Loving You In Secret

Chapter 654

Chapter 654

Chapter 654

‘ Also…’ Noah shot Vicky a look. “The car accident and your amnesia might not be an accident at all.’ “That’s impossible,” insisted Vicky. Despite losing her memories, she remembered what happened on the day of the car accident.

“On the day of the accident, Tyler was the one who texted me, saying that he wanted a divorce. I packed up to leave after receiving that text. If Tyler didn’t want a divorce as you said, he didn’t have to agree to it in the first place.”

Noah stared at Vicky dazedly and sighed with resignation. “You still believe him like you did before, Vicky.”

‘ I just don’t think it’s necessary for him to do things like this.’

Noah shook his head. “It’s never a matter of whether it’s necessary. He’s capable of anything, Vicky…”

Just as he was about to say something else, someone knocked on the car window.

Knock, knock!

Noah glanced outside the window and paled as though he was facing the end of the world.

His imagination ran wild once again as he mentally rambled, ‘Tyler is going to send his men to steal my cat, making it look like some thief got inside, before setting my house on fire by faking a gas leakage accident. He’ll kill me by disguising it as a car accident!’ 1

The thought sent chills down Noah’s spine, and he started to sweat profusely.

“Tyler is a lunatic, and he might kill me without alerting anyone… No, he won’t kill me. He’s going to torture me.” He widened his eyes in fear. “Is he going to kill my cats right in front of me?! A man as ruthless as him might… actually eat my cats! Is he going to steam them, or fry them?!” i

Vicky opened her mouth to speak but decided against it as Noah’s imagination ran wild.

Knock, knock!

The knocking on the car window intensified, but Noah was too absorbed in his thought to notice.

“Oh, I guess he can only make my cats into a stew…”

“Noah, I’ll get going now.” Feeling defeated, Vicky opened the door and got out of the car.

As soon as she closed the door, the car darted off into the distance.

’…” Vicky stared at the car as it disappeared from her sight with resignation.

Just then, she felt a cold gaze upon her.

“What were the two of you doing inside the car?” Tyler questioned sharply.

She turned around and spotted the cold expression on his face as though he was confronting his cheating wife.

She frowned but explained regardless, “What exactly can we do in such a short period?’

“Why were you with him?”

“I lost my bag and ran into Noah, so I asked for his help to send me here.”

“Where did you run into him?”

Vicky disliked being confronted and remained quiet for a few moments before saying, “By the road. I wanted to catch a taxi, but there wasn’t any taxi on the road, and I ran into Noah.”

’So you’ve been with him all this time?”

She stared at him suspiciously. “You haven’t bothered to ask me about why I am late or how I lost my bag, but you think that it makes sense to prioritize asking about Noah instead?”

Tyler paused.

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