Loving You In Secret

Chapter 852

Chapter 852

Chapter 852

When Vicky woke up, she felt as though she had traveled back in time. It was not until her phone on the nightstand started vibrating that she sobered and answered the call.

“Vicky,” greeted Cece energetically. “I’ve already arrived at the event hall. When will you arrive?”

‘Event hall?’ Vicky thought before remembering that there was a large fashion show in Stoneford City, and as a fashion designer, she could not afford to miss it.

“I’m on my way,” Vicky blurted out and ended the call.

She leaped out of bed to head to the bathroom, only to lose balance and dropped to the ground.

She struggled to get up and noticed the bruise on her wrists.

Vicky froze at the realization that what happened the night before was not a dream.

She did not want to recall what happened, and the truth was that she could not, even if she tried. All she remembered was Tyler asking over and over again who helped her.

However, it was a question that she did not have an answer to.

At one point, she fainted.

After washing up, Vicky swiftly arrived at the event hall where Cece was waiting.

“Vicky.” Cece spotted her and hurried over.

Vicky put a minimum amount of makeup on but could not hide the darkness under her eyes.

“Vicky, what’s wrong? Are you sick?”

“I didn’t get much sleep last night,” Vicky replied.

Cece glanced at her and noticed marks on her neck, so she smirked and drawled, “I see… You didn’t get much sleep again…”

Vicky tugged at her scarf and said, “Let’s go. The show is about to begin.”

The two chatted and entered the hall.

Cece took out her phone and took photos everywhere. “I’m going to send these to Jennifer later. She’s going to be so jealous.”

Vicky glanced at Cece. “When will Jennifer come back? She mentioned a few days ago that she’ll be back soon.”

“Jennifer already bought flight tickets, but that jerk Anthony got Jennifer’s parents on his side when he realized that he can’t make her stay! Jennifer’s parents have always wanted Jennifer to marry Anthony, so they decided to give him a chance and asked Jennifer to spend more time with him,” grumbled Cece in frustration. “After that, Lily came out of nowhere and started wreaking havoc again, so Jennifer and Anthony are in a fight right now. Jennifer wants to leave, but Anthony won’t let her. He already has Lily, but refuses to give up on Jennifer. He must be a psychopath!”

Cece had nothing but contempt for Anthony.

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