Loving You In Secret

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

The next day, Vicky walked out of her room with the bag containing a male jacket.

After everything that happened the day before, she forgot to pass the jacket back to Charlie and figured she could hand it to him later at the hotel restaurant.

She had a strict biological clock and would head down for breakfast at the same time everyday.

For the past few days, she would often run into Charlie, but for some reason, not only had she not run into him when she went down the floors in the elevator, but she had not seen him at breakfast either.

Though confused, Vicky did not think much of it until she arrived at the production site to find the crew whispering to one another and the production paused.

When Mindy arrived at the dressing room and saw Vicky, she waved her hand at Vicky. “Vicky, come over for a bit.’

Confused, Vicky followed Mindy into the dressing room. “Vicky, Charlie is in trouble.”

Vicky froze. “In trouble? Is it about that scandal?”

“No. Well, kind of…” Mindy muttered hesitantly.

The scandal involving Vicky and Charlie was nothing to the production crew as they all worked together and spent enough time around one another to tell what was true.

When Charlie made his public statement, he went to the length of tagging Mindy, who helped to support his claim without hesitation.

Charlie had more to gain if he did not clarify, but he chose to do so anyway instead of using the scandal to increase his fame.

Mindy was impressed by how responsible and manly he was.

Vicky was not in show business and Charlie was trying to shield her from the press’s attention, so Mindy thought that the two were a great match for one another.

However… 1

Vicky felt slightly anxious at her hesitant expression and asked, “Mindy, what happened? Tell me!’ 1

Mindy took a deep breath and said, “Vicky, Charlie was… arrested for harassing his fans this morning…”

“That’s impossible. He isn’t that kind of a person,” Vicky immediately said.

“I know that as well, which is why…everyone thinks that he might’ve crossed the wrong person.”

Vicky froze.

A week later, Vicky sat on the couch on the first floor of the hotel and was drifting off to sleep when she heard footsteps approaching from the direction of the main door.

She opened her eyes abruptly and saw a towering man strolling over elegantly, followed by a woman.

Vicky sobered up and stood before hurrying toward the man. “Tyler, I need to speak to you.”

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