Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1417

Chapter 1417

Chapter 1417

Chapter 1417

Vicky paused. “It’s just too messy. I’m just going to move a few things back.”

“Do it tomorrow,” Tyler said calmly. “No one is here, so there’s no rush.”

After a few moments of silence, she stopped and said,” Alright. Let’s go home, then.”


After getting dressed, the two returned home right away.

The next day, when Vicky arrived at the studio, she found her room immaculately arranged.

She cringed as she gazed at Harvey, who was busy working on his laptop, not knowing how to face him.

“Hey.” Harvey looked up from his laptop, offering his usual smile as he greeted Vicky. He showed no hint of awkwardness as if yesterday’s events never occurred.

“Yeah,” Vicky muttered. “How’s your injury healing?”

“I’ve almost fully recovered.” Harvey shifted his gaze away from the laptop. “I should be able to leave tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Vicky furrowed her brow. “Isn’t that a bit rushed?”

If Harvey had been hospitalized, two weeks would have been ample time for recovery. However, since he needed to evade Tyler’s pursuit, his recuperation at her studio had been notably slower than it would have been if he received better care at a hospital.

“I’ve been resting here for quite a while,” Harvey explained.” Although I’m not completely healed, it’s manageable. I can handle what awaits me.”

Vicky understood that it was probably because of yesterday’s incident that Harvey was considering leaving. She said hesitantly, “Is it because of what happened yesterday that you…”

Harvey shook his head with a smile. “I was already planning to leave in the next few days. I’ve been away from my company for too long. While the situation has stabilized for now, certain matters can only be resolved by being there in person. Besides…” His expression darkened slightly. “Tyler’s sudden appearance here yesterday means he either learned or sensed that I might be here. This place is no longer safe for me, and I need to leave as soon as possible.” novelbin

Tyler’s behavior yesterday had indeed been unusual, and Vicky had her suspicions as well. She thus suggested, “If he did discover something, you can always use me as leverage to threaten him…”

“What kind of a man would I be if I used a woman as a shield in a battle between men?” he interrupted.

“You don’t need to worry about my safety; he won’t harm me.

“But it might deepen the misunderstanding he already has about you.”

Vicky sighed and smiled helplessly. “Even if I do nothing, he’s never really believed in me, or he wouldn’t have tried to eliminate you.”

There was a pause in the conversation before Harvey said,” Regardless, it’s best for me to leave for the time being.”

Noting she could not persuade him, Vicky refrained from further comments.

After their conversation ended, Harvey took out the new phone Vicky bought him and began contacting his subordinates to make arrangements for his departure.

Vicky left the room.

The next day, Vicky arrived at the studio early and said to Harvey, “I’ve checked Tyler’s schedule. He has a full day of appointments today.” Glancing at the time, she continued,” Around ten o’clock, he has an important signing event. That might be a good time to make your move.”

Harvey nodded and sent out messages to his subordinates.

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