Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

Avery's father looked at his foolish, ignorant daughter with slight disgust.

Compared to Brielle, who was sensible and intelligent, his beloved Avery was nothing but a troublemaker.

"Given the Hart family's intricate situation, with Tyler securing his position as the heir, many of the Harts resent him.They're waiting for a chance to catch him off-guard.If he insists on marrying you, won't that be seen as his way of taunting the entire Hart family? Can he really maintain his position as the family head?"

"It doesn't matter," Avery's expression remained firm.

"Even if Tyler isn't the Hart family head, it won't affect me."

"You might not care, but what about Tyler? Will he not care?"

Avery was silent for a few seconds before she smiled confidently, enigmatically.

"I don't care, so Tyler naturally won't either.Even if he does care, he'll give up anything for me.Besides..."

As Avery's composure returned, she continued, "Even if he can't take over the Harts, what about our family business? Dad, you used to admire Tyler's abilities quite a bit, didn't you? If Tyler contributes to the Yeagers, our business will undoubtedly flourish.It's a win- win situation."


Her father looked at her, his tension easing.

"Your judgment is sound.Tyler Hart is indeed a rare business genius.If he's willing to take over our family business, I'm on board."

A pleased expression graced Avery's face.

"That's just—"

Her father raised his hand, interrupting her.

"I know what you're thinking.Let me tell you: Tyler isn't so easily controlled.

Over these years, he'd rather suffer in the Hart family than have anything to do with us, precisely because he hates being bound by anyone.

Avery blurted, "I can make him—"

"You might control him for a while, but not forever.Moreover, there's that cunning old fox, Old Mister Hart, to contend with.If you push too hard, he'll notice what you are up to."

Avery stubbornly stated, "Regardless, this engagement must not be dissolved!"

At that moment, Avery's mother, who remained silent, suddenly spoke.

"If we want the Hart family to accept Avery, there might be only one way."

Avery and her father turned to look at Missus Yeager.

A slight smile appeared on her mother's face.

"What if Avery were to become pregnant with Tyler's child?"

Her father's expression shifted, and he instinctively nodded.

"That's actually a good idea."

However, Avery's face fell.

Over the past years, while Tyler's attitude toward her had been decent, they had not made any substantial progress in their relationship.

Tyler was always busy, so occupied that he paid no attention to the women who attempted to seduce him, which worked in her favor.

On the other hand, that also meant he had no time to nurture his relationship with Avery.

She threw several fits in the past, but just as Tyler had returned to the Hart family not too long ago, he did not have the time to be romantic with her.

It was precisely his dedication that led to his success in taking over the Hart family's power and becoming its leader within such a short period.

"Avery, we can stall the dissolution of the engagement for you," her mother continued.

"However, it's limited to a maximum of six months.During this time, you must try your best to become pregnant with Tyler's child.I'll handle the rest with your father."

"It's not like I can get pregnant right away just because I want to," said Avery in frustration.

"I know, but there are ways."

Missus Yeager looked at her.

"You can hypnotize him, right? If you can't get pregnant through natural means, you can always have a lab-grown baby."

Avery's eyes lit up.

Tyler had been extremely busy in the past years, and there had been no progress in their relationship.

Ever since Tyler inherited the Hart Family, he started getting busy with planning the wedding.

At the time, Avery felt that there was no point in rushing since she had waited for four years, but after what happened, it was evident that having something more realistic would work better to keep him by her side.

She could always opt to hypnotize him again if it all failed.

After chatting for a while, the three left the room.

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