Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1330

Chapter 1330

Chapter 1330

Chapter 1330

Another reason for the Hart family’s decline was the elders of the family insisted on doing things the traditional way. Tyler, however, deliberately avoided his family’s sphere of influence and instead chose new industries to break into.

His gamble proved successful as he became more prosperous over time. Old Mister Hart knew the resources Tyler would act as complements to the industries the Hart family had yet to take over.

‘Tyler would be a great help to the family if he’s willing to come back. It might take him another ten or twenty years to overtake the family fortune, but the fact that he could turn the tables with the cards that he was dealt with just proves how capable he is,’ thought Old Mister Hart.

He was even willing to go as far as giving Tyler all the shares he had to make him come back to the family. With those shares in his hands, Tyler would be able to go head-to- head with Lincoln and Xander.

Plus, Valencia and Orion would come out as the winner in the family struggle for power if Tyler was willing to join forces with Lincoln. Their shares combined would make them the controlling shareholders.

However, no matter how much they cajoled or threatened him, Tyler refused to give up his shares. This just made Valencia and Orion hate him even more. They would have cut ties with him if it was not for the fact that he still had

some use forthem.

“Oh no, what happened here?” Valencia covered her mouth in mock surprise. “Isn’t this Braxton?”

By then, Old Mister Hart and Braxton’s parents had rushed over too. His parents nearly passed out when they saw his bloody body on the floor.

“You again!” said Carmen Hart to Tyler between gritted teeth. She held a deep-seated grudge toward Tyler for what he had done to her daughter, Isabella. Seeing her son beaten up to a pulp just made her hate Tyler even more.

“Tyler, explain yourself! Just what did Braxton do to make you beat him up like this? I’m going to make you pay if you can’t give us a good answer!” shouted Mike angrily.

Tyler remained cool despite this.

“He not only hurt Vicky, but he tried to assault her too,” explained Tyler calmly. “You should be grateful I didn’t beat him to death for trying to steal my wife away.”

Everyone turned to look at Vicky. There was no obvious wound on her body. In fact, she did not look like she was nearly assaulted since her hair and clothes were fine.

Carmen pointed at Vicky and was about to rebuke her when Old Mister Hart beat her to it. “Call the ambulance. We can talk about this later. It’s more important to get Braxton to the hospital now.”

They did not need a doctor to tell them just how dire Braxton’s condition was. He might not even make it if he was not sent to the hospital then.

Carmen grudgingly turned her attention away from Tyler and quickly called for an ambulance.

After the ambulance arrived, Carmen left with Braxton while Mike stayed behind to handle the rest of the affair. During this time, Mike had ordered security to show him the surveillance footage in the hallway.

The surveillance camera was situated a little far from the crime scene, so no sound was recorded. Still, the clear picture more than made up for it. He saw Braxton grab Vicky’s wrist, but that was it. Nothing else happened. His son did not hurt Vicky at all.

Thus, he pointed at Tyler angrily. “Dad, Tyler lied about Braxton hurting Vicky. That means he beat up my son without a good reason! You must punish him, and if you won’t, I will! Forget the family rules!”

Old Mister Hart was at a loss for what to do after watching the surveillance footage.

“I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding…”

“Misunderstanding, or hatred toward Braxton?” Mike nearly drew out his gun. “Dad, don’t blame me for what I’m about to do if you don’t stop insisting on siding with Tyler this time.”

There was no way Orion and Valencia were going to let Tyler die when they had not gotten his shares of the company.

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