Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 22 CH

Chapter 22 CH : 22

He walked through the hallway and noticed the plain and simple design of the school. The walls were painted in light blue and white, and the floor was made of white tiles.

As Vincent strolled around, his heightened senses made him aware of the gazes of several girls who were stealing glances at him. He could feel their eyes follow him as he passed by, and he could almost sense their heartbeats quicken in his presence.

The girls whispered and giggled amongst themselves, casting furtive glances in his direction. Some even stopped in their tracks to get a better look, blatantly staring at him with starry-eyed admiration.

Vincent, however, remained nonchalant and unaffected.He followed Sophia's scent until he reached the place where she was.

Finally, he saw her in the distance. She was surrounded by a group of girls, but he could tell she was uncomfortable.

"Bitch, stop acting like an angel? I'm sure that you let an old, ugly rich man under your skirt," she sneered, clearly enjoying her power over Sophia.

"Please, I don't want any trouble, Britney." she pleaded.

But Britney wasn't done yet.

"First, you tried to seduce my boyfriend, and now you just seduce a rich guy. You think you're somebody now?" Britney sneered and pushed Sophia's shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She knew she was innocent, but she was powerless against Britney's group.

She was feeling helpless and alone until she suddenly recalled Vincent's face. She wished that he would come to her rescue once again, but she knew that was unlikely.

Britney continued to taunt Sophia, with her friends snickering in the background. She felt like she was drowning in humiliation as the group closed in around her.

Suddenly, one of the girls poured a bottle of water over her head, drenching her clothes and hair.

Vincent couldn't take it any longer, the rage boiling inside him erupted like a volcano. He pushed his way to the crowd, and with a voice that thundered like a lion's roar, he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"The hell do you think you're doing to my girl?!"

The students who were surrounding Sophia and Britney's group were shocked and taken aback.

Vincent's eyes were like fire, piercing through Britney's group like a predator stalking its prey. Slowly and menacingly, he walked towards them, his heavy footsteps echoing through the hallway like a drumbeat.

Sophia on the other hand felt something completely different. Her heart skipped a beat as she heard his deep voice. She couldn't believe that he came to save her again. His voice sent shivers down her spine, but at the same time, it gave her a sense of security that she had never felt before.

She felt a wave of relief wash over her as he stood in front of her, shielding her from the bullies.

"I'm in love " she muttered to herself. Vincent's strong and dependable character had won her heart. She knew that he was just pretending to be her boyfriend, but she couldn't help but fall for him for real.

Britney was at a loss for words, her eyes sizing up Vincent as she struggled to speak. She had been in the company of wealthy men before, but Vincent was on another level. His clothing was from the most expensive brands, and his watch alone could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Suddenly, it all clicked into place for her. This man was the owner of the luxurious supercar that had turned heads earlier.

He gently wiped the water off of Sophia's face with a handkerchief, making sure to be delicate with her. She smiled up at him, feeling grateful for his protection.

He then turned his attention to Britney's group, his expression darkening as he glared at them. "Scram," he commanded, his voice cold and menacing. The group quickly scattered like rats, knowing that they were no match for someone like Vincent.

Sophia watched in awe as Vincent took control of the situation

His protective act towards Sophia earned him admiration not only from her, but also from the other students who witnessed the incident.


The news of Sophia dating a super rich guy spread like wildfire in the school. Everyone was talking about what happened and how Britney's group scattered like cowards once Vincent took action.

"Erick, we need to do something about this," he said. "We can't just let him get away with it."

Erick shook his head. "I don't know, man. It's not like he did anything wrong."

"But he embarrassed Britney's group in front of everyone," the teammate argued. "We can't let that slide."

Britney, who was standing nearby, spoke up. "Erick, please. You have to do something about this. You're the captain of the football team. You can't just let this go."

Erick sighed. His girlfriend could be so demanding sometimes. "Fine," he said. "I'll talk to the guys and see what we can do."


Vincent could not help but feel protective over Sophia after what happened at the school

"I think it's better if you just go home for today, I'll take you home first, " he said in a gentle manner .

"Okay "

He held her hand tightly as they walked out. She was still shaken from the incident, but Vincent's presence was enough to calm her down.josei

"Are you feeling alright?" he asked her softly.

"Yes, thank you for coming to my rescue," Sophia replied with a grateful smile.

Vincent couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that he was able to protect her. It was a feeling of superiority.

As they walked towards the parking lot, Sophia noticed a group of guys eyeing them from a distance. She knew they were the football team that Britney's group was associated with.

"Do you think they're going to cause trouble?" Sophia asked anxiously.

Vincent looked at her reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll handle it."

As they got closer, Vincent noticed that the guys looked like they were ready to start a fight. But Vincent wasn't one to back down from a challenge. He doesn't know how strong he had become, but his pretty sure he can beat the shit out of them without needing to transform.

The group hinder their path.

"Is there a problem?" Vincent asked in a deep voice.

The group started laughing before one of them spoke up. "You think you're tough, showing off your money and fancy car?"

Vincent didn't flinch. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now, if you don't have anything else to say, I suggest you leave before things get ugly."

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