Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 118 It's Showtime

Chapter 118 It's Showtime

"This is getting interesting," Vincent muttered to himself, his eyes focused intently on the unfolding events before him. Their original plan to ambush Larry's group had been disrupted by Angelie's sudden entrance, throwing a wrench in their carefully laid-out scheme.

His mind raced, analyzing the situation and considering the best course of action. The Ministry of Magica remained their primary target, and he knew they needed to seize this opportunity amidst the chaos to obtain the coveted item they sought.

"What should we do?" Isabella, looked to him for guidance. Evangeline told her to trust his battle IQ.

Vincent paused, contemplating their options.

"The Ministry of Magica is still hovering in the sky, and attempting to catch them in mid-air would be dumb. We should wait for them to land," he finally responded, a hint of determination in his voice. "I have a plan in mind that could give us the advantage we need."

Isabella nodded, placing her faith in Vincent's strategic prowess.

"Very well. Let's bide our time and prepare to strike when the moment is right. I trust you"

Vincent's eyes gleamed with a mixture of confidence and anticipation.

"Indeed. We'll make our move when the time is ripe, and the Ministry of Magica won't know what hit them. " he chuckled , the battle he had witnessed tonight awakened something inside him. 

As the group settled into their positions, the tension in the air thickened, each member aware that they were on the cusp of a pivotal moment in their mission. The battlefield brimmed with chaos and uncertainty, but  Vincent's secret plan held the promise of turning the tide in their favor.

The clash between Denise and Angelie was now filled with chaos, their powers colliding in a fierce struggle neither was willing to yield.

In this exhilarating showdown, Denise unleashed the full extent of her formidable abilities, demonstrating why she was hailed as the undisputed queen of DSAS. Darkness swirled around her, manifesting into a maelstrom of negative energy that surged with every move she made. Her very presence commanded respect and fear.

Yet, the operatives of the Vatican were far from losing. With each fallen angel, they conjured new ones, their summoning abilities proving relentless and unyielding. The sky became a divine battleground as the Artificial Angels materialized, their ethereal forms radiating a sense of divine power. Their maced gleamed with an otherworldly light, ready to strike at any moment.

Denise's eyes was filled with killing intent as she confronted the onslaught of these divine warriors. With every swing of her dark winds, she sliced through their ranks , their bodies dissolving into sparkling dust. But as one fell, another swiftly took its place, unyielding in their mission to bring her down.

In the sideline.

With their broomsticks energy on the brink of depletion, Larry's group made the decision to descend to the ground, their weary bodies yearning for solid footing. The relentless vibrations in the air sapped their broomsticks magical reserves at an alarming rate, demanding more energy than ever before.

As they touched down, their exhaustion became visible. Beads of sweat trickled down their faces, and their breathing grew labored. The strain of battle and the intense supernatural energy fluctuations took their toll, leaving them drained and in need of respite.

Larry's gaze swept across his comrades, their weariness mirrored in their eyes. The air crackled with the remnants of their expended powers, a testament to the magnitude of the conflict that had unfolded. It was clear that their strength was waning, and they needed a moment to regroup and recharge.

"Let's rest for now" he said with a caring tone .

Their landing served as a brief break from the chaotic battle field above. Grounded once more, they could catch their breath, center themselves, and gather the remnants of their depleted magic.josei

But it was a mistake for which they will pay dearly.

"Now!"With a buzzing sound that surpassed the swiftness of a powerful vampire, Vincent burst forth from his concealed position.

His vampiric abilities came to the forefront as he harnessed the power within, he also partially transformed the muscles in his legs to grant him an extraordinary boost in speed. While a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, unlocking 25% of its potent energy, propelling him to reach a mind-boggling velocity of 200 miles per hour. It was a speed that combined all his abilities into one super ability .

"Accelerate!" He screamed

His body became a blur as he tore through the battlefield, leaving a trail of gusting wind in his wake. The world around him seemed to slow down as his senses heightened, taking in every detail with remarkable clarity. 

He felt invincible, as if time itself had bent to his will. His movements were a blur of speed and agility, his reflexes honed to perfection. He weaved effortlessly through the chaos, avoiding obstacles and adversaries with an almost supernatural finesse.

"AAAAAAGHHHHHHH!" Larry's agonized scream pierced through the air, reverberating with raw, gut-wrenching pain.

It was followed by a collective gasp that escaped the lips of those witnessing the unthinkable. 

In that instant, his outstretched arms, tightly clutching the precious artifact, were brutally torn apart by an unseen assailant. The scene unfolded before their eyes like a nightmare, leaving them frozen in disbelief.

"Kill that thing !" Panic and anger welled up within the other wizards, their hands instinctively reaching for their wands, desperate to retaliate. But it was futile. Vincent, the source of their devastation, had vanished into the distance before they could even utter a spell.

"It's a vampire! Chase him!" one of the wizards yelled, his voice filled with urgency. They all knew that while vampires possessed incredible speed, their stamina was not as enduring. With Vincent's display of astonishing swiftness, they were confident that he wouldn't be able to outrun them for long.

Little did they know, their assumption about Vincent's nature was far from the truth. He was not a vampire, but rather a creature of the night with an entirely different origin. His veins pulsed with the untamed energy of the werewolf, granting him an endurance that knew no bounds. Unlike vampires whose strength waned when running too far. He possessed a stamina that matched his incredible speed.

His partially transformed leg muscles, a result of his lycanthropic lineage, provided him with the foundation to sustain his rapid pace. Each sinew and fiber had been honed to perfection, capable of withstanding the immense strain brought on by his lightning-quick movements. He was a force to be reckoned with, an embodiment of power and resilience that set him apart from mere vampires.

"It's too fast!"

The wizards, consumed by their mistaken beliefs, underestimated the true extent of Vincent's abilities. They raced after him, their determination fueled by misplaced assumptions. The wind whipped against their faces as they pushed their broomsticks to their limits, driven by the illusion of closing in on their prey.

But Vincent, powered by the unparalleled stamina of the werewolf, remained resolute. He defied their expectations, his endurance unyielding in the face of their relentless pursuit. 

The wizards, growing weary from their futile chase, struggled to comprehend the truth. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, their body heavy with exhaustion. Their wands, once held high, drooped with the weight of their misguided confidence. The tables had turned, and the true nature of Vincent's advantage became apparent.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you... at the finish line!"  Vincent zipped out with a mischievous grin, leaving his exhausted pursuers in the dust.

They thought they had won this day, but Vincent shattered all their hopes in an instant. 

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