Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 107 Battle To The Death

Chapter 107 Battle To The Death

Vincent's breaths came in short gasps, his body a mess of broken bones and internal damage. The throbbing pain was unbearable, even for a man of his caliber. His healing abilities were trying to repair the damage, but it was a futile effort at this point. 

He was on the verge of giving up, but a sudden surge of anger jolted him awake. 

"This damn beast!" He seethed with anger, refusing to accept defeat so easily. He wouldn't allow this unknown creature to defeat him in such a humiliating manner. Was this the fruit of all his effort? He had worked so hard to become stronger, and this was just the first step.

All of his emotions erupted like a volcano, and he could feel something inside him awaken. It absorbed all of his frustration and released it in one go, empowering him with a new sense of strength.

"Who do you think you are, acting high and mighty in front of me?" he roared in fury as he felt his bones contort and crack, reshaping his form. Black fur sprouted from his skin, his limbs elongated, and his muscles bulged. He could feel the power coursing through him, like a raging river breaking through a dam

Finally, he transformed. This time his transformation was different. He was leaner, but taller. His leg muscles were now more toned and rippling. In his werewolf form, he felt invincible.

"Awooooooo" With a loud roar, he let out all his anger and frustration and , he charged towards the beast, his claws extended and ready to tear it apart. 


The sound of rushing air filled the cavern as his first step sent shockwaves through the ground, leaving a deep imprint in his wake. His body transformed into a sleek black fur, and he shot forward with incredible speed, faster than a speeding car.

The beast sensed danger and fear flooded its senses. Despite its size, it was heavily damaged by the earlier attack and its head still bled profusely. Normally, it would have had no trouble defeating Vincent, but now it was barely holding on. Still, it refused to show any weakness and charged forward, its massive claw aimed to strike the invader down once and for all.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ But Vincent was no ordinary opponent. His body moved instinctively, his adrenaline manipulation enhancing his reaction time. With agility and precision, he adeptly dodged the creature's claw , landed on it and launched himself upward, using its own body as a platform to reach its head.

He aimed for the already bleeding wound and plunged his fangs deep into its flesh. The creature roared in pain, but Vincent held on, drinking its blood and feeling his own strength returning. As he finished feeding, he leaped back down, landing on the cavern floor with a resounding thud.

The creature staggered back, weakened and barely able to stand. But it still had some fight left in it, and it lunged at him with a burst of energy.

The two clashed once again, exchanging powerful blows that echoed through the cavern. Vincent, being smaller and more agile, was able to maneuver around the creature and land strikes on its larger frame with ease. He targeted its eyes, mouth, stomach, and leg joints with expert precision.

He was in his werewolf form, but he found that he had more control than before. This was the result of his training in adrenaline manipulation. As a side effect, it had tempered his own willpower, allowing him to take charge even in the midst of his raging emotions.

Finally, he saw another opening. The creature was slightly off-balance, and he charged forward with a fierce roar, landing a blow right in its skull. This time, his strength was enough to penetrate its tough exterior. The beast roared in pain, but before it could retaliate, Vincent leapt into the air, coming down with a devastating blow to its head again.

The creature stumbled backwards, dazed, and he took advantage of the moment, landing another series of attacks, slashing its head with intent to kill . But the beast wasn't down yet. It let out a deafening roar, and Vincent could feel its head shake beneath his feet.

He quickly jumped backward to avoid any incoming attacks. Suddenly, the creature lunged forward with incredible speed, its clawed hand aiming for his head. He saw the creature's claw pass by him in slow motion. The beast was not holding back any punches.

Fortunately his instincts kicked in, and he twisted his body just in time and jump side way, narrowly avoiding the deadly blow. 

As he landed on his feet, his eyes locked onto the creature's movements, following every twitch and turn. 

He knew he had to be careful, one wrong move and he would be done for.

He stood there, trying to steady his breathing as he observed the beast in front of him. Despite being heavily wounded, it was still able to move. Vincent's senses suddenly heightened as he felt something amiss in the energy around him. He realized that the crystals surrounding the creature were the source of its power, and it was absorbing the energy from them.

He tried to absorb some of the energy himself, but he found it to be inefficient. His body wasn't accustomed to it yet, and he could only take in a mere 5% of the energy. He knew he had to act fast, or the creature would recover soon enough. Destroying the crystals was out of the question, as there were too many.  This was an endurance battle he could not afford to take.

"Awooooooo!" He made up his mind to attack the skull once more, clawing out its fragments. He had attempted to do so earlier, but the fragments seemed to have a will of its own as it moved around the creature's head. Making his previous attempt futile .josei

He leapt into the air and aimed a powerful blow at the creature's head, but it was ready for him. The beast's claw shot up, catching him midair and slamming him to the ground. Vincent groaned in pain, but he refused to give up. He quickly rolled to his feet and launched another attack, his claws flashing in the dim light.

The beast was slower this time, and Vincent was more determined. He dodged and weaved around the creature's attacks, his focus never wavering from the skull. Finally, he saw his opening when it was backed on a wall. With lightning speed, he lunged forward, his claws aiming it. The creature roared in fury and tried to dodge, but it was too slow.

Vincent's claws sliced through the air, striking the skull with incredible force. The skull shattered into a million pieces, sending shards of bone flying in all directions.


Blood spattered everywhere, but Vincent didn't stop. He kept attacking, his claws ripping everything a part, until finally the beast let out one final roar and collapsed to the ground, dead.


"Its.... finally.... over " He growled and stood there for a moment, breathing heavily, then he let out a triumphant howl that echoed through the cavern.

"Awoooooooo" The cave shook with a deafening howl that echoed through its walls, causing the tiny creatures that had spawned from the beast to scurry for cover.

They cowered behind rocks, whimpering in terror as they witnessed their mother's demise. The sound of their pitiful cries mingled with the echoes of her murderer howl, creating a haunting chorus of grief and agony that reverberated through the cavern.

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