Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1540

Chapter 1540

Chapter 1540

Chapter 1540 "Yeah, that's right! Not only did the news come over, but videos have also been circulating," Aurora chimed in.

She lowered her voice and said, sounding slightly mysterious, "I have that video right here.

I'll show it to you when we get back." Aurora did not pick up on the subtleties of Jennifer's words.

Harvey, on the other hand, keenly did and looked at Vicky.

"You both know about this?" Tyler was in Molivia, and if the news had reached Zendonia, there was no reason why Vicky, who had been in Molivia recently, would not know.

"Ahem!" Jennifer cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Our customer was none other than Avery's bridesmaid...

We were actually present at the wedding." Aurora's eyes widened incredulously.

"You were actually there?!" Vicky nodded.

“Tyler deserves it!" Aurora exclaimed in relief.

"Isn't this the inevitable outcome of marrying a vicious woman like Avery?" Initially, Vicky had let go of Tyler with a heavy heart as she did not want Avery to continue her despicable tactics to control Tyler.

However, Tyler ended up with the woman who stopped them from being together, and they were planning to get married.

Everyone thought of this as retribution for the mistakes Tyler and Avery had made, but Vicky did not express much and simply smiled.

"Let's go.

We should have dinner first." After dinner, instead of going home, Aurora went back with Vicky.

It had been months, and she had so much to talk about with Vicky.

Harvey parked the car downstairs and helped Vicky carry her suitcase upstairs.

"Vicky, if there's nothing else, I'll be on my way." Vicky nodded.

"Thanks for today." Harvey smiled lightly.

"You don't ever have to thank me." After a brief greeting with Aurora, Harvey left.

Once he was gone, Aurora said, "Vicky, four years have passed, and Tyler is married now.

Don't you think you should move on and find a boyfriend?" + Vicky unlocked her phone.

"It's not that I can't move on.

I just haven't met the right person." "I think Harvey is quite suitable.

Over these years, he has gradually shifted the focus of his career to Stoneford City...

Don't tell me you don't understand his feelings." Vicky fell silent for a moment before speaking.

"I can't hold him back.

It wouldn't be fair to him." After Tyler got engaged to Avery, Harvey confessed to Vicky, but she turned him down.

Harvey did not persist or make things difficult for her, and he did not act out of place in any gathering that followed.

He acted like they were just ordinary friends without placing any pressure on her.

He appeared so calmly in her life and remained there for four years.

Apart from that one confession, he had not tried to confess his feelings again.

Even when he shifted his business to Stoneford City, he had not mentioned it to Vicky.

She heard about it from Noah later and immediately sought Harvey out after that, but before she could say anything, he said, " I moved my business to Stoneford City due to my own considerations.

Don't overthink it." With that, he silenced all the words she prepared to say.

Despite his explanation, Aurora could tell Harvey cared deeply for Vicky.

Aurora understood what Vicky meant and sighed.

"Vicky, you can't stay in love with the same person for the rest of your life.

How would you know this won't work if you don't give it a try? Besides, based on what I know about Harvey, he isn't the type who would cling to you if you end up breaking up with him.

He won't pressure you into anything.” Just as Vicky was about to respond, a melodious voice sounded from the television.


I trust my fiance.

There must be some other explanation for the situation, so we won't call off the engagement." Aurora froze and turned around to look at the television to find Tyler's face on the screen.

At that moment, he stood tall before the cameras and answered the reporters' questions calmly.

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