Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1603

Chapter 1603

Chapter 1603

After a pause, Vernon said, “Why don’t you call off the engagement for now?”

Stunned, Avery said, “What did you say, Dad?”

“After what happened last time, Tyler could still help you out by making a public statement, but you’ll only be the target of condemnation if he does it again this time. He might look like a loyal man by doing so, but what about you?”

“I’m not afraid of that!” Avery refused to call off the engagement. “They can say whatever they want to say. I can just head back to Molivia! No one in Molivia will dare to say anything about me!”

Vernon sneered. “You can say that you were framed the first time, but can you still claim that it’s a coincidence if the same thing happens twice? I know that you aren’t afraid of what people might say about you, but everyone sees you as a woman who lost her virtue. Because of that, our company’s stock is dropping. The masses are mocking our family! If Tyler doesn’t marry you, no one will ever marry you.”

After the release of the video, people all around the world saw her in a compromising position. On top of that, no one would dare to marry a woman who seemed to draw trouble wherever she went.

It was fair to say that Avery’s reputation was ruined.

“Announce that you and Tyler Hart have dissolved your engagement, and explain to the public that this so-called lover of yours threatened you into meeting him with those photos. It’d make it easier for the public to accept,” Vernon suggested.

Avery’s voice rose in frustration. “Why should I care whether they accept it or not? I’m marrying Tyler, not them! As long as he’s willing to marry me, that’s enough. I don’t want to break off the engagement!”

“He’s willing to marry you now, but have you considered he might change his mind once you’re back with him? A man who’s constantly ridiculed and mocked might have a

change of heart eventually. Avery, do you think marriage is the end of the story?” Vernon questioned.

Avery’s breath caught, leaving her speechless as she knew that marriage was not an end but a beginning.

“If you announce the break-up now, you salvage some reputation for yourself and save Tyler from the humiliation. Once the storm subsides, you can hold the wedding again. Doesn’t that solve both problems?”

Avery’s confidence wavered. “But what if Tyler doesn’t want to marry me anymore after we break off the engagement?”

“If he doesn’t want to marry you, an engagement won’t change that,” Vernon replied.


“Avery,” Vernon’s tone became increasingly stern. “Do you remember the three projects Tyler presented to our family?” Avery clenched her fists.”… I remember.”

“You did well in handling that situation,” Vernon said slowly.” Having those three projects under our control is enough to control the Hart family and Tyler Hart. He won’t dare to refuse to marry you. I wouldn’t have proposed this if we didn’t have control over those projects. Now that we do, Tyler has to do as we say, so why are you so worried?”

Once the call ended, a young woman who had been standing beside Vernon spoke up, “Dad, what did Avery say?”

“Avery agreed,” Vernon turned to Avery’s half-sister. “Brielle, thank you for your suggestion this time. Otherwise, our family’s reputation would have been tarnished by this shameless girl!”

Brielle smiled. “We’re a family, Dad. You don’t have to thank me for this.”

“If I hand this family over to Avery, she might squander it all. ” Vernon looked at his daughter with a gentle expression.” That wicked girl is only interested in love and romance all day. I fear she won’t amount to much in the future.”

Vernon lightly patted Brielle’s hand. “I’m glad you’re here. The future of our entire family relies on you.”

An obedient smile appeared on Brielle’s face. “Rest assured, Dad. I won’t fail you.”

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