Loving You In Secret

Chapter 908

Chapter 908

Chapter 908

Chapter 908

Vicky held him back.

"But, Old Mister Hart and your parents...

"Don't worry about them." Tyler narrowed his eyes coldly.

“Their actions will only escalate if we don't show them what it means to mess with us.Only pain can truly teach a lesson.That's human nature." He lowered his head to meet her eyes.

"They'll never dare to pick on you ever again."

Vicky wanted to tell him that he did not need to do that for her but felt hypocritical for saying so.

"Thank you." She buried her head into his embrace.

"Thank you, Tyler."

"Don't thank me.You were only in these troubles because of me."

He caressed her hair and continued in a gentle tone, "I'm just doing what I should do."

She wrapped her arms around his neck abruptly and tip-toed to kiss him.He was stunned for a split moment but soon snapped out of it and took over control.

The following days were peaceful and serene.

Gloria had left, and Aria had not reappeared.

Even the Hart family had quieted down.

Vicky and Tyler spent a period of warm and joyful days together.

Soon, Tyler's birthday came around, and they did not throw a banquet but opted for an intimate celebration between the two of them this time.

Vicky had been preparing for Tyler’s birthday for a long time, even picking up the piano she had not played in ages.

She practiced for a whole month, and on Tyler's birthday, she played the piece ‘The Moonlight Bay’ for him once again. novelebook.com That day, Vicky was excited and indulged in quite a few drinks. Under the influence of alcohol, she uttered the words ‘I love you’. However, to her disappointment, Tyler only kissed her and did not say a word in response.

This disappointment did not linger for long, as Vicky understood Tyler's reserved nature and knew he seldom expressed his love for her directly.

He did say those words to her once when had imprisoned her shortly after their breakup, but their relationship at the time was strained, and his emotions were unstable.

In one moment, he would force himself on her due to her provocation, and in the next moment, he would turn around and say he loved her.

Such a confession of love, under those circumstances, was hardly something anyone could accept, and Vicky was no exception.

At the time, she had no room to savor his declaration; all she wanted was to escape.

On Tyler's birthday, they spent a romantic and sweet night together.

Before falling asleep that same night, Vicky suddenly realized that this tranquil and blissful time was as good as life could get.

The next day, Vicky woke up with a smile on her lips.

It felt like she was living in a dream, overwhelmed by happiness.

After freshening up, she picked up her phone, ready to go downstairs for breakfast.

As she unlocked her phone, she noticed an unread message on the screen.

Vicky's finger moved across the screen to open the message, and she froze when she saw the identification of the sender.

As she read the content of the message, her expression gradually darkened.

Burdened with thoughts, Vicky descended the stairs and was about to enter the dining room when she coincidentally spotted a tall and elegant figure emerging from the kitchen.

"Awake already?"

Tyler's deep and pleasant voice sounded.

"Come, let's have breakfast."

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