Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1529

Chapter 1529

Chapter 1529

Chapter 1529

Shocked, Vicky was about to struggle when she heard a familiar voice.

"Vicky, it's me.”

Vicky froze. "Noah? What are you doing here?”

"Ahem! The Yeager family and my family are business partners, so they invited us. Though, I was the only one free to come."

Noah found out Tyler was getting married when he received the wedding invitation. Over the years, he had more or less heard bits of news about him but did not think to pass them on to Vicky since they were divorced. This was especially true when it came to Tyler's wedding.

"How about you? Why are you here?” Noah let go of Vicky and looked at her with respect. "Don't tell me you thought of kicking up a ruckus during the ceremony?"

Vicky was speechless. After a while, she said, "I came with Jennifer. We were hired by one of the bridesmaids to design her dress.”

If she had known it was Tyler and Avery's wedding, she would not have accepted the job.

Noah looked at her with regret. It would be even more awesome if Vicky, Tyler's ex-wife, added to the chaos of the s*x tape by doing something drastic. That would make it the wedding of the century.

Vicky recalled how sneaky Noah was before he surprised her, so she asked, "Noah, what were you doing here?"

"Panther is sick. I was worried about leaving him with Aurora, so I brought him here. But he ran off while I was on the phone. I chased after him and managed to keep him in sight until he slipped into that room.”

Noah gestured with his lips to the room he was referring to. Panther was the cat Tyler gave Noah four years ago. Noah decided to give him a cool name like Panther. After all, not only was the cat good at fighting, but he saved Noah's life before too.

“Shall we knock to see if Panther's inside?” asked Vicky.

Noah glanced at her. "I think that's Avery's room. I heard people arguing inside when I was about to knock on the door. They're probably trying to figure out what to do.”

It would be rude for Noah to inquire about his cat at a moment like this, so he added, "Let's wait for them to finish talking before going in.”

Inside the room, Vernon slapped Avery's face harshly, causing her to fall.

Pointing at her face, he shouted angrily, “How did I ever end up with such a shameless daughter like you? You were the one who insisted on marrying Tyler, yet you dare cheat on him? Even if you wanted to, you could've at least made sure your tracks were covered! But no, you just can't wait for the whole world to know! You're a complete disgrace to the family!"

Alana was about to intercede when she saw Avery being knocked to the ground, but Vernon's rage made her think otherwise. novelbin

Avery held her swollen cheek and said tearfully, "I was set up! I'd never cheat on Tyler! I love him too much to ever do that. Besides, why would I sabotage myself when Tyler has agreed to marry me?"

After a pause, she added through gritted teeth, "It must be that b*tch Brielle! She did this to ruin my reputation so it'll be easier for her to seize my shares in the company!”

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