Loving You In Secret

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Vicky then turned to leave, prompting Monty to grab her wrist out of panic.

"Hey, don't go!"

Vicky's expression turned cold.

"Sir, please let go of me."

"There's no need for you to be afraid.I'm really just asking for directions.I have no other intentions.I—"

"Let go of me now!" Vicky interrupted.

"No, I can't do that.My phone is almost out of battery, and I'm not familiar with the place here.I might be stuck here forever if you leave..."

Vicky had completely lost her patience.She was about to put up a struggle when a cold voice sounded from behind her.

"What are the two of you doing?!"

Vicky immediately froze, and her face changed drastically when she heard the voice.

"Let me go!" she said as she instinctively shook off Monty's hand.

Monty, on the other hand, had not realized the gravity of the situation yet.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"he asked with surprise when he saw how pale Vicky's face had become.

"I told you to let go of me!"

"And I've already told you I can't let go.I can't have you running away.I..."

However, Monty was pushed away by a strong force and kicked to the ground before he could finish his sentence.He stared blankly at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Who...Who are you?" he stuttered fearfully.

The man was tall and handsome.

No, it would be more accurate to say he had the classic good look of a Greek god.

However, he seemed to be surrounded by a cloud of gloomy hostility at the same time, not to mention those dark blue eyes of his that were as cold as icebergs, chilling him to the bone.

Tyler paid the young man no attention.His gaze was fixed on Vicky.

"I haven't even left for a minute, yet you've already tried to run away?"

All the colors immediately drained out of Vicky's face the moment she laid on him.

"No, I wasn't trying to run away.It was just...I've been cooped up for too long and wanted to get some fresh air.I was on my way back when I bumped into someone asking for directions," explained Vicky.

"Asking for directions? You call what the two of you were doing asking for directions?" Tyler asked with a faint smile on his face.

"Tyler, you've misunderstood.He wouldn't let me go, and I was just—"

"Vicky Shaw, do you seriously think that I'm ever going to believe you again?" interrupted Tyler coldly.

His dark blue eyes were as cold as the deepest depth of the ocean.

"You have lost my trust the moment you stepped out of the house."

"The moment I stepped out of the house?"

Vicky was keenly aware there seemed to be something off about those words.

"Wait a minute...How did you know that I stepped out by myself instead of me being rescued by someone?"

Even if Tyler misunderstood the relationship between her and Monty, she could not help but wonder how Tyler could be so sure that she was the one who opened the door.

Suddenly, Vicky's eyes widened.She remembered seeing with her own eyes that Monty's phone had no signal, yet Tyler only left the house because he got a call from someone.

Instantly, she understood everything.

"Tyler, were you testing me?"

"That's right, and you didn't disappoint me at all."

Looking at Tyler's handsome face, Vicky's heart gradually became colder and colder.She should know better than anyone else just how cautious of a man Tyler was.He would never make such a foolish mistake as to let her find out the passcode to unlock the door.

However, the surprise of being able to get out of the house caused her to ignore all the little signs pointing to the whole set-up being a trap.

"Why am I not surprised to find out you're willing to seduce just about anyone if it means you can get out of this place," said Tyler darkly as the look in his eyes became colder and colder.

"Vicky Shaw, you have no qualms about doing anything for the sake of reaching your goal, huh?"

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