Luck is a Charm

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Black Mage

While Kuro and Zhen start fighting for every piece of the Likra meat, Sara giggles on the sideline at how carefree they are.

Honestly, Zhen was surprised by Kuro's appetite as he recently only ate 3 dishes in Lily's Mirage but still got more capacity for the Likra meat.

Kuro roared and spoke, "Unlike Master who has a tiny stomach, We magical beasts are known for their huge bodies. I can eat Sara's cooking no matter how much I stuff myself with other foods."

'This damn Kuro, I really need to learn how to block Kuro from knowing what I'm thinking inside.'

Although people can never tell from Zhen's expression, Kuro only needs to link his signal with his to know what he's thinking.

'Curse that contract with this many different abilities.'

Zhen cursed inwardly from the benefits they get from the contract itself.

It was at this time, Zhen's spatial space started to rumble, stopping them from fooling around.

Noticing his signal, Kuro and Sara got into position for a fight.

Zhen waved his hand to dispel the spatial space and activated his Sense to check what's happening.

Instantly, around 40km away from us, Zhen saw a person wearing a full black ragged robe and multiple magical beasts were roaring at him.

Zhen starts thinking about the type of scenario happening and predicts that he is most likely your typical villain that is trying to control the beasts.

Before Zhen got ahead of himself, he asked Sara about the scenario happening.

Sara's facial expression turned pale when Zhen described the person with a black robe.

Her expression is confirming Zhen's guess was not far from the truth.

'Definitely, your typical dark magician that goes against the public's view and committing all sorts of crimes.'

Zhen can't help but praise his brain cell until Sara crushed his ego-self.

Zhen was overconfident but then Sara started talking.

"That person is a black mage and they are known for their atrocities in criminal activities. We call them black mage and not dark mage because there is a sharp contrast on both of them."

Sara said slowly to Zhen who tried to regain his composure whereas Sara continued speaking.

"Dark mage uses dark element magic but black mage uses Undead magic. When they first appear in this continent, people mistook them for dark mages but then they realize, undead magic is completely different from the dark element as the aura is different when they concentrate on the mana influx."

'Well, if they are capable of utilizing undead magic then I don't even need a second to think that they're plotting something with the magical beasts in this forest.'

Despite being a bit off from his description of that person, Zhen continues to predict their motive before deciding to ask Sara for more details.

"Sara, do these black mages usually kill magical beasts and revive them with undead magic to command them to attack humans."josei

"Y-Yes, they have commanded multiple undead magical beasts in raiding multiple towns and villages. They don't dare to attack the kingdom because the kingdom has a heavily armed force and formation to block them."

'Ugh, it's your typical villain group in a fantasy world. What's worse, we discovered a black mage out of the many people in town. Is this a cursed luck of mine or a blessed one?'

Complaining inwardly, Zhen wants to know if someone is pulling strings behind the scene.

'Sigh, I have seen too many of these plots in a novel so I have a way to deal with it but that'll be boring. I'm going to be original and not act like a hot-headed fool to confront the black mage openly now.'

Zhen spoke in a low volume to Sara, "Sara, I'm going to teleport you near the town's entrance and you will inform them that there is a black mage spotted in the forest. I will continue to inspect him but don't worry, I will not confront him."

Sara wanted to say it'll be dangerous but knowing how she is not strong enough yet and will be dragging him down.

She reluctantly agreed before kissing him on the cheek and told Zhen to be careful.

Zhen smiled at her action as she's still worried about his safety despite seeing the skill he was able to cast.

Zhen was not complaining though since he doesn't mind having a beautiful girl worrying about him every time.

To take advantage of their situation and to relax her nerves, Zhen French kissed her, shocking Sara with the unexpected kiss but before she could pinch his waist.

Zhen cast teleport on her with a cheeky smile.


Sara found herself around 2km away from the town's entrance with a bashful expression.

'Just you wait, Zhen, I-I w-will.....'

Unable to think of what she should do, she grumbled angrily before stomping her foot to walk toward the adventure guild to inform the black mage.

Meanwhile, back in the forest, Zhen's expression turns from relaxed to serious.

If he is not careful about his actions then everything will be ruined. Zhen is not a hero nor a person who believes in justice shall prevail.

However, if this black mage is trying to ruin his plan by harming the town then he can put a 'failure' stamp in his scheme.

Zhen turned his head around and asked Kuro if there is any spying method to prevent them from being discovered.

Kuro took a moment before informing multiple spy methods through a mental transmission.

Zhen found the most suitable method for him is to pour out a tiny bit of mana and attach it to the person.

This is beginner magic and easiest to be detected as mages and even humans without cultivation can tell if they have been attached with mana. That's because each person's mana is unique just like DNA.

Also, by attaching your mana onto a person, they will feel uncomfortable like a bug crawling around your body.

The only way to be undetected is if you're completely stronger than the person attached as you can conceal the aura of the mana.

Zhen doesn't know how much stronger he is compared to the black mage or maybe he is weaker than him.

But the feeling inside his stomach gave him the same confidence on how his mana is different from the structure of this world so Zhen won't need to conceal the aura of the mana to attach to the black mage.

Zhen slowly seeped out a tiny mana, almost the same as a single piece of sand so it can't be seen with the naked eye but he can feel the mana as it connected to his body.

While the black mage continues chanting some weird language, the tiny mana starts to approach him and after 30 seconds, it successfully attached itself without being detected.

'Great, now it's time to leave in case he notices our presence. This is not my job and I won't bother with it unless his scheme threatens my life.'

Seeing how he succeeded in planting a spy device, Zhen wants to leave the area already.

This job is the City Council and Adventure Guild. If they can't even stop this conspiracy then being destroyed should be their incapability.

Zhen could only hope they are not like those novels where they are truly weak and useless.

'Please God, make them useful just in case the black mage scheme is to destroy the town. Otherwise, I will be forced to become the so-called Hero and have many people expecting things from me.'

Lowkey is Zhen's motto unless it revolves around a beautiful girl now.

Zhen slowly wondered when did he become so horny now.

'Was it during the time I transmigrated?'

Maybe, in the future, Zhen will find out the truth but it could just mean this was his true nature and it was simply suppressed due to his life on Earth.

'I shall follow where the winds blow me to. If I'm destined to find out the truth then it will come without any effort.'

Zhen decided to leave it to fate. If he is not supposed to find the truth then no matter how hard he tries, it is simply a waste of time.

"Let go Kuro, our job here is done. Shall we go for some lunch in Lily's Mirage?"

Zhen said to Kuro and changed the topic since this situation does not require his action.

He was only one man and the black mage is affiliated with many others so fighting them alone is akin to seeking death.

Zhen is now enjoying his second life with no plan of seeking death like the last time.

Without knowing his hidden thoughts, Kuro nodded happily and replied, "Yes, although Sara's food is great, I am barely full."

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