Loving You In Secret

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

“Get in,” said Tyler to Gloria, who was caught off-guard.

She unconsciously looked at Vicky.

Vicky lowered her head, trying to hide her emotions and pretending she did not see this.

“Tyler…” Just as Gloria was about to say something, Vicky opened the door to the backseat and got inside.

“We’re in a hurry, aren’t we? Get in.” Tyler’s voice sounded deep and cool. There were no other emotions on his handsome face.

Even if Gloria was slow to catch something, she could sense an odd shift between Tyler and Vicky. This was how Tyler treated Vicky the last time, too.

After standing in the same spot for a while, she eventually sat in the front passenger seat.

The car drove off.

The ambiance in the car was cold and stagnant, and no one spoke. Theoretically speaking, Vicky should make use of the time to discuss with Gloria about her outfit. For some reason, however, she did not say anything and merely watched the view passing by out the window instead.

It was Gloria who broke the silence by saying something.” Tyler, are we…going to pick up Maestro Warner?”

Tyler said faintly, “Why do you want to look for him?”

“I want to obtain his approval on some of his songs…

Maestro Warner is an eccentric person, and he’d never allow anyone to perform his song. He even said once that he’d rather have no one play his song and doesn’t wish to let those who amended his song contaminate the audience’s ear. Those who aren’t good with music are often those who got rejected by him…”

Gloria smiled and continued, “To have his permission to play his music, you need to play it for him to hear before he gives you the green light.”

Maestro Warner was a renowned and influential person in the music composition industry, having dedicated his whole life to music. He was a truly respected person by every artist in the world.

Gloria wanted to perform songs from Maestro Warner, so she had been trying to find him in the hope she could get his permission.

Maestro Warner did not care if the performer was willing to pay him a lot of money to play his song; he would still reject the performer if the performer was not skillful enough. On the other hand, if the performer could move Maestro Warner during their performance, Maestro Warner would give his permission solely to that person without accepting even a dollar.

Tyler understood. “So you wish to obtain his permission.”

Gloria nodded. “There are a few songs of his that I like very much, so I’m hoping I can obtain his approval.”

“You want to play for him?” Tyler asked.

“Yes. If I can obtain his approval today, I can perform his songs at the concert at the end of this month,” Gloria said.

“Where do you normally train?” Tyler asked again.

“In my private piano studio,” Gloria answered.

“Where is that?” Tyler asked.

Gloria told him the address.

Calmly, Tyler said, ‘TH ask someone to send Maestro Warner there. We’re going straight to your studio now.”

Just when Gloria wanted to ask if that would be rude, she thought of something. How could she forget that she had to discuss with Vicky about her outfit when they reached the studio? It could save a lot of, and make good use of, the time she had.

Gloria looked up at the rearview mirror.

Vicky was still gazing out the window at the scene; it was as though she did not hear the conversation.

Gloria thus said nothing else.

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside Gloria’s piano studio. Gloria was ready to get down the car and unfastened the safety belt, but her long hair got caught by the safety belt’s bucket.

With her hair tugged, she shrieked, “Ahh!”

Tyler looked over and asked, “What’s wrong?”

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