Loving You In Secret

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Vicky avoided eye contact with Tyler and refused to move.

Tyler sneered. ’Very well, Vicky. I hope you won’t regret your choice.”

She kept her head bowed, not daring to meet his eyes.

Just then, Harvey suddenly shoved Vicky to the side. ’Vicky, watch out!”

A deafening noise of a gunshot echoed in the air, and before she could register what had happened, she felt blood splashing onto the back of her hand and looked up abruptly to find a gun in Tyler’s hand.

Both Harvey and Vicky were being held at gunpoint, and smoke oozed from the pipe.

Realization dawned on her and she immediately turned to look at Harvey. He covered his arm with one hand; blood oozed from the gaps in his fingers.

Had Harvey not pushed her out of the way, she would have been the one who was shot.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “You…”

“Since you’ve chosen to be my enemy, I see no reason for me to hold back, ” Tyler said mercilessly.

‘Enemy?’ She thought. ‘That’s right. Harvey is his enemy, and since I’ve chosen to leave with him, that makes me… Tyler’s enemy as well. It makes sense that he’d shoot me.’

Though she saw the logic in Tyler’s words, she still could not help the chills that traveled down her spine.


Just then, gunshots were fired around them, and a few of Tyler’s subordinates collapsed.

Relieved, Harvey said, “Vicky, our backup is here.”

He only attempted to initiate a conversation with Tyler to stall.

Harvey grabbed Vicky’s wrist and said, “Stay close to me, Vicky.”

Chaos erupted following the gunshot, and Harvey took the opportunity to leave with Vicky, i

She fumbled after him as her mind replayed the cold look in Tyler’s eyes. She could sense the malicious intent in his eyes and realized that he truly meant to kill her.

“Mister Sparks, right here!” A car drove by swiftly and stopped.

A young man inside shouted, “Get in now. Tyler Hart’s backups are on their way as well! If his people get here, we won’t be able to get away!”

Harvey knew the severity of the situation and pulled Vicky into the car without hesitation.

The young man was an excellent driver and drove the car through the obstacles swiftly, leaving all the cars and people behind them.

The man stopped the car in an isolated alley and said to Harvey, “Mister Sparks, this is a safe zone. You’ve been shot, and we need to remove the bullet before Tyler starts searching the area.’

The man was Jackie Tierney, Harvey’s most trusted subordinate. He was a skilled fighter and was quick on his feet, so he had overcome countless troubles as he remained by Harvey’s side throughout the years.

Harvey was pale from the blood loss and nodded. “Sure.”

Harvey knew that it would not be easy to leave Jencity easily and had prepared numerous places to hide ahead of time.

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