Luck is a Charm

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Exterminate Demon Strike (I)

Daemon Kaiso's demonic form was holding Jared Kaiso tightly without any malicious action toward him. Daemon Kaiso was simply staring deeply in Jared Kaiso's eye, seemingly in confusion on why he doesn't want to kill him with his claws.

Meanwhile, Zen gladly took this opportunity to sense the core in Daemon Kaiso with a calm mind. Rushing things will never be a good thing, especially in a situation like this where speed is crucial.

The faster one person wants to be, the more mistakes they will tend to make if they're nervous.

Time slowly passed and Zen finally located the core in Daemon Kaiso. It was near the ribcage on the left side and it's a difficult position to hit since Daemon Kaiso's have a tough skin now that even javelin cannot penetrate through.

"Any bright ideas Cecilia?" Zen sent a mental transmission to ask Cecilia how to kill it.

"I'm going to lend you some of my true qi and a spiritual sword where you shall inject your true qi in it to do this following strike," Cecilia said softly before putting some information into Zen's mind.

The information Zen received was called Exterminate Demon Strike and as its name said, it's used for killing demons.

However, Zen was dumbfounded when he received this information just now. With a disbelieving expression, he asked softly, "You don't expect me to learn it on the spot and manage to perfect it right?"

Zen was waiting for a reply but Cecilia has stayed completely silent, meaning she has intended for Zen to learn the technique on the spot without any practice.

'Why would you give me this technique now and not earlier? How am I supposed to land it in one strike?' Zen complained inwardly when he was always informed last second in everything.

Thus, no matter how unwilling and difficult the task is, Zen hurriedly tries to study the technique before Daemon Kaiso has any other action.

Meanwhile, Krista Dragoon and Leila Dragoon were dumbstruck by the behavior of Zen since he's not taking this opportunity to strike against Daemon Kaiso when he was distracted by his own son.


Daemon Kaiso roared at Jared Kaiso in his hand, causing Jared Kaiso to wake up from his unconscious state.

When Jared Kaiso regained consciousness and saw who was holding him, his face paled and he started screaming in fear.josei

"AHHH, get away from me. I want my father. My father is Daemon Kaiso and you would regret it for harming me." Jared Kaiso threatened and roared at the demon without knowing he was his father at all.

Daemon Kaiso showed no reaction to the struggle of Jared Kaiso as he was still trying to understand something. Jared Kaiso continued to be frightful as time felt like it had paused and he was all alone with a terrifying existence.

'Father, please rescue me. I promise I will stop being a troublemaker and listen to all your words.' Jared Kaiso cried inwardly as he regretted his action in the Palace Moon Restaurant. 

During the time he tried to take advantage of Angela, he met Zen and was thrashed completely by his own servant no less. Afterward, he was crippled in his manhood and brought to a dark place all alone without any food to eat.

That wasn't even the worst scenario because there would always be a random shadow figure appearing out of nowhere, beating him until it was satisfied before leaving him alone again.

"Please let me go, almighty being. I'm just a useless son without any power and there would be no benefit in killing me." Jared Kaiso cried and pleaded at Daemon Kaiso.

It was at this time, Zen reopened his eyes as he grabbed the spiritual sword that Cecilia lent him. With a solemn expression, Zen held the hilt of the sword as he injected his true qi in it. 

The spiritual sword trembled from the amount of true qi as it started glowing a bright red color, dazzling the room and Daemon Kaiso was also alerted by the brightness as he closed his eyes slightly to avoid being blind.

Meanwhile, Jared Kaiso turned his head around slightly with much difficulty before trembling in fear and horror filled his eyes when he saw who the person was. It was the person who caused him to suffer in a miserable environment and beat him because he was offended by his action of trying to take advantage of Angela.

"Z-Zen," Jared Kaiso stuttered as he tried to struggle from Daemon Kaiso's grasp to run away. 

The short time of torture created a deep fear in Zen and Jared Kaiso wanted nothing more than to get away from him.

Zen ignored Jared Kaiso as he took some more time to inject most of his true qi into the spiritual sword. 

Sometime later, Zen knew it was time when the sword started brimming with red color, almost like it could no longer contain any more true qi and was ready to explode.

"It's time," Zen said slowly before kicking the ground off to strike at Daemon Kaiso who remained in position with Jared Kaiso in his grasp.

When Daemon Kaiso saw Zen was attacking him, his eyes squinted on the amount of power emitting from the sword. Without hesitation, he threw away Jared Kaiso to keep him safe from this strike as he tried to retreat back.

Zen merely sneered at Daemon Kaiso for trying to retreat as he cast some wind magic from behind, propelling him further to Daemon Kaiso.

"Exterminate Demon Strike"

Zen shouted as the spiritual sword lunged through the left ribcage of Daemon Kasio, or more precisely, his core that kept his regeneration and power.

Daemon Kaiso's eyes widened in fear as he knew where the sword was trying to pierce but it was like he couldn't move for some reason.

Daemon Kaiso tried to retreat further but his leg seemed to be obstructed by something so he glanced down briefly, only to see some vines were keeping his right leg in place.

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