Loving You In Secret

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Tyler did not raise his voice, but his tone was nonetheless threatening. “The money in her wallet might not even be as worthy as her bag itself. Are you sure that you’ve just tossed something that valuable away?”

The man swallowed hard and started to sweat. “I—I didn’t throw it away. I…I sold it.”

“Oh? So why did you say you threw it away?”

“I… I just don’t want any trouble and thought it’d be best to say that I threw it away.”

“Where did you sell it to?”

The man took another glance at Vicky again, much to her confusion. “Why do you keep looking at me?”

The man wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, “No… No reason.”

“You know who I am, right?” Tyler asked abruptly.

The man forced a smile. “Of course, Mister Hart…”

“I can look into every claim you make, and even if you threw the bag into a trashcan, I’ll find it.”

The man paled.

“Do you know what it means to lie to me?” Tyler continued.

Panicking, the man kneeled before Vicky and whimpered,” Miss Shaw, help me!”

Vicky could not register what he meant. “What?”

“I was working under your order, Miss Shaw!”

Stunned, she said, “What are you talking about?”

The man gaped at Vicky. “Miss Shaw, are you trying to shift all blame onto me?”

The exchange between Tyler and the robber had alerted Vicky to some extent, and she had only thought that the man was trying to downplay his crime. To her bewilderment, the man came begging her for help and pointed the blame at her.

She stood up abruptly and said furiously, “What are you talking about? I don’t even know you!”

The man seemed angry as well. “Miss Shaw, how can you do this? You never mentioned a word about Mister Hart when you hired me to steal your bag! Had I known that Mister Hart was involved, I would’ve never accepted the deal you offered!”

Vicky was both dumbfounded and offended by being wrongfully accused. “Mister, I don’t even know you. It’s ridiculous for you to claim that I hired you to steal my bag. Why would I do such a thing?”

The man’s face flushed. “You hired me to steal your bag because you didn’t want a divorce!”

He turned around to look at Tyler before pointing at Vicky furiously. “Mister Hart, she came to me and said that her husband insists on divorcing her, but she doesn’t want it. That’s why she hired me to steal her bag! She said that all the documents will be lost, and she can stall the procedures. She said that her husband was being reckless and might change his mind after some time. I thought that it wasn’t exactly hurting anyone and could potentially fix up a marriage, all the while getting paid for it, so why not? Who would’ve known that the husband she was talking about was you, Mister Hart?”

The man stared at Tyler pleadingly. “Mister Hart, she planned the whole thing. I have nothing to do with it… Please just let me go!”

Words could not begin to explain how Vicky felt at the moment at the ridiculous situation she found herself in.

‘Am I actually being framed by the man who stole my bag?!’ she snarled mentally.

Noah watched as the scene unfold with a scowl, feeling as though he had seen something similar before.

After a few thoughtful moments, he realized that his two cousins of different mothers framed each other the exact same way over a man.

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