Luck is a Charm

Chapter 228

Chapter 228: Imperial Court (IV)

Konner's nervousness continued to increase when time seemingly passed by without any movement from the reinforcement.

'Just what the hell is going on? Can't they see this barrier and Ice Castle?' Konner cursed inwardly as he increased the temperature of his flame to keep himself warm.

Meanwhile, the other imperial guards could barely hold on any longer as they grouped together to produce some warmth for each other.

"Your reinforcement doesn't seem to be coming at all. I have given them plenty of time to show up but at this rate, your companions are most likely going to die from the sub-zero temperature." Zen said slowly.

Konner's complexion changed when he turned around to glance at his companions and saw their faces already had frostbites.

"Damn it," Konner cursed loudly as he clenched his fist, unwilling to accept this outcome.

They were imperial guards, known as the bodyguard for the emperor and empress. 

If words were to get out, where they can't even handle a single person then their reputation as the strongest can go down the drain with many sneering at their incapability.

"You don't have to be this frustrated because victory has always been mine alone." Zen chuckled softly as he walked forward.

Afterward, he patted Konner's shoulder lightly and said, "If you admit defeat now then you can still save yourself and everyone here."

"Otherwise, you can just wait till your death because we all know... The so-called reinforcement will never show up."

Konner gritted his teeth and as much as he wanted to refuse to admit defeat, his hesitation began when one of the imperial guards fainted, unconscious as he could no longer hold on.

After one imperial guard fainted, it was almost like a chain reaction had begun as the next one soon followed.

Zen held an evil grin as he couldn't wait for another great timing to have the imperial guard faint when he was trying to convince Konner.

About two-thirds of the imperial guards fainted before Konner finally gave up as he shouted, "I lost the bet so remove the Ice Castle already."josei

Upon hearing Konner admitting defeat, Zen deactivated the Ice Castle and the temperature soon returned to normal.

However, as promised on the bet, Konner and the rest of the imperial guards have to vow to heaven to never speak about this incident to anyone, not even giving out some signal or nodding their head if being questioned is possible.

Zen has completely cut off any possible communication for them to try and inform another person as he smiled briefly.

"Remember, you have never seen me here and that imperial guard died from somewhere else," Zen said.

"Oh right, where is Krista located in and I don't think you would try to do something stupid like leading me to the empress instead right?" Zen stopped his movement and turned around to glare at Konner.

His gaze was normal but Konner can feel a dreadful aura surrounding Zen and he can tell if he actually lies then his fate would be worse than death.

Konner swallowed nervously as he raised his finger and pointed in the North direction. 

"Princess Krista Dragoon and Princess Leila Dragoon are located on the Northside of the imperial court and the place is called Peace Blossom Court. Also, the empress has no influence over the people working there but that's just on the surface." Konner said softly and continued.

"There could be multiple spies lurking in the Peace Blossom Court but those are just rumors since Princess Krista Dragoon and Princess Leila Dragoon haven't dismissed anyone from the beginning."

Zen nodded his head and started walking toward the Peace Blossom Court to meet up with Krista Dragoon.

When the imperial guards could no longer see his shadow, they turned around to glare at Konner.

"Why did you tell him something important like spies in the Peace Blossom Court?" An imperial guard questioned Konner, almost like he was interrogating him, and doubted his loyalty to the empress.

"You could have just told him the location without telling much but it seemed like your loyalty to the empress is really superficial." 

Another imperial guard added as he was in agreement that he could be a deserter from the empress's side.

Konner merely sneered at their behavior that's still trying to act haughty to regain their lost pride for being defeated by a single spell.

'Hmph, I don't see you guys being this confident when Zen's presence is still here,' Konner exclaimed inwardly as he increased his murderous aura, shocking the other imperial guard.

They quickly raised their weapon at him in a natural response as they were scared of Konner really betraying them and trying to silence them.

"K-Konner, you better not do anything stupid." An imperial guard shouted and continued, "Don't forget we vowed to heaven to never speak about this incident so there's no point in you trying to silence us."

The imperial guards nodded in unison as they were still weakened and exhausted from the Ice Castle whereas Konner could still retain his strength because Zen didn't apply much pressure on him and even secretly used his BloodJade Flame to keep him warm.

"I'm just going to say this once so perk your ears up and listen carefully. I have no intention of betraying the empress but I feared that person- Zen is going to change the Jade Kingdom," Konner's murderous aura subsided as he explained his reasoning.

Konner's explanation made the imperial guards' emotions waver as they all lowered their weapons and glanced at each other.

"Sigh, let's just follow his words and pretend this never happened. We are too low-leveled to be embroiled in their fight for the throne." One imperial guard said as he left the scene, followed by the rest.

Meanwhile, after many twists and turns where Zen kept cursing loudly on the multiple pathways, he finally saw a label on top that says Peace Blossom Court.

"I fucking hate big places. They looked cool and awesome for sure but the gruesome walking is disgusting when you can't even fly because of the formation." 

Zen cursed loudly as he glanced at the Peace Blossom Court in front of him.

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