Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422

“Let’s go,” said Vicky to Harvey.

Harvey opened his mouth but then closed it again. It looked as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he simply said, “Okay.”

Just when Vicky was about to walk away, she saw Tyler raising his gun again from the corner of her eyes.

Her expression swiftly changed. “Harvey, watch out!”

The words had not even left her lips for a second before a loud bang was heard.

Harvey quickly dodged to the side, but Tyler shot him again.

The sound of the bullets being fired threw the whole scene into chaos as men from both sides of the party came rushing in.

Vicky stood where she was as she stared at the men fighting around her.

Harvey had a gun too. He fired a few shots at Tyler in retaliation, but he was able to deftly avoid the bullets aimed at him.

Harvey quickly pulled Vicky away while Tyler was dodging the bullets.

“Vicky, it’s too dangerous here. Let’s go.”

His voice snapped Vicky out of her shock. She nodded and immediately followed him out.

At that moment, another group of men in black came rushing in and had Vicky and Harvey surrounded, cutting off their escape route.

Vicky turned pale. It was obvious they were Tyler’s men.

After all, they were in Stoneford City—Tyler’s territory. He knew Harvey would be there so had stationed his men in all the escape routes. It was near impossible for them to escape from Tyler.

“We’re outnumbered,” said Vicky in a low voice after glancing at Tyler, who reeked of hostility standing some distance away. “There’s only one way to get out of here safely.”

She straight into Harvey’s eyes. “Use me as a hostage.

That’ll make him think twice about doing anything rash.”

“No… I can’t…”

Before Harvey could finish his sentence, Vicky cut him off.” My life will be hell if he captures me this time while you’ll probably die here. It’s not a matter of whether you can or can’t. It’s a matter of you have to do it no matter what, Harvey.”


“It’ll be too late if we don’t do it now,” hissed Vicky. “We have to move fast before he completely gives up on me. We’ll both die here once he decides he doesn’t love me anymore.”

Harvey had always been a decisive man. After thinking it over for a second, he agreed to go with Vicky’s plan. He put his gun to her head, and the two of them walked out from where they were hiding.

“Tyler, put down your gun!” he ordered coldly. “Otherwise, I’ll kill her.”

Tyler’s eyes darkened when he saw Vicky had a gun pointed at her head.

“You want to kill her? She chose you over me, and she’s even willing to die for you too! And you’re using her to threaten me?” he asked sharply.

Harvey laughed. “What does any of that have to do with me? Gloria is the woman I love, not Vicky! The only reason I got close to her is so I can use her. With Vicky’s help, not only did I manage to save my company, but we were able to hurt your company in the process too! Tyler, there’s been lots of problems in your company recently, hasn’t it?”

Tyler’s expression darkened at Harvey’s words.

“Okay, enough of the chit-chat. Let us go now,” said Harvey emphatically.

“And what if I refuse?” Tyler asked coldly.

“Well, since I’m going to die anyway, I might as well bring Vicky down to hell with me,” Harvey answered lightly.

“Don’t you dare!”

“Try me,” said Harvey with a smirk. “I’m willing to bet on

Vicky’s life. Do you?”

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