Loving You In Secret

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

The light in the living room flickered, and his shadow stretched and twisted in the most peculiar way.

Tension rose in the air, and Vicky instinctively clenched her fists.

“I’ve gone through the documents,” the man said emotionlessly. “You gave me the list of employees and their respective departments… Are you trying to get me to work there?’

Vicky looked away. “I’m a designer, not a businesswoman. I don’t know much about the company and…I thought that these were plans for Hart Corporation and copied them.”

“What about finance reports, bidding reports, and contracts the company had signed before?”

“I didn’t see any.’


“Really.” Vicky tried her best to sound as sincere as she could. “Tyler is a skeptical man, and he’s going to place the important documents in

encrypted files. I’m not a hacker, and I cant possibly find them. These are all I found.”

The man chuckled. “Vicky Shaw, do you take me for a fool?”

“Sir, I don’t understand…”

“You are a designer and it is understandable that you don’t know much about running a business, but what exactly do you think my profession is, Miss Shaw? Do you really think that I’m unaware of what’s inside his laptop? ” The man’s voice grew colder. “Miss Shaw, do you really think that I know nothing? Is that why you took the opportunity to play your tricks?”

The air around the man seemed to have frozen, and she shouted, “I didn’t, Sir!”

“No?” The man narrowed his eyes dangerously.

“Ha!” He mocked and took out his phone.

She was stunned at first, but soon noticed what he was doing.

The lights were dim inside the room, so the screen of his phone stood out.

She could distinctly see that he was adding the videos to a message. He then dragged his long fingers across the screen and entered a certain number; a number that Vicky remembered by heart.

Her eyes widened, and she questioned, lips quivering, “W-What are you doing?!”

The man did not bother looking up. “Don’t worry. Tyler Hart might not recognize that it’s your voice.’

He typed in the number and was about to send the message when Vicky snatched his phone out of his hand. “Are you crazy?!”

His eyes underneath the mask shimmered mercilessly. “Miss Shaw, I told you that I don’t like being lied to.”

She held onto his phone as tears welled in her eyes. “Next time… I won’t lie to you next time.’

He studied her with his cold, dark eyes.

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