa.”

Tyler’s jaw tensed, and his hand tightened around Vicky’s. It was obvious he was unwilling to let her go.

Vicky knew he was worried about her, so she said softly, “It’s been a while since I had a good talk with Grandpa. I might as well take this chance.”

Old Mister Hart knew Tyler was concerned, so he smiled and said, “I’ll take Vicky to my room to play chess. You can just look for her there once you’re all done talking.”

Old Mister Hart had treated Vicky well so far, and he even helped her out a few times. He weathered a lot of storms in all his years, so he knew howto handle himself in all kinds of difficult situations. Thus, he knew not to cross Tyler; not when he wanted him to come back to the family.

After thinking over it, Tyler finally nodded.

In the room.

Vicky held the pawn piece and analyzed the game. After a while, she sighed and said, “I surrender.”

Old Mister Hart was a chess expert, and Vicky never came close to winning against him.

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