Loving You In Secret

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

The muscular guy looked at Vicky. “How are we able to kidnap his wife so easily? Do you think it’s a trap to get the boss to show himself and capture all of us?”

The driver started to doubt himself upon hearing this. “I don’t think so.

There’s nothing weird when I saw her leaving Hart Corporation.”

“Look at how the media and the latest news says Tyler had reconnected with his wife and even taught those people who bullied her a lesson. He even invited her to have the first dance on his birthday, showing the public how much he treasured his wife. There was no gossip related to him during this period. News related to him was how he loved his wife…”

“Love her? She’ll only die sooner. The more they displayed their affection, the more fake it was. Don’t you know how rich people work? They looked like a perfect couple to the public, but their personal lives are a mess!” scoffed the muscular guy.

“That’s true…” the driver muttered. “Hey, do you think Tyler used her to distract us?”

“Distract us? What do you mean?” asked the muscular guy.

“Using this woman as bait to distract us when the real person he wants to protect is that woman in the hospital,” the driver said.

“What? Is he that cruel of a person? I mean, she is his wife…”

“Tyler Hart is always a ruthless person; he doesn’t care if his wife dies or whatnot. If he wanted it, he could have many wives. It’s not like you’ve never seen the way he did things…” the driver continued.

“Oh, I remember now! When the boss investigated Tyler, he said Tyler had a bad relationship with his wife and that he hated his wife. At that time, the boss even thought of cooperating with his wife to trap Tyler. It seems like it was not long ago, and the tide has turned. Don’t you think it’s weird?” the muscular guy asked.

“It does sound strange when you put it that way… Well, we should inform the boss. We can’t let him fall into Tyler’s trap.”

“Yea… Oh, the boss answered the phone!” The muscular guy with the phone quickly said, ’Boss, we’ve captured Tyler Hart’s wife! When are you coming back…”

Before he could finish, his expression darkened as he heard something.

A few seconds later, he hung up the call.

The other thought his expression did not look good and asked, “What’s wrong? What happened?’

The muscular guy looked at Vicky ferociously. ’Tyler did use her to divert our attention! The boss said there’s a fight over at his side and asked for backup!”

After hearing that, the others’ expressions darkened. Some hurried to call for reinforcement while some rounded up their mates. It was a mess.

No one was paying attention to Vicky. Previously, they did not tie Vicky up because they knew they were out in the wild. Even if Vicky tried to run, she had nowhere to go. The situation had changed, however, because they knew Vicky was not as important as they thought.

Vicky took a deep breath, looking at those kidnappers who were too busy to pay attention to her. Her fingers were still shivering, but her brain was clear. Since she was not that important, perhaps she could escape.

At that moment, someone finally remembered Vicky’s presence. ‘Hey, what should we do with her?”

The muscular guy who called his boss said, “The boss didn’t say anything. He only asked her to go help him as soon as possible.”

The other muscular guys exchanged looks with each other. One of them said hesitantly, ‘Why don’t we leave her here? We don’t need her anymore, and it’s troublesome to bring a rich man’s fragile wife with us. What if she only creates trouble for us?’

“Why don’t we just kill her to teach Tyler Hart a lesson? Tyler Hart doesn’t care about her anyway, so it doesn’t matter if she’s alive or dead. At least we could have revenge for the boss.”

” I don’t think that’s a wise move. What if Tyler loves her? We might screw up the boss’ plan if we kill her. Besides, if Tyler doesn’t care about this woman and is only using her, he probably will thank us for doing him a good deed if we kill her.”

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