Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1435

Chapter 1435

Chapter 1435

Chapter 1435

“I know you’re in a bad mood, so 111 let this slide for now. I’ll repay this slap in the future!” Avery’s gaze turned cold. “I promise I’ll return the favor.”

Vicky glanced at her indifferently and was about to walk past Avery to leave. Looking at Avery alone made her nauseous.

She and Isabella were sure Avery was behind Tyler’s worsening condition, but unfortunately, they had no evidence to prove it.

As she was leaving, Avery called after her. “Vicky, based on the clues you and Isabella have gathered, you should’ve pieced things together, right?”

Uninterested in Avery’s attempts to sow discord, Vicky was about to leave when Avery added, “Have I ever told you there’s only one way to cure Tyler?”

Vicky knew Avery had malicious intentions and that she should not believe anything Avery said, Nonetheless, Vicky slowed down at the mention of Tyler’s name.

Avery’s words might not all be true, but she was so arrogant and self-assured that she might accidentally reveal the truth.

Seeing Vicky pause, Avery continued smugly, “I know you’re wondering whether I’m ask Isabella about it! To be honest, what you’ve discovered so far is actually information I intentionally

leaked to you.” She smiled and chirped, “Honestly, I’m not worried at all that you might find out. On the contrary, I want you to know the truth.”

Vicky sneered. “It’s truly a rare sight to see, Miss Yeager. For someone who’s committed all these vile deeds, you haven’t shown a hint of shame, and you’re even finding delight in it.”

“Vile deeds?” Avery feigned surprise. “I’m just pursuing my love. Does that count as vile?”

Vicky glared at her. “Are you pursuing love, or are you just trying to be a homewrecker?”

“Everyone has the right to pursue happiness and love,” retorted Avery, “don’t they?”

“Pursuing happiness and love is based on the premise that both parties are willing. Even if Tyler were single, your methods are hardly appropriate.”

Avery scoffed. “We each have our way of living. I like Tyler, and I’ll get him using any means necessary. Unlike you, who act righteous, and preach about ethics and morals. Since you’re so selfless, why not choose to let go of Tyler?

“Let me be honest: you’re the disease and poison that’s hurting Tyler. I won’t deny you’re important to him. I’ve used countless methods and tactics, yet I still couldn’t make him forget you. It’s easier, however, to make him hate you after all the things you’ve done. The pain will fade with time, but scars remain forever.”

Avery’s voice twisted sickeningly as she cooed, “Isabella must’ve told you how terrible his mental state was when he left the Hart family, right? In fact, he hasn’t fully recovered all these years. You’ve only managed to suppress it somehow, preventing his condition from worsening.”

Avery took out a brand-new phone and tossed it to Vicky. “I know that you’ve been looking into what happened that afternoon… I’ll save you the trouble and let you know right now.”

Vicky caught the phone and unlocked the screen to find a video. When she played the video, a familiar- sounding voice was heard.

“Harvey, I’ve drugged him with the poison you gave me. It won’t be long until he loses his mind. By then, Hart Corporation will be ours.”

Vicky jolted in shock at the sound of that voice. She quickly stared at Avery.

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