Loving You In Secret

Chapter 807

Chapter 807

Chapter 807

Tyler was the one who rescued Gloria on his way to attend Vicky’s performance. Because he saved Gloria, however, he missed the performance.

Since then, Gloria could not stop herself from paying attention to Tyler.

People tended to see the ones they loved in a favorable manner, and even if the reality was far from ideal, it would be hard for them to believe that their loved ones were less than perfect until their bubbles were completely shattered.

Gloria recalled something that sent chills down her spine.

Harvey once said that Tyler had not made any mistake and that he had always been looking for Vicky.

Tyler had not shown Gloria any mercy even though he was misled to think that he was mistaken, so Gloria could not help but wonder if he would kill her if he found out that it was Vicky he was looking for all along.

She started panting heavily, but Vicky did not notice this as her head began to hurt.

Vicky knew that Gloria might lie, but it was unlikely for Noah to do so. On top of everything, the fear Noah displayed toward Tyler always baffled her.

She turned her attention back to Gloria, when the sight before her began to blur.

Countless memories flew by before her eyes, and she instantly came to a realization as to why she felt familiar with her surroundings.

This was once where Alex was held.

Thoughts raced through her mind and stopped at a particular scene where she was tied, blindfolded, and gagged in an extremely clean room.

Vicky struggled to break free and whined in fear as she could not see a thing.

She knew that she was kidnapped. Sometime later, she heard the door opening, followed by approaching footsteps.

She curled up against herself and shivered.

Not long after, the person stood right by her side and removed the gag along with the blindfold.

After a brief confusion, she slowly adjusted to the light and finally caught sight of her kidnapper.

“Tyler?” She froze for a moment before sighing a breath of relief. “It’s you…”

Tyler noticed that she was letting her guard down, and the look in his eyes darkened. “Vicky, is this how you should behave in front of your kidnapper?”

It was at this moment that Vicky remembered she had broken up with Tyler, so she erased all joy on her face. “Tyler, we’ve broken up, so can you stop bothering me?”

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