Loving You In Secret

Chapter 426

Chapter 426

Chapter 426

Chapter 426

Tyler’s eyes turned cold, and so did his voice.

“Where’s Vicky?” he asked.

“She… She left Stoneford City three hours ago, heading somewhere else…” his subordinate answered with fear.

The air became stagnant.

Tyler was not a person who liked to express his emotions visibly. Even when he was infuriated, he would never scold his subordinate. More often, his silence brought more fear when compared to the time he spoke.

“Huh,” he scoffed smokily. It sounded apathetic and oppressing.

He spoke to himself, “My girl hasn’t learned her lesson yet, it seems.”

Vicky acted obediently this whole time. Although there were times she would fight back, it was nothing to Tyler. He thought she finally learned her lesson and stopped thinking of running after what happened at Forever Night.

It turned out she still had it in her to run.

“Mister Hart.” His subordinate hesitated upon realizing Tyler was murmuring. “Umm…what should we do?”

Tyler did not panic as he calmly instructed, “Inform the airline and request for the plane to turn back.”

Stoneford City was in the heart of Zendonia. It would take at least five hours before the place was out of Zendonia’s air. Currently, the plane was still within Zendonia’s sky.

The subordinate was stunned by Tyler’s instruction and said nothing.

Tyler suddenly changed his mind. “Forget it. Have the place land at the nearest airport.”

Just as the subordinate was about to ask something, Tyler hung up the phone.

The subordinate was in charge of arranging men with the responsibility to stalk and monitor the target. He did not have any experience to do what Tyler requested.

Obviously, the airline would not listen to his request to land the plane without presenting any documents. As a result, he could only call Harry for help.

After knowing the difficulties, Harry said after a few seconds of silence. “I got it. I’ll settle this.”

“But…” the subordinate hesitated. “I know Mister Hart is very powerful, but the airline isn’t under our corporation. I’m afraid…”

Harry smiled. “We completed the acquisition with a few of the major airlines last year. This wasn’t published to the public, but the corporation is already in control of them.”

As soon as the news of the plane landing at the nearest airport was broadcasted, all the passengers in the cabin aired their complaints.

The look on Vicky’s face became terrible.

“Why is the plane needed to land at the nearest airport? Do you think Tyler is behind this?” she asked.

Harvey looked outside the window at the sky that was turning bright. “I’ve checked that Tyler didn’t have control over this airline. Theoretically, it shouldn’t be a problem. If this is Tyler’s doing…then why are we landing at the nearest airport instead of turning back?”

That slightly brought some peace to Vicky’s worried mind.

“Maybe the plane is having some technical issues.” Harvey’s handsome face looked serious. “Tyler always plays out of the ordinary. We should be cautious.”

He looked at Vicky and said, “We must leave the airport as soon as the plane lands.”

Vicky got affected by Harvey’s emotions, and she started to worry again.

Half an hour later, the plane landed safely at the airport of Jencity.

When that happened, Vicky’s phone rang. Her fingers trembled when she saw the caller ID.

After a few seconds of hesitation, she eventually answered the phone.

A man’s cold voice rang from the speaker, “A divorce certificate… Vicky Shaw, you are truly amazing. You went behind me and filed for a divorce.”

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