Loving You In Secret

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Vicky made up things about Tyler so that she could satisfy the man before her, but she was starting to feel exhausted from lying toward the end.

“Sir, don’t you think it’s a legitimate reason for me to get a divorce?”

The man narrowed his eyes darkly under the dim light and said, “I suppose a man who can’t satisfy his own wife is hardly a man at all.”

Vicky looked at him hopefully. “So…”

“If that’s the case, I can believe what you said. I am capable of getting you out of here.”

Vicky sighed a breath of relief; her clothes were drenched with sweat at this point.

“However…” The man kept his eyes on her. “I’m not particularly interested in charity work, so don’t you think that you need to show me how sincere you are about this deal?”

“Sincere?” She shot him a confused look. “What do you mean?”

The man continued to stare at her in the most invasive manner.

“Miss Shaw, you are young and beautiful. It’s a shame that you have a husband who can’t satisfy you. You must have felt empty all along. To be honest, I only spent all that

money on you because I’m interested in you.”

Vicky froze as she began to understand what he meant to say, and her lashes trembled ever so slightly in response to his words. “For someone of your status, you can have any woman you want. I—I’m

Tyler’s wife, after all. If he finds out about this…someone with a sick mindset like his…might seek revenge on you…”

The man did not waver. “So long as we don’t say anything about it, how would he know?”

“He is really sensitive and I’m not good at lying, so I’m worried that I won’t be able to hide it from him…”

“You’re not good at lying, you say?” The man glanced at her pointedly. “Why do I feel like you’re exceptionally good at it?”

“To tell you the truth…I have my issues.”

Vicky decided to go to lengths to obtain any chance of escaping and said, “I am extremely boring in bed.”

“I don’t mind,” the man said. “I like a challenge.”

“Sir, I-“

Vicky was about to argue when the man interrupted her,” Miss Shaw, you don’t seem to understand the situation you are in.” He looked into her eyes and drawled, “First of all, you’re in no position to negotiate with me.”

Her heart sank.

“Secondly, even if I don’t touch you, someone else will seven days from now. Why do you think they brought you

here?” He studied the pale look on her face and chuckled. “If you want out, I can help, but it’s going to be a trade-off. I don’t enjoy forcing myself on women, and if you don’t want this, it’s fine by me. Forever Night offers a full refund for commodities that are ‘unsatisfactory’. However…”

He paused and continued, “The guests are still around, so you’d simply be auctioned off to the next bidder.”

With that, the man started to walk toward the door, seemingly intending to leave.

Vicky started to panic as he walked away, but every cell within her was appalled by the idea of selling her body for a chance to escape.

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