Luck is a Charm

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Entering the Dungeon

When Zhen woke up with a kiss from Sara, he couldn't help but smile at his new life.

'Having someone loving and caring about me is indeed the greatest wish a man could ever have.'

"Morning, my dear" Zhen said when he saw Sara smiling sweetly at him.

"Un, you were sleeping too soundly so I kiss you to make sure you don't oversleep."

'Hehe, I haven't noticed but ever since we have done the deed, Sara has become more warming towards me.'

Zhen embraced her and helped her up while leering at her figure.

"Stop leering at my body so much, we have to change and prepare for the dungeon."

"Yes Madam, we shall change," Zhen replied as he got off the bed and started changing his clothes.

To his surprise, Sara didn't care about changing in front of him so Zhen didn't mind feasting himself in this beautiful scene.

After they finished changing, Zhen held her hand as they tread down the stairs and informed her parents about our plan.

Once again, John roared like a lion in madness about Zhen's action to bring her daughter.


'I didn't force Sara to follow me to the dungeon. Heck, I won't even dare to force her to do anything against her wish so why are you roaring at me.'

Zhen really wanted to say those aloud in front of John but doing so will make it worse so he could only stay silent and get roared at.

"Father, I want to explore this new dungeon and test my luck," Sara said solemnly with determination brimming in her eyes.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT, Have you forgotten the Likra incident already? Are you trying to scare us more and Sandy might not have said it but she is extremely worried whenever you go out for a mission?"

John was resolute and determined this time as well since he didn't even budge an inch on Sara's cute attitude.

Thinking about John's logic, Zhen has indeed found himself too idiotic to bring Sara along. josei

'Why did I decide to go with Sara to a potentially dangerous dungeon when I can't even control my power.'

There have been multiple deaths that occurred inside and yet here he is, trying to go to this dangerous dungeon with Sara.

A few moments after thinking, Zhen mustered up his courage, "Sara, John is right about his decision. Allow me to explore first and if I found it to be nothing really dangerous then you shall follow with me."

"What! You too, Zhen, how could you leave me alone to explore alone? W-Were you playing with my feelings this entire time." Sara starts to have tears falling from her eyes when she hears Zhen's decision.

Zhen couldn't bear to see her cry as he hugged her tightly while reassuring her nothing will happen.

To soothe and calm her emotion, Zhen whispered softly in her ear, "Don't forget about my teleport ability. You agree with your father while waiting for me in the room so I can teleport with you."

Hearing about his teleporting idea, Sara brightens up as she was too emotional to forget about this.

She nodded happily while letting go of him to hug John's arm before telling Zhen to go already.

John didn't know about what Zhen talked to her to make her follow his decision but he gave a nodding. John was happy to allow his daughter to hold his arm before heading back.

'Sorry, Sara, I won't teleport back so I hope you can forgive me. This new dungeon is full of hidden danger and if something were to happen to you, I won't be able to forgive myself. I don't want another situation like my maid to occur.'

With a sigh, Zhen said to Kuro dejectedly, "Let's go Kuro, it's our official time to work together and tread on this danger."

"Yes Master, but I'm hungry," Kuro replied with a look filled with sadness as he could not eat breakfast.

Zhen's mouth twitched a bit at Kuro's remark. He was trying to have a cool moment as they head out and yet Kuro is thinking about food.

"Do poorly in this dungeon and I shall subtract the number of portions you can eat!" Zhen said coldly and walked faster.

Kuro whispers the word spoken by his Master since he was speaking too fast and when he manages to comprehend it.

He starts to sweat before hurrying to follow Master and determination shined in his eye as he would definitely do his best.

'Subtract my portion when I become addicted to the delicacy cuisine from the humans. You mind as well kill me then.'


Inner Core Area in Forest of Trove

'Damn, just walking to the inner core took so much time, and the ocean wave of people in here is really ruining the natural atmosphere.'

Zhen cursed inwardly when multiple people are gathering here when the forest is usually quiet and serene.

There was some mini store and multiple tents camping outside the entrance of the dungeon.

"Hehe, Roger, did you get anything good? I heard that your team met an extreme booby trap and almost had your entire team annihilated hahaha."

"Shut up Dylan, if I remember correctly, you just lost 5 members of your teammate and barely escaped with your butt shaking from running."

"How Dare you!"

When Zhen was walking near the dungeon, he heard two teams making fun of each other but they didn't dare to use magic as it would offend everyone here.

'Making fun of someone's misfortune but can't bear to have the favor return, what a joke.' Zhen was speechless by the idiots in here.

As Zhen continued to walk, he heard many more rules and regulations in this new dungeon.

Apparently, this new dungeon has already been managed by the City Lord, and that you'll have to pay for entry. Of course, the loot you obtain is yours and if you wished to sell it, they will gladly buy it from you.

It's the typical monopoly in which the powerful higher up gets profit without risking much.

Zhen would have done the same and made entry fees especially with a brand new dungeon with an unknown amount of wealth in front.

Just when Zhen was thinking about how he didn't want to pay, he saw someone that could help him.

Zhen can't help but smile at his gorgeous luck to encounter him here.

"Aaron Flare, What are you doing here?" Zhen shouted loudly so everyone could hear him.

Meanwhile, Aaron Flare shuddered and felt a chill running down his neck when he heard this familiar voice.

He turned around and saw the devil smile. He wants to run away but couldn't since it would only make things worse.

"Haha, it's ..." When Aaron wanted to speak of the name, he just realized that he didn't get to know his name before he ran away.

"Just call me Zhen, and you're planning on going to the dungeon too right? Bring me along since you'll know, I don't want to pay the entry fee." Zhen put his arm around Aaron's shoulder and stared deeply at him.

'Try to refuse my request and you'll get it.'

Without any choice, Aaron Flare gave an awkward smile and said "Of course, it'll be my pleasure to bring you with me."

Aaron wants to cry as he has to pay the entry fee despite it being managed by his father.

Otherwise, there'll be outrage for the unfair treatment since his father has said that the money obtained, 70% will be donated to charities while the remaining 30% will go to the tax fund.

Kuro could only shake his head and exclaimed in his mind, 'Master probably found a fool to leech around and suck him dry.'

As soon as Aaron Flare pays the entry fee for him and the two others who are basically threatening him, they enter the dungeon.

While the adventurer and mercenaries outside couldn't help but think about the relationship between Aaron Flare and Zhen.

"To think the arrogant Aaron Flare would act like a scared cat and pay for that boy, Zhen."

"Who knows? Maybe his background is even more impressive than the City Lord of the Town of Ash."

"That's probably true but whatever, this new dungeon is not their private playground and it's about whose fist is bigger."

They quickly ignored that small commotion as they continued to plan about how to explore the new dungeon.

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