Loving You In Secret

Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Chapter 674

“Tyler! Tyler!”

“Wake up, don’t sleep! Stop sleeping…!”

Who was calling him?

All of a sudden, Tyler opened his eyes.

“He’s awake!” someone exclaimed.

Tyler narrowed his eyes, and before he could see the one in front of him, he heard Doctor Charlie saying, “Thank goodness. You’re finally awake! Miss Shaw, come and see; your boyfriend is awake! Thank goodness… If his fever persisted for one more day, his brain would’ve been fried!”

Subsequently, he saw a thin figure appearing before his eyes.

Vicky was thrilled and overjoyed to see Tyler finally awake. Tears rolled down from her eyes and dropped onto Tyler’s skin.

“Oh, thank heavens. You woke up!”

The tears dropped on the back of his hand and created an indescribable feeling. The tears were supposed to be cold, but they felt warm when they landed on his hand.

Tyler blinked a few times to get a clear look. His voice was hoarse. “What happened to me?”

It was then he realized how frail he sounded. Nothing like this had happened during the times he was sick.

“You have had a fever for four days.” Vicky wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes. “The doctor said if it persisted…”

She pointed at her brain. “You’d be rendered an idiot with your brain fried.”

Tyler glared at her swollen eyes as his eyes wavered. “What are you crying about?” he said weakly. “You’re not the one at risk of being an idiot with your brain fried.”

Vicky was speechless.

Even at a time like this, he could still be so mean. How did she never realize how mean Tyler could be before this?

Well, they hardly talked to each other even though they knew each other for some time.

He was a very quiet man. If he could use one word to answer a question, one would never hear two words coming out of his mouth.

She looked at his pale handsome face. Her tears started to build up in her eyes again.

She had a soft heart. Despite Tyler kicking her out ruthlessly a few days ago, she was disconcerted to see him lying on the bed like a fragile porcelain doll. She found it hard to adapt to the huge contrast.

She wiped away her tears and replied, “If you really fried your brain, I’d have to take care of an idiot in the future. I barely have enough money to support myself, and with you around, my whole life would be ruined. Why can’t I cry about it?”

Tyler raised his brow. “You can choose to leave me.”

“You’re not on good terms with your parents that you don’t even have their number in your contact list! You don’t have a girlfriend or even a friend… I tried to reach out to them, but I have no idea where to

find them.

“And Doctor Charlie thought that I’m your girlfriend. If I leave, the hospital has the right to sue me! Plus, if I really leave you after you fried your brain, then with your situation, you’re definitely…”

If Tyler truly did end up with a screwed mind, she was not cruel enough to leave him alone in the hospital, especially when they knew each other and Tyler had helped her before.

He was not that mean to her.

After the mean things he said to her, he transferred an amount of money to her again. Despite the mean things he said, he was better than a lot of men who only knew how to trick girls with their sweet talk instead of letting their actions prove themselves.

With the grace she received from him, it was hard for her to turn her back on him.

Suddenly, a thought struck her, and she was stunned. They had different mindsets and principles. It would only bring an insult to herself if she told him what she thought of.

She looked at Tyler and changed the topic.

“The last time you had a fever was because you forgot to

close the window. Did you forget it again this time?”

After a moment of silence, Tyler answered, “No.”

Vicky continued to glare at him and furrowed her eyebrows.” Then what happened this time?”

Tyler’s thin lips parted as he replied, “I had a shower.”

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