Loving You In Secret

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Sheila quickly put down the script and got up. “I’ll make you a cup of tea…”

“You don’t have to,” Tyler said faintly, “I’m going to go after saying what I have to.”

She gazed into his faint, cool face. The smile on her face slowly dropped as she realized something.

“Are you here because…of Miss Shaw?”

When she was reading the news in the evening, she realized all the news related to Vicky was gone. Someone must have taken control of it, and it was a no-brainer to guess who could be so powerful to take down all of the viral news so quickly.

Tyler nodded. “This incident has been around long enough. It’s time to end it.”

Sheila stayed silent for a few seconds and smiled. “Miss Shaw still refuses to admit it, does she?”

Tyler did not answer that question. “Either of you has solid evidence to prove otherwise in this matter.”

“Yeah.” She looked down and said softly, “Although no one else had touched the costumes before I put it on, I don’t have the evidence to prove Miss Shaw was the one who damaged my costume. Even if it was her, there is no saying that she did it accidentally or with purpose…”

She looked up to look into Tyler’s eyes while putting a light smile on her face. “Tyler, I know what you’re trying to say. I’ll put up a clarification that my drowning has nothing to do with Miss Shaw. But…I heard that the police have found a new eyewitness. You need to settle that.”

Tyler looked at her and said all of a sudden, “Do you know who the eyewitness is?”

Sheila shook her head.

Tyler’s eyes sharpened. “It’s Maria Sparks.”

Sheila was stunned. Before she could think of words to form a sentence, Tyler spoke again, “She, too, was in the fitting room before the incident took place. Why were you only suspicious of Vicky?”

She felt like her airway tightened. “Miss Sparks and I have nothing against each other, so I believe she has no reason to do it. Besides, Vicky drowned once because of Sasha, and as Sasha’s cousin, it’s normal that she wants to take her revenge on me…’

“You and Maria Sparks have nothing against each other, you say?” Tyler thought otherwise. “But she tried to trouble you in the production team before, and she also broke your leg once.”

Sheila’s pupils dilated. Her mouth opened, but there was no voice coming out. She felt like something was stuck in her throat.

After forcing a smile onto her face, she said, “Yes. Maybe Miss Sparks could do that too…”

“Just moments after you fell into the water, the news got out swiftly,” remarked Tyler coolly, “and they came with photos. Clearly, someone was trying to make this go viral.”

This time, Sheila failed to keep the smile on her face. “Are you trying to say someone tried to frame Miss Shaw?”

His voice was calm and his thought was sensible. “It’s still undetermined if anyone was trying to frame her. But obviously, the person must’ve planned it for a long time to have sent out all of the photos Vicky took during her work with the production team in such a short time. And…the person must be someone from the production team to be able to do that.” i

Instantly, Sheila thought she was in a freezer. “Are you saying,” she began, her voice wavering, “I pretended to drown to make Vicky responsible for the incident, using this opportunity to hurt her?” 1

Tyler’s eyes darkened, and the look he gave her was indescribable. “Sheila, you are a smart girl. I trust that you wouldn’t do such a stupid move.”

Sheila lifted her head to look at Tyler’s handsome face. Her pupils dilated, and she started panting.

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