Luck is a Charm

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Capture

While Zhen continues to listen to their conversation, Cecilia suddenly tells him to capture one of them if they decide to separate.

"I thought we were just eavesdropping and not trying to engage in a fight," Zhen asked her because he didn't know why she suggested something like this.

"They're not that strong for us to be cautious but I want to confirm something. If they have a symbol resembling one of the empyreans family then I may have an idea. If they don't have it then I can pry into their memories for information." Cecilia said in reply to Zhen.

Taking a few minutes to think, Zhen agreed with Cecilia's idea to just capture one of them.

The question is, who will be the person that should be captured? Zhen needs to find one weaker dog among this group because Situ Sheng is completely useless.

Capturing a fool will amount to zero value since they are probably too low-ranked to even access crucial information.

Zhen was not about to waste his time capturing such a useless person. Thus, he sent a mental transmission to Cecilia on who she thinks is the one who seemed useful.

The group consists of 5 people and they are all dressed up in a black robe, with some cloth covering their face, leaving only their eyes.

Zhen's cultivation is still too weak to determine their cultivation rank but Cecilia is different. 

She still retains her Sovereign realm so it should be relatively easy for her to detect the person who has some useful information for them.josei

Not even wasting much time, Cecilia told Zhen the ideal person to capture in this group is the most left side person.

Zhen would describe the person that Cecilia pointed more descriptively but they're almost identical to each other so even Zhen can't differentiate the difference between them in terms of appearance-wise.

'Does every bad guy love to wear the same thing? They really need to be more original.'

Zhen waited until they finished discussing a strategy that he has no interest in because they will fail for sure. 

Zhen was so bored to death and if it weren't for his body being fatigued, he would have just annihilated them.

These people are better off dying for committing all these crimes. Although Zhen is not a righteous person, he also wouldn't randomly commit a crime without any reason.

Zhen has his own limits and his motto is, you don't offend me, I don't offend you either. Offend me, and I will repay the favor 10 times in return.

Finally, waiting for nearly over 20 minutes, Zhen was about to flip out as they're speaking nonsense without any real information.

Once they started separating, three went to the South and one went with Situ Sheng, leaving that one person alone. This is truly insane because the one lonely person left is the person we decided to capture.

'Oh boy, your days are over little boy.' 

Zhen sneered in his mind as he waited for the signal from Cecilia. Although they have all split up, who knows if they will suddenly come back?

When Cecilia signals that it's safe to act, without any hesitation Zhen vanishes from his position and hits him in the direction that Cecilia tells me to hit.


No matter how strong you are, if that specific acupoint is targeted, then you will still be immobilized, and it takes time to undo the effect.

The time he needed to undo the effect is enough for me to bring him inside Cecilia's space where she is practically a god.


The person couldn't react in time as Zhen directly brought him inside the mysterious space. Once inside, the person finally removed his immobilized status from the acupoint that Zhen hit.

"You have a lot of guts to ambush me, little boy. This is your funeral for targeting the wrong person."

Meanwhile, Zhen yawns at his word because he can't believe there are even more fools like Situ Sheng. 

'No wonder why they didn't mind collaborating with him. Birds of the same feather flock together are really true.'

"Sure, I believe it's definitely a funeral. Unfortunately, that person will not be me but you instead, my lovely guinea pig." Zhen said with a smirk on his face.

As soon as Zhen finishes talking, he can feel the person emitting his cultivation and Zhen is excited. 

He has told Cecilia to let him fight to see how the actual cultivator truly fights.


The person suddenly increases his speed and Zhen was shocked because he did not expect him to be this swift, considering how easy it was for him to knock him out.

"Boy, did you really think we don't know that you're lurking despite hiding your aura? I have you know, I may be the weakest among our group but I'm the fastest. This is the reason why we split off so you can have your chance."

'Tch, getting so cheeky for a surprise attack aren't you.' Zhen grits his teeth and regains his composure before battling him in swiftness.


As they move like lightning, you can barely see their shadows and Zhen is only feeling more excited. 

'This is what an actual fight should be like.' 

Punching with his fist to counter the enemy, both of them were knocked back a bit.

Being knocked back, Zhen started rotating his qi to increase the concentration and punch him multiple times. 

Zhen would have used some overpowering technique but he didn't have the time to learn any besides the movement technique.

Zhen can only utilize flash point and his bare fist to win this fight. It may seem difficult but it's pretty easy to fight like this as you get used to it.

"Arghhh," The person screamed in agony when Zhen finally landed a direct hit on him.

The person was sent flying by Zhen who casually watched him as he crashed into the ground, almost like everything was going to his plan.

"My punch packs a ton and to think you dare be careless. Did you really think you are smart because you noticed my presence?"

Zhen smirked at him since they already knew that they discovered them but Cecilia told him it's alright. 

The dogs had planned to ambush Zhen by leaving their one man alone so they could figure out Zhen's plan for spying on them.

What a shame to them since their plan will definitely work on someone's inexperience. However, Zhen has a Sovereign who is many years old with wisdom so how could their third-rate plan work.

Zhen was just trying to act like a fool falling into their trap and made them think, a prey has fallen. He was smiling so much from how easy it was to fool them.

"Turns out, you knew about us separating was to trap you and you used that to your advantage huh." The person coughed a bit more blood when he found that he's the one who has fallen into a trap.

"Pretty much so don't feel bad about getting beaten by me since you're determined to fail either way," Zhen said without caring about the fact that he just confirmed his prediction.

They don't know about this secret space that Zhen can bring them into so by the time those people who split up come back.

All they will see is nothing, zero traces of the enemy. They will panic for sure since an unknown person was able to capture one of them swiftly.

The seed of caution will be planted in their mind and that's when mistakes usually happen. Being overly cautious is never a good thing.

You will always panic at little stuff, thinking a mysterious person with unknown power is capable of capturing them.

"Ah, you are still capable of standing up after eating my fist. My strength is still limited I guess." Zhen stopped in place and said casually to him when he got up slowly.

"Did you think a little punch will make me faint? Kid, I admire your courage but the game's over." Wiping off his blood, the person stretches his neck a bit before staring at Zhen maliciously.

Shaking his head, Zhen let out a small sigh. 'A fool really can't tell the situation apart. If I'm really at my end then how could I still be so relaxed?'

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